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               Thursday 27 February 2020
            Brazil confirms first coronavirus case in Latin America

            By MARCELO DE SOUSA and                                                                                             more  than  3,000  masks  on
            MAURICIO SAVARESE                                                                                                   Wednesday.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    "We are already short and it
            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —                                                                                           isn't even the beginning of
            Brazil's  government  con-                                                                                          the afternoon," he said.
            firmed on Wednesday that                                                                                            Attendance  was  light  at
            a 61-year-old Brazilian man                                                                                         many schools in downtown
            who  traveled  to  Italy  this                                                                                      Sao Paulo and there were
            month  has  Latin  America's                                                                                        few  customers  in  Chinese
            first  confirmed  case  of  the                                                                                     shops and restaurants.
            new coronavirus spreading                                                                                           Sao   Paulo's   stock   ex-
            worldwide.                                                                                                          change,  which  had  been
            "We  will  now  see  how  this                                                                                      closed  since  Friday  due
            virus  behaves  in  a  tropi-                                                                                       to  the  Carnival  holiday,
            cal  country  in  the  middle                                                                                       was  down  5%  shortly  after
            of summer, how its behav-                                                                                           2  p.m.,  which  economist
            ior  pattern  will  be,"  Brazil's                                                                                  André  Perfeito  attributed
            Health  Minister  Luiz  Hen-                                                                                        to  "the  global  outbreak  of
            rique  Mandetta  said  in  a                                                                                        coronavirus,  not  necessar-
            press conference.                                                                                                   ily  its  arrival  here."  Global
            The Brazilian man spent two                                                                                         stock  markets  had  dipped
            weeks  in  northern  Italy's                                                                                        sharply  while  the  Brazilian
            Lombardy region on a work                                                                                           exchange was closed.
            trip,  where  he  contracted   Airport  employees  wear  masks  as  a  precaution  against  the  spread  of  the  new  coronavirus   Four years ago, Latin Amer-
            the  contagious  virus,  the   COVID-19 as they work at the Sao Paulo International Airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Wednesday,   ica's  largest  country  found
            Health Ministry said.        Feb. 26, 2020.                                                        Associated Press   itself under the microscope
            Authorities  had  already                                                                                           as  the  spreading  Zika  vi-
            said  Tuesday  evening  that   show  symptoms  compat-    was in stable condition and  tion, as are with passengers   rus  was  linked  to  cases  of
            a  first  laboratory  test  for   ible with the illness, such as  in isolation at home in Sao  from the plane.      microcephaly  in  babies
            the  COVID-19  virus  had  a   a  dry  cough,  throat  pain  Paulo.                    "Our healthcare system has   just  ahead  of  the  summer
            positive  result,  and  were   and flu symptoms. Lombar-  Brazil's   national   health  already  undergone  grave   Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
            waiting for a second test to   dy  is  the  epicenter  of  the  agency  Anvisa  has  been  respiratory  epidemics  be-  Brazil's   response   was
            confirm it.                  outbreak in Italy, and there  working to map all contact  fore,"  Mandetta  said.  "We   deemed  adequate  by  in-
            Since  the  virus  began  to   have  been  hundreds  of  the  man  had  with  others,  will  get  through  this  situa-  ternational   organizations
            spread    throughout    the   confirmed  cases  there  as  and on Tuesday requested  tion,  investing  in  science,   and  its  public  health  care
            world  from  China,  Brazil   well as several deaths.     the manifest of the flight he  research  and  clear  infor-  system  handled  most  cas-
            and  other  countries  in  the   Sao  Paulo's  Albert  Einstein  took  to  investigate  other  mation."             es,  though  medicine  was
            region   have    registered   Institute, where the man re-  possible cases.            Residents  of  the  biggest   in short supply in many iso-
            dozens of suspected cases,   ceived  medical  attention,  The Health Ministry said that  city  in  Latin  America  were   lated  areas  of  the  North-
            all of which previously had   carried out respiratory tests,  the  man  received  some  beginning to acknowledg-    east  region.  Some  foreign
            been  discarded  following   and the Adolfo Lutz Institute  30  family  members  at  his  ing the risks of an epidemic   sports fans and competitors
            tests.                       in the same city carried out  home after returning to Sao  Thiago Alves, the manager   still canceled their plans to
            According  to  the  Health   the  subsequent  test  con-  Paulo  on  Feb.  21.  Those  of drugstore in central Sao   attend South America's first
            Ministry, the man began to   firming  the  virus  The  man  people are under observa-  Paulo,  said  he  had  sold   Olympics. q

               Ex-DEA agent, wife, to leave Puerto Rico, face trial in U.S.

               By DANICA COTO                                                                      to Washington.              edly  ordered  DEA  staff
               Associated Press                                                                    The  couple  declined  to  to  wire  money  slated  for
               SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico                                                            speak and left the federal  undercover stings to inter-
               (AP)  —  A  former  anti-                                                           courtroom after the hear-   national accounts he con-
               drug  agent  and  his  wife,                                                        ing.                        trolled.
               charged  with  diverting                                                            “They  are  covered  by  Authorities  also  accused
               money  from  the  Drug  En-                                                         the  presumption  of  inno-  him  of  sharing  sensitive
               forcement  Administration                                                           cence,” defense attorney  law enforcement informa-
               and  aiding  Colombian                                                              José Novas told The Asso-   tion  with  co-conspirators,
               traffickers, on Wednesday                                                           ciated Press, declining fur-  including  a  Colombian
               agreed to have their case                                                           ther comment.               public  official  and  an  al-
               held in the U.S. mainland.                                                          The couple were arrested  leged  drug  trafficker  and
               José  Irizarry  clasped  the                                                        in  Puerto  Rico  last  week  money  launderer  who  is
               leg  of  Nathalia  Gómez-                                                           and  released  on  $10,000  godfather to the couple’s
               Irizarry  as  the  couple  sat                                                      bond each. They are now  children.
               quietly  in  Puerto  Rico’s   This  June  13,  2016  file  photo  shows  Drug  Enforcement   scheduled  to  appear  in  Some of the money alleg-
               federal  court  for  an  hour   Administration (DEA) agents in Florida.             court in Florida next month  edly  was  used  to  buy  a
               before the  hearing, bare-                                         Associated Press  in  a  case  whose  star  wit-  $30,000  Tiffany  diamond
               ly  talking.  They  face  a                                                         ness is a former DEA infor-  ring,  a  2017  Lamborghi-
               19-count  federal  indict-  proceeds  diverted  from  peatedly won praise from  mant.                           ni  Huracan  Spyder  and
               ment  in  which  Irizarry  is  the DEA.                 superiors.  He  resigned  in  Irizarry  is  accused  of  fil-  a  home  in  Puerto  Rico,
               accused  of  conspiring  to  He  joined  the  agency  January  2018  after  being  ing  false  reports  starting  where  the  couple  had
               launder  millions  in  drug  in  Miami  in  2009  and  re-  transferred from Colombia  around  2011  and  alleg-  been living.q
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