Page 36 - AHATA
P. 36

                    Monday 5 March 2018

                                                                      40 years of Time Share: Aruba Shows World

                                                                      Leader Role from Beginning

                                                                      Continued on Page 16         mind,  the  professor  hinted  vice that came out of the
                                                                                                   that  there  is  need  for  dif-  research  is  for  time  share
                                                                      And, as ATA also confirmed,  ferent  experiences.  The  resort  owners  to  look  for
                                                                      they bring their family mem-  children  of  the  time  share  collaborations  with  other
                                                                      bers  along.  Their  percep-  owners  will  take  over  one  sectors to offer the guests a
                                                                      tion  of  the  experience  of  day  and  expectations  of  variety of experiences.
                                                                      the  time  share  scores  very  the  vacation  experience  That  will  attract  new  po-
                                                                      high.  The  service,  accom-  will  therefore  change.  The  tential buyers too. Work on
                                                                      modation,     environment,  beaches,     weather   and  your marketing, as the pro-
                                                                      beaches, local people and  people will not be sufficient  fessor stated.
                                                                      climate are all factors that  anymore  to  make  the  dif-  “Put a tent at the carnival
                                                                      contribute to this high satis-  ference. Aruba would need  parades where your guests
                                                                      factory score.               to  look  further  and  offer  can enjoy this local cultural
                                                                                                   different  experiences.  The  phenomenon  or  set  up  a
                                                                      Different Experiences        average  sum  of  spending  dinner  with  locals  on  the
                                                                      Now with the climbing age  per  day  of  the  time  share  beach, just to name some
                                                                      of the time share owner in  guests  is  $  112.05.  An  ad-  ideas.”q

            Loyal Visitor Honored at the Playa Linda Beach Resort

                                                                                                   were  presented  by  Ms.  Authority,  together  with
                                                                                                   Emely  Ridderstaat  repre-   associates  from  the  Playa
                                                                                                   senting  the  Aruba  Tourism  Linda Beach Resort.q

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  guests  who  visit  Aruba  for  of  the  friendly  people,  the
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  35-or-more    consecutive  weather, the beaches, the
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  years.                    restaurants,  the  Casinos,
            of  honoring  a  very  special                            and  just  about  everything
            couple  as  Emerald  Am-     The  honorees  for  Emerald  else! They say being on the
            bassadors  of  Aruba  at  the  Ambassador were Mr. Marc  island is like being in para-
            Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort.  and Mrs. Agnes Cabot, cel-  dise and that Aruba is truly
            The symbolic honorary title  ebrating their 51st consec-  their   ‘home-away-from-
            is presented in the name of  utive annual visit to Aruba!  home.’
            the  Minister  of  Tourism  as  These  special  guests  love  The  certificate  and  com-
            tokens  of  appreciation  to  Aruba very much because  memorative  emerald  coin
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