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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 3 June 2023

            Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors at Tamarijn All Inclusive Resort

                                                       35 years or more consecutively.             as  their  home-away-from-   to choose from
                                                       The three honoring levels are as follows:   home.                        Hearing  and  saying  the
                                                       Distinguished  Visitor  (10>years  consecu-  Top  reasons  for  returning  word  “Mi  dushi”  –  My
                                                       tively visiting Aruba)                      to  Aruba,  provided  by  Mr.  sweetheart
                                                       Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecu-      Thomas & Mrs. Sonya were:
                                                       tively visiting Aruba)                      Aruba’s warm and friendly  On  behalf  of  the  Aruba
                                                       Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecu-       people whom always treat  Tourism      Authority,   we
                                                       tively visiting Aruba)                      them like family             would  like  to  express  our
                                                                                                   Aruba’s  year-round  sunny  sincere  gratitude  and  ap-
            The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had   The honorees were:                          weather – It is always sunny  preciation to Mr. Thomas &
            the  great  pleasure  to  recognize  Distin-  Distinguished Visitors                   here!                        Mrs. Sonya for their contin-
            guished  Visitors  of  Aruba.  These  Distin-  Mr. Thomas E. Brown & Mrs. Sonya D. Van   The safety of the island   ued visits to the “One Hap-
            guished  Visitors  were  respectively  hon-  Norden from Connecticut, United States.   The variety of fun activities  py Island”.q
            ored with a certificateacknowledging their
            years of visits, loyalty, and love for the is-  Ms. Kimberley Richardson representing the
            land of Aruba.                             Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and  staff  mem-   Heat advisory in effect until
                                                       bers of theTamarijn All Inclusive Resort be-
            The honor certification is presented on be-  stowed theDistinguished Visitor certificate      6am on the 6th of June
            half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of   to the honorees, presented themwith gifts,
            appreciation and to say “Masha Danki” to   and also thankedthem for choosing Aruba
            guests whom have visited Aruba 10, 20, or   as  theirfavorite  vacation  destination  and   A weak pressure gradient due to a disturbance at dif-
                                                                                                    ferent levels will cause  a weak variable wind flow. This
            Aruba to me                                                                             feature will remain in place until the disturbance clears
                                                                                                    the caribbean area.

            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  website,  Instagram  and                                       High temperatures from Friday through Tuesday should
            back and we would like to  Facebook  page!  Thank                                       range  from  34  to  36  degrees  Celsius  with  humidity  in
            portrait you! By inviting you  you for supporting our free                              the  low  to  high  80’s  and  90’s.  This  will  make  for  heat
            to send us your favorite va-  newspaper,  we  strive  to                                index values (apparent temperatures) around 40 to 45
            cation picture while enjoy-  make you a happy reader                                    degrees each day.
            ing our Happy Island.        every day again.
                                         For  today  we  received  a                                The heat and humidity will not subside much at night
            Complete  the  sentence:  lovely  message  from  Erica                                  with temperatures only dropping into the high 20’s, at
            Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  and  Angelo  Dania  from  a long story short, we were     27  to  28  degrees  Celsius.  This  will  add  to  the  danger
            your  picture  with  that  text  Cincinnati,   Ohio.   They  married  in  2006,  had  our   for people who cannot find a way to adequately cool
            (including  your  name  and  wrote to us saying; “A teen-  daughter,  Sophia,  in  2009.   down.
            where  you  are  from)  to:  age  dream  come  true.  I  We  have  visited  Aruba
    met  my  Aruban  husband,  nearly  every  year  since              Excessive heat is the number one weather killer. People
            and  we  will  publish  your  Angelo  Dania,  in  Cincin-  2005.  Our  daughter  was    should  be  prepared  for  the  dangers  excessive  heat
            vacation    memory.    Isn’t  nati, Ohio, in the U.S., when  baptized  there,  in  Sava-  poses. Young children, elderly people and those with
            that a special way to keep  we were 14. It was 1986.  I  neta.                          illnesses or heart conditions are at the most risk.
            your  best  moments  alive?  fell in love with the island of
            Please do note: By submit-   Aruba  even  though  I  had  We  have  a  lot  of  family   Limit outdoor activities too early in the morning or until
            ting photos, text or any oth-  never been there. It sound-  there  that  we  like  to  visit,   evening. If you have an air conditioner, use it or at least
            er  materials,  you  give  per-  ed  so  mystical  and  almost  which  is  a  bonus!  Aruba   open windows and allow air to circulate.
            mission to The Aruba Today  unimaginable  to  my  im-     is  now  in  my  blood,  after
            Newspaper,      Caribbean  pressionable, city girl mind!    13+ trips. After many years   Precautionary/preparedness actions
            Speed  Printers  and  any  of  I  had  moved  away  from  of  dreaming.  There’s  just   A heat advisory means that a period of hot temper-
            its  affiliated  companies  to  Cincinnati,  when  we  were  no  word  for  it.  Aruba-One   atures is expected. The combination of hot tempera-
            use  said  materials,  as  well  almost 16. After a long ab-  Happy Island!”            tures and high humidity will combine to create a situa-
            as names, likeness, etc. for  sence, we reconnected in  Thank you for sending us this   tion in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of
            promotional purposes with-   2004,  when  I  moved  back  wonderful message sharing     fluids (mostly water), stay in an air-conditioned room,
            out compensation. Last but  to  Cincinnati.    We  were  what Aruba means to you        stay out of the sun.q
            not  least:  check  out  our  now 30 years old. To make  with us and our readers! q
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