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Wednesday 22 January 2025
Trump’s first full day back in White House includes firings and an
infrastructure announcement
By MICHELLE L. PRICE join Trump in the afternoon
Associated Press to announce the creation
WASHINGTON (AP) — of a new company called
President Donald Trump Stargate, which would in-
is spending his first full day vest up to $500 billion over
back in the White House the next four years in AI in-
meeting with congressio- frastructure, according to
nal leaders, announcing the White House.
an investment in artificial Stargate intends to start
intelligence infrastructure building the project in Tex-
and demonstrating one of as.
his favored expressions of Trump also attended a na-
power: firing people. tional prayer service Tues-
The new president posted day morning at Washing-
on his Truth social media ton National Cathedral,
network early Tuesday that a customary visit for new
he would fire more than presidents and one that
1,000 presidential appoin- will wrap up his four days
tees “who are not aligned of inauguration-related
with our vision,” including events.
some high-profile names. President Donald Trump, from left, salutes alongside first lady Melania Trump, Vice President JD One of the speakers at the
Trump fired chef and hu- Vance and his wife Usha Vance during the national prayer service at the Washington National interfaith service, the Right
manitarian Jose Andres Cathedral, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Washington. Rev. Mariann Budde, the
from the President’s Coun- Associated Press Episcopal bishop of Wash-
cil on Sports, Fitness and ington, used her sermon to
Nutrition, retired Gen. send a message to Trump,
Mark Milley from the Na- urging compassion for LG-
tional Infrastructure Advi- BTQ+ people and undocu-
sory Council, former State mented migrant workers.
Department official Brian “You have felt the provi-
Hook from the board of dential hand of a loving
the Wilson Center and for- God. In the name of our
mer Atlanta Mayor Keisha God, I ask you to have
Lance Bottoms from the mercy on the people in our
President’s Export Council. country who are scared
“YOU’RE FIRED!” Trump said now,” said Budde, who has
in his post his catchphrase criticized Trump before.
from his reality TV show, Asked afterward by a re-
“The Apprentice.” porter what he thought
Former President Joe Biden of the service, Trump said:
also removed many Trump “Not too exciting was it. I
appointees in his first days didn’t think it was a good
in office, including former service. They could do
press secretary Sean Spicer much better.” Later in the
from the board overseeing day, the president was
the U.S. Naval Academy. expected to meet with
Trump was set to continue House Speaker Mike John-
building on his barrage son and Senate Major-
of Inauguration Day an- ity Leader John Thune and
nouncements on Tuesday other GOP legislators. It’s
with plans to announce a the first formal sit-down for
new partnership to invest in the GOP leadership teams,
artificial intelligence. including House Majority
Three major business lead- Leader Steve Scalise, Sen-
ers SoftBank Group CEO ate GOP Whip John Barras-
Masayoshi Son, OpenAI so and the new president,
CEO Sam Altman and Or- as they chart priorities for
acle Corp. Chairman Larry using Republican power in
Ellison were scheduled to Washington.q