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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
GOP, Dems seek political boost from Renee Servello:
student loan debt plan “If you go on vacation
with me, you might end
up in my book!”
Page 7
President Joe Biden speaks about student loan debt forgiveness in the Roosevelt Room of the
White House, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022, in Washington. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Mary Joan Foundation:
listens at right.
Associated Press “Right now we need
By MEG KINNARD “plays right in line with the GOP’s current a lot of help from the
Associated Press brand of grievance and victimization poli-
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — To Democrats tics,” conservative strategist Chip Felkel
championing the White House’s student said, “giving them another rallying point to community”
loan forgiveness plan, it was the long- fire up their base and maybe attract some
awaited delivery of one of President Joe like-minded independents who see this
Biden’s campaign promises. action as ‘unfair.’”
To Republicans — and even some in the Both the White House and some of Biden’s
president’s own party — it was an ill-ad- top allies argued that it was instead Re-
vised move that was unfair to those who publicans who were focused on the elite
had diligently paid back their loans or de- and that the potential beneficiaries of the
cided not to go to college. student loan debt relief include more than
In the student debt relief plan, both par- just the wealthy.
ties see an opportunity to boost their own “Who paid the piper?” asked U.S. House
political message ahead of the critical No- Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, one of Biden’s
vember midterm elections. While Demo- top congressional allies, pointing to Re-
crats contended that the loan forgiveness publican-passed tax cuts for the wealthy
would provide a lifeline for struggling work- and big corporations in 2017 under the
ing-class families, Republicans charged Trump administration as the real iniquity.
that it’s a giveaway to the “elites.” Page 11
For the midterms, the elitist rhetoric tactic Continued on Page 2