Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
local Saturday 27 auguSt 2022
Renee Servello:
“If you go on vacation with me, you might end up in my book!”
Renee Servello is full of life, phile who runs room service
laughter and love for Aru- in the hotel.” The day we
ba. And now, she is ready met, they were going out
to share this with the world. for lunch with Annie.
Her latest book, Humor All
The Way, contains humor- What makes Aruba so spe-
ous stories that prove that cial for Renee is her special
laughter is the best medi- relationships with the peo-
cine. ple. “You can go to other
islands, but the people are
We spoke with Servello this not that friendly. You hear
week, during her 27th visit everybody say that Aruba
to the island, and she told is a friendly island, but it re-
us how it all started. “Ini- ally is. We travel a lot, and
tially we came on a pack- it’s really friendly! This is like
age deal and we stayed at home for us.”
La Cabana, for two years”,
she says. “The second year Renee sees humor in every-
we were at La Cabana, thing, and probably, she
we were reading the news- will write it down. Anthony
paper and it said that the told us that their drawers at
Marriott hotel was opening home are filled with cards
up the next day, it would on which Renee writes
be the first day.” Because funny stories, which even-
Renee and her husband tually resulted in her sec-
Anthony are Marriott mem- ond book, Humor All The
bers, they dashed to the Way. However, she worked keting, and so she went she says. However, she be- our families and in our lives.
place and met Scott, the in retail for 30 years, “and with them a year ago. lieves on focusing in the However, if you can, find
general manager oversee- therefore I couldn’t focus little positive, funny and up- something to laugh about.
ing the construction of the on what I love”, she said. She has been travelling the lifting moments in life. “I’m It helps you”, she added.
hotel, and he gave them “But I would write, when I U.S. doing book signings, not laughing at anybody “I think it helps your body if
a tour. There was an old was travelling for my job, and her book is available who has loss or illness, be- you can laugh and enjoy
frame of a building aban- on the plane, I would write in various countries in North cause we all have that in life a little bit.”q
doned nearby, “and so we down funny things I had America, Europe, Australia,
took Scott outside and we seen, and crammed them New Zealand, Japan, and
said ‘Scott, get a timeshare in drawers for years. And most recently, Colombia.
over there!’, and this is the then in 2017, I said to An- “These little books are trav-
timeshare that they built”, thony ‘enough! I feel like elling, they’re busy!” And
she said referring to the writing down some of the now, her company Read-
Marriott Ocean Club. stupid things that make me ers Magnet “is like family
laugh’, so I started writing to me”, and she calls them
“Through the years we’ve again, and thought, this her “power rangers”.
met a lot of the employees, might make a book”. That
and we’re still friends with a went well, but her publish- Whenever she takes vaca-
lot of them”, Renee com- ing company was not very tions, Renee is in the habit
mented. “One of them, she good with marketing. One of writing a synopsis of the
married a Dutchman here, day, “out of the blue”, a adventures and happen-
they went to Holland and company from San Diego ings during the trip, no mat-
then we visited them in Hol- got in touch with her, and ter the length of the vaca-
land. You can’t get rid of “they wanted to pursue my tion. “Of course I embellish,
us Servellos!” she said with second book”. They be- I make it very funny. But
a laugh. “We’re real good lieved that the book could there have been so many
friends with Annie Theo- do better with some mar- stories during the years, I
can keep writing. In fact,
my company wants to
bring a series out of [my
book].” The second book
in the humor series, “Hu-
mor Never Takes A Break”,
is coming out next. “It just
goes on and on and on!”
Renee’s philosophy is that
humor is the medicine for
life. “In my head, that’s
what helps you along. I’m
not Polyanna. Everyone
has losses in their life. Even
me, I lost my father at 4”,