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Saturday 3 February 2024 locAl

            Episode C -100 Musical Instruments

                                                                      go  typically  has  10  strings
                                                                      (5  sets  of  2  strings  strung
                                                                      very  close  together)  but
                                                                      can  have  up  to  20  strings.
                                                                      The  first  story  says  that  the
                                                                      native  peoples  loved  the
                                                                      sound  of  the  Vihuela  (an
                                                                      ancestor of the classic gui-
                                                                      tar). However, they lacked
                                                                      the  knowledge  and  tech-
                                                                      nology  to  make  the  vi-

                                                                      So they made it with what
                                                                      they had available (arma-
                                                                      dillo  shells).  Another  story
                                                                      says  that  the  Spaniards
                                                                      prohibited   natives   from
                                                                      practicing  their  ancestral
                                                                      music,  and  that  the  cha-
                                                                      rango was a successful at-
                                                                      tempt to make a lute that
            We  want  to  start  this  100th  When  the  Spanish  con-  could be easily hidden un-
            episode  by  thanking  and  quistadors  came  to  South   der  a  garment  such  as  a
            celebrating the opportunity  America, they brought the    poncho.  It’s  believed  the
            that Aruba Today has given  vihuela (an ancestor of the   charango  came  into  its
            Etnia Nativa to transmit and  classical guitar) with them.   present  form  in  the  early
            share  culture  through  our  The  charango  may  have    18th  century  in  the  city  of
            weekly  space  and  as  in  evolved  from  the  vihuela,   Potosí  in  the  Royal  Audi-
            any  celebration  there  are  bandurria  (mandolin),  or   encia  of  Charcas  part  of
            musical  instruments,  today  the  lute.  Experts  “charan-  the  Viceroyalty  of  Peru  (in
            we want to share with you  guistas”, have noted char-     what  is  present-day  Boliv-
            our  dear  followers  and  tell  acteristics of the charango   ia), probably from Amerin-
            you regarding one special  in  various  vihuelas  and     dian  contact  with  Spanish
            music  instrument  that  oc-  guitars  of  the  16th  centu-  settlers. Because the mod-
            cupies  a  special  place:  ry,  and  maintains  that  the   ern  countries  of  Peru  and  is difficult to trace the cha-  mains highly debated. The
            “Charango”.                  charango is the direct de-   Bolivia  had  not  yet  been  rango’s origin to a specific   first published historic infor-
                                         scendant of the vihuela.     established  at  the  time,  it  country,  and  the  issue  re-  mation  on  the  charango
            We  know  that  healing                                                                                             may  be  that  gathered  by
            through sound dates back  The  charango  originated                                                                 Vega, going back to 1814,
            thousands  of  years  and  from the Quechua and Ay-                                                                 when  a  cleric  from  Tupiza
            those  music  remediated  mara peoples, but only af-                                                                documented  that  “the
            illnesses  and  revived  the  ter the Spanish introduced                                                            Indians  used  with  much
            spirit  since  sound  is  a  vi-  stringed  instruments.  The                                                       enthusiasm  the  guitarrillos
            bration  and  everything  in  charango was traditionally                                                            mui  fuis…  around  here  in
            life is made up of vibrating  made with dried armadillo                                                             the  Andes  of  Bolivia  they
            atoms.  Depending  on  the  shells better known as quir-                                                            called  them  Charangos”.
            instrument we listen to, we  quincho  (a  very  common                                                              Curios of the Latin America
            can  be  influenced  at  the  animal in the Andes Moun-                                                             History is when in 1973 Chil-
            cellular  level  by  the  trans-  tains)  for  the  backs  and                                                      ean  the  top  military  orga-
            mitted  vibrations.  Some  wood as front cover for the                                                              nized  a  meeting  with  folk
            instruments  help  us  move  sound  box.  Even  though                                                              musicians where it was ex-
            from  what  are  known  as  the charango is traditional-                                                            plained that the traditional
            “beta  brain  wave  pat-     ly made with the armadillo                                                             instruments charango and
            terns”, or those associated  shell,  today  it  is  also  com-                                                      quena  were  now  banned
            with concentration, anxiety  mon to made charango’ss                                                                and totally prohibit.
            and struggle, to calmer fre-  completely  out  of  wood.
            quencies  known  as  “Brain  The  charango  traditionally                                                           To get to know more over
            waves  associated  with  re-  is used and played in Ecua-                                                           Aruba’s  and  its  origins,  its
            laxation  (Alpha),  medita-  dor,  Bolivia,  Chile,  Argen-                                                         animals  and  culture,  we
            tion (Theta) and trance-like  tina,  and  Peru.  The  cha-                                                          highly  recommend  you  to
            states (Delta).              rango is 66cms (22 inches)                                                             book  your  visit  for  our  re-
                                         long  and  is  usually  made                                                           nowned  cultural  encoun-
            Let’s  go  back  to  our  be-  from wood and the shell of                                                           ter session has been enter-
            loved charango!              an  armadillo.  The  charan-                                                           taining curious participants
                                                                                                                                for decades. Mail us at et-
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                         to
                                                                                                                                confirm your participation.
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        Our facilities and activities
                                                              your Aruban exprerience                                           take  place  close  to  high
                                                       Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                            rise hotels.q
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