Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
local Saturday 18 January 2025
Aruba: Best Caribbean Island to Buy Real Estate
vironmental protection over- and adherence to the rule of
growth and closely monitoring law.
the island's carrying capacity. 4. Banking and Financing Bank-
Aruba is aiming for quality over ing and financing processes
quantity, focusing on higher- for foreign investors are stream-
income tourists. However, de- lined, with attractive mortgage
mand for oceanfront condos loan rates available.
continues to rise. The potential 5. Safety and Security An island’s
for price appreciation is clear, security measures and overall
with supply being constrained safety record can significantly
Overview It makes sense to consider invest- and demand high. affect real estate values. Aru-
The Caribbean real estate market ing in real estate with bond interest 2. Flight Accessibility and Loca- ba ranks No. 1 in this regard.
is witnessing an unprecedented rates declining and the stock mar- tion Aruba offers over 16 daily 6. No Currency nor Capital Re-
boom, driven by its proximity to ket at a historic high. Aruba real flights to and from the US and strictions The US dollar is wide-
the US, Canada, and Europe, its estate shows great promise when Canada, reaching 28 direct ly used in Aruba, simplifying
laid-back lifestyle, and year-round analyzed individually, due to its lo- destinations, including Europe transactions for international
sunshine. Whether you’re consider- cation outside the hurricane belt, and Latin America. Plus, it of- investors. There’s no need to
ing a permanent relocation, seek- its established infrastructure, and its fers the convenience of clear- worry about fluctuating ex-
ing a holiday retreat, or eyeing a international reputation as a high- ing US immigration before change rates, as the Aruban
lucrative investment opportunity, end destination. We particularly boarding return flights. Florin is pegged to the dollar,
there’s an island in the Caribbean favor prime locations, especially 3. Economic and Political Stabil- and there are no capital re-
that perfectly suits your needs. those with views of the Caribbean ity As part of the Kingdom of strictions. You can forecast ex-
However, choosing the best Carib- Sea. the Netherlands, Aruba ben- penses and returns without the
bean island to buy real estate re- efits from a sound legal system unpredictability of currency
quires a deep dive and a thorough Aruba meets all the criteria for in- fluctuations.
understanding of the markets. vesting in Caribbean real estate 7. Established Caribbean Markets
1. Potential for Price Appreciation Exploring established Caribbe-
Stability and growth are key when Aruba’s real estate is poised for an real estate markets is a wise
discussing Caribbean real estate. significant growth, as its prices starting point when diving into
The region has consistently dem- remain well below other com- Caribbean real estate invest-
onstrated resilience and upward parable islands like the Baha- ing. These markets offer a mix
property value trends, making it mas, Barbados, Turks & Caicos, of stability and luxury that at-
an attractive place for investment. St. Martin, St. Kitts & Nevis, or tracts a steady flow of investors
Caribbean real estate offers not Puerto Rico, and even South and tourists alike.
only a peaceful retreat but also Florida. There is a moratorium
the potential for significant appre- on new condominium devel- Don't miss out. The time to invest in
ciation and rental income. opments and hotels, as the Aruban real estate is now!q
government is prioritizing en-
Feeling parched? Grab refreshment by the side of the road!
(Oranjestad)—Touring the island in fect during family outings around
the blistering heat can leave one the island, these stands can be
feeling rather thirsty and looking found in the following locations:
to cool off. Luckily there are a few - Near the red Anchor in San
stands along the roads of Aruba Nicolas
that can offer you just what you - On the Linear Park in Oran-
need: a nice, refreshing beverage! jestad (in front of airport runway)
- At the California Light
These “coconut stands” can be House hill
found at several locations on the - Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruin
island, where you can cool off with - Bushiribana Beach (Near
delicious smoothies, drinks, snacks, the Ling & Song Supermarket)
and of course, fresh coconuts! Per-