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                                                                                                           local Saturday 3 February 2024

            Aruba hosting a special guest: Saharan dust

                                                                      Saharan  dust  is  carried  by
                                                                      winds from the Sahara Des-
                                                                      ert  in  North  Africa  all  the
                                                                      way  across  the  ocean  to
                                                                      the  Caribbean.  The  Saha-
                                                                      ran dust is an aeolian min-
                                                                      eral  dust  from  the  Sahara
                                                                      desert, which is the largest
                                                                      hot desert in the world. The
                                                                      Sahara is the largest source
                                                                      of aeolian dust in the world,
                                                                      and  is  often  produced  by
                                                                      natural processes like wind
            ORANJESTAD  –  You  might                                 storms,  and  doesn’t  ap-
            have  noticed  since  yes-                                pear to be heavily impact-
            terday  that  Aruba’s  usu-                               ed by human activities.
            ally  blue,  sunny  skies  are
            covered behind a layer of                                 Caribbean Weather Watch
            dusty-looking  clouds.  This                              informed  this  week  that   before  dissipating  by  early  with  allergies  or  respira-
            phenomenon occurs year-                                   “the  first  mass  of  Saha-  next week. The presence of  tory illness, so it is important
            ly  and  affects  the  Carib-                             ran  dust  of  the  year  has   the mass is causing whitish  to  take  this  into  account.
            bean,  including  the  Dutch                              reached the eastern Carib-   skies and lower visibility.”  Ways to avoid the negative
            islands  of  Aruba,  Bonaire                              bean as well as the ABC is-                               effects of the Saharan dust
            and Curaçao.                                              lands. This mass will be more   The  dusty  air  can  also  include staying indoors and
                                                                      prominent  this  weekend     cause problems for people  limiting exposure.q

                                   Carnival Schedule                                                             Aruba to me

                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD — You are back  and Facebook page! Thank
                                                                                                   and we would like to portrait  you for supporting our free
                                                                                                   you! By inviting you to send  newspaper, we strive to make
                                                                                                   us  your  favorite  vacation  you a happy reader every
                                                                                                   picture  while  enjoying  our  day again.
                                                                                                   Happy Island.                For  today  we  received  a
                                                                                                                                lovely message from Tony &
                                                                                                   Complete the sentence: Aru-  Linda who are visiting from
            ORANJESTAD  –  Carnival  is  in  full-swing  in  Lighting Parade in San Nicolas starting at   ba to me is ……. Send your  Manhasset, New York.
            Aruba for the next two weeks, which will  8pm.                                         picture with that text (includ-  They  wrote  to  us  saying:
            culminate  with  a  weekend  of  back-to-                                              ing your name and where you  “Aruba to me is our second
            back parades on the streets! Do not miss  Friday 09 February:                          are from) to: news@arubato-  home! We are here now for
            the most important upcoming events.        School  Parade  in  Oranjestad  starting and we will publish  our 43rd consecutive year!
                                                       10am;                                       your vacation memory. Isn’t  We  have  been  here  over
            Carnival Schedule                          School  Parade  in  San  Nicolas  starting   that a special way to keep  50 times! Over the years we
                                                       10am.                                       your best moments alive?     have  introduced  Aruba  to
            Saturday 03 February:                                                                                               our family and friends!
            Jouvert Morning in San Nicolas starting at  Saturday 10 February:                      Please do note: By submit-
            3am;                                       Grand  Parade  in  San  Nicolas  starting  at   ting photos, text or any other  They have all loved the expe-
            Lighting  Parade  in  Oranjestad  starting  at  11am.                                  materials, you give permission  rience and have continued
            8pm.                                                                                   to The Aruba Today News-     to comeback! The PEOPLE,
                                                       Sunday 11 February:                         paper,  Caribbean  Speed  the WEATHER, and the RES-
            Sunday 04 February:                        Grand  Parade  in  Oranjestad  starting  at   Printers and any of its affili-  TAURANTS provide everyone
            Children’s  Parade  in  San  Nicolas  starting  10am;                                  ated companies to use said  with a relaxing and enjoyable
            at 2pm;                                    Burning  of  the  Momo  at  Aruba  Harbour   materials, as well as names,  experience!”
            Burning of Momito at Aruba Carnival & En-  Arena starting at 7pm.                      likeness, etc. for promotional  Thank you for sending us this
            tertainment Village starting at 7pm.                                                   purposes without compensa-   wonderful message sharing
                                                       Monday 12 February:                         tion. Last but not least: check  what Aruba means to you
            Wednesday 07 February:                     Carnival Monday.                            out our website, Instagram  with us and our readers!q
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