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Wednesday 22 January 2025
Cocktails with a Story:
Caya House Brings a Unique Flavor Experience to Aruba
This season, Caya House invites
guests to discover a cocktail
menu that blends unique flavors
from Latin America and the Ca-
ribbean into every drink. Under
the direction of mixologist David
Posada, each cocktail at Caya
House tells a story, designed to
take guests on a sensory journey
that captures the vibrant essence
of the region through every ingre-
“At Caya, we believe cocktails
are more than just drinks. They’re
an opportunity to experience the
distinctive flavors and aromas of
our lands,” says David Posada,
mixologist. Each cocktail is crafted
with precision, combining modern • Tu Corazon: A standout drink the creativity behind each one.
and traditional techniques with with açai-infused cacha- Caya House also features its sig- With this unique offering, Caya
exotic fruits, spices, and artisanal ca and a hint of raw sugar, nature Lulada, made with Flor de House continues to stand out as
spirits. topped with a crisp slice of Caña rum infused with lulo, con- an iconic destination for those in
red beet for a unique, earthy densed milk, and lime leather— search of authentic Caribbean
Among the menu favorites are: finish. a perfect balance of sweetness flavors in Aruba.
• Warawara: A refreshing mix of • Un Recuerdo: A bold fusion of and freshness for those seeking a
Caravella orancello, Sloe gin, mezcal with tree tomato, but- tropical twist. Caya House invites alike to enjoy
pumpkin spice, and banana ter infused with parmesan and this innovative cocktail menu in
syrup, served over spear ice. shiitake, green tea cordial, These cocktails are part of the the heart of Palm Beach, Aruba.
This cocktail evokes the es- and green chartreuse. Perfect “Caya Experience,” with a wider Each drink is a celebration of Lat-
sence of autumn in the trop- for those looking for a robust, variety of options for guests to ex- in-Caribbean culture and flavor!q
ics. one-of-a-kind experience. plore, notes David, highlighting
Aruba: The island of Aloes
ORANJESTAD – Aloe vera, a succu- ful laxative, and it is also the origin of 19th century, Aruba was the main fact is that in 1951, the production of
lent plant species, is renowned for the industry of aloe in Aruba. supplier of aloin for laxative, which Aruban aloe amounted to around
its incredible properties for the skin. According to the website of Royal was imported abroad to the United 30 percent of the total global pro-
It is widely distributed and usually Aruba Aloe, Aloe vera was intro- States and Europe. The aloin from duction!
grows in tropical, semi-tropical and duced in Aruba around 1840, when Aruba and Curaçao was known to
arid climates on the planet. But this most of the island’s inhabitants were be one of the best in the world and The impact and relevance of aloe is
plant also had a very prominent role farmers of little means. Dutch Gover- was more expensive, which meant visible all around Aruba. While most
in the history of Aruba, and its sig- nor Van Raders introduced the plant that at the time, it had significant homes will have a few plants for per-
nificance to the island’s economy after it had been introduced in other economic impact, particularly for sonal use and decoration, houses
endures to this day. islands of the Caribbean to cultivate the local farmers. are also decorated with aloe motifs,
and harvest the aloe to produce the and at some point, aloe even fea-
The leaves of Aloe vera contain a laxative. However, by the time the oil industry tured on post stamps. Around 1920,
good amount of gel which when Around 1920, about two-thirds of arrived on Aruba, it changed the about two-thirds of Aruba was aloe
used topically, is great for the skin. Aruba was aloe fields, earning our labor market on Aruba, shifting away fields, earning our island the nick-
Traditionally, Arubans use this gel island the nickname “The Island of from agriculture. It would be after name “The Island of Aloes.” And
to treat minor burns and other skin Aloes.” World War II that aloe would make in 1955, the aloe became a part of
ailments, or just to keep skin supple Under Commander Jan Helenus a comeback. And eventually, as sci- Aruba’s coat of arms, symbolizing
and looking bright and nourished. Ferguson (1866-1871), aloe experi- ence learned about the amazing prosperity for the island.q
Aside from the gel, aloe contains enced a boom, which is why there properties of aloe gel, the industry
a bitter, yellow substance (called is a road named after him, which shifted from producing laxative to Images from the archive of the Na-
aloin) which is a gentle but power- goes through the aloe fields. In the producing skin care. An interesting tional Library of Aruba.