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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 5 January 2023
            McCarthy fails again in bid for speaker, GOP in disarray

            By  LISA  MASCARO,  FAR-                                                                                            the Civil War.
            NOUSH  AMIRI  and  KEVIN                                                                                            A  new  generation  of  con-
            FREKING                                                                                                             servative     Republicans,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    many aligned with Trump’s
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          Make America Great Again
            House  Republicans  flailed                                                                                         agenda,  want  to  upend
            through  a  second  day  of                                                                                         business  as  usual  in  Wash-
            multiple  balloting  Wednes-                                                                                        ington,  and  were  commit-
            day,  unable  to  elect  Rep.                                                                                       ted to stopping McCarthy’s
            Kevin  McCarthy  as  House                                                                                          rise without concessions to
            speaker or to come up with                                                                                          their priorities.
            a new strategy to end the                                                                                           “Kevin McCarthy is not go-
            political chaos that has tar-                                                                                       ing  to  be  a  speaker,”  de-
            nished the start of their new                                                                                       clared  Rep.  Bob  Good,
            majority.                                                                                                           R-Va., one of the holdouts.
            For  a  fifth  time,  Republi-                                                                                      As the spectacle of voting
            cans  tried  to  vote  McCar-                                                                                       dragged  on,  McCarthy’s
            thy into the top job as the                                                                                         backers implored the hold-
            House plunged deeper into                                                                                           outs  to  fall  in  line  for  the
            disarray.  That  came  mo-                                                                                          California Republican.
            ments after the fourth vote                                                                                         “We  all  came  here  to  get
            showed  20  conservative                                                                                            things  done,”  the  second-
            holdouts still refusing to sup-  Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., listens to votes being cast in the House chamber as the House   ranking  Republican,  Rep.
            port him, unchanged from     meets for a second day to elect a speaker and convene the 118th Congress in Washington,   Steve  Scalise,  said  in  a
            the  previous  time  around   Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023.                                                              Tuesday  speech  nominat-
            and  leaving  him  far  short                                                                     Associated Press   ing  McCarthy  for  the  vote
            of  the  218  votes  typically  triumph into a giant & em-  racy is messy, he said. “The  years  that  a  nominee  for  and  urging  his  colleagues
            needed to win the gavel.     barrassing defeat.”          American  people  are  in  House  speaker  could  not  to drop their protest.
            “Let  cooler,  more  rational  Yet  the  California  Republi-  charge.”                take  the  gavel  on  the  first  Railing  against  Democrat-
            heads  prevail,”  said  Rep.  can  vowed  to  keep  fight-  McCarthy  himself  entered  vote,  but  McCarthy  ap-   ic  President  Joe  Biden’s
            Warren  Davidson,  R-Ohio,  ing  despite  losing  in  mul-  the chamber saying, “We’ll  peared   undeterred.   In-  agenda,  Scalise,  himself  a
            a   conservative   aligned  tiple  rounds  of  voting  that  have another vote.”       stead, he vowed to fight to  possible  GOP  compromise
            with  the  far-right  Freedom  threw the new majority into  But the dynamic proved no  the finish.                  choice,  said,  “We  can’t
            Caucus  who  nevertheless  tumult  a  day  earlier.  Ani-  different from Day One, as  The  disorganized  start  to  start  fixing  those  problems
            nominated McCarthy.          mated  private  discussions  Democrats  re-upped  their  the new Congress pointed  until we elect Kevin McCar-
            Rep.  Lauren  Boebert,  a  broke out on the chamber  leader,  Rep.  Hakeem  Jef-       to  difficulties  ahead  with  thy our next speaker.”
            firm  Colorado  conserva-    floor  between  McCarthy  fries,  for  speaker,  and  a  Republicans now in control  The  standoff  over  Mc-
            tive, nominated Rep. Byron  supporters  and  detractors  right-flank  leader  from  the  of the House.              Carthy  has  been  building
            Donalds, R-Fla., the chosen  searching for an endgame.    Freedom Caucus twice of-     “I just think it’s really embar-  since Republicans won the
            protest  candidate  of  the  The  House  gaveled  in  at  fered  a  challenge  to  Mc-  rassing  it’s  taking  so  long,”  House  majority  in  the  mid-
            day  and  called  for  former  noon,  but  no  other  work  Carthy    nominating  Don-  Biden said. “I have no idea”  term  elections.  While  the
            President  Donald  Trump,  could  be  done    swearing  alds in another history mak-   who will prevail.            Senate  remains  in  Demo-
            the conservatives’ hero, to  in  new  members,  forming  ing  moment.  Both  Jeffries  Tensions  flared  among  the  cratic hands, barely, House
            tell McCarthy, “`Sir, you do  committees,  tackling  leg-  and Donalds are Black.      new House majority as their  Republicans  are  eager  to
            not have the votes and it’s  islation,  investigating  the  “This country needs leader-  campaign promises stalled  confront  Biden  after  two
            time to withdraw.”           Biden  administration    until  ship,”  said  Rep.  Chip  Roy,  out.  Not  since  1923  has  a  years  of  the  Democrats
            Earlier  Wednesday,  Trump  the speaker was elected.      the  Texas  Republican  not-  speaker’s  election  gone  controlling  both  houses  of
            had  done  the  opposite,  “Sure,  it  looks  messy,”  said  ing  the  first  time  in  history  to multiple ballots, and the  Congress.  The  conserva-
            urging Republicans to vote  Rep.  Mike  Gallagher,  R-    two Black Americans were  longest  and  most  grueling  tive  Freedom  Caucus  led
            for  McCarthy.  “Close  the  Wis.,  a  McCarthy  ally  who  nominated for the high of-  fight  for  the  gavel  started  the  opposition  to  McCar-
            deal,  take  the  victory,  he  quickly  re-nominated  him  fice,  and  lawmakers  from  in  late  1855  and  dragged  thy,  believing  he’s  neither
            wrote  on  his  social  media  for  the  job  with  a  rousing  both  parties  rose  to  ap-  out  for  two  months,  with  conservative  enough  nor
            site,  using  all  capital  let-  speech  designed  to  peel  plaud.                   133 ballots, during debates  tough  enough  to  battle
            ters.  “Do  not  turn  a  great  off detractors. But democ-  It  was  the  first  time  in  100  over slavery in the run-up to  Democrats. q

              Rats! NYC mayor ticketed for rodents at his property again

              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  New  peared  remotely  before  at front right.”                  Jan.  12,  and  Adams  said  conference after the Daily
              York  City  Mayor  Eric  Ad-  a  hearing  officer  on  Dec.  Not  true,  Adams  insisted.  he  would  plead  his  case  News  reported  the  latest
              ams  vowed  Wednesday  6  to  get  a  $300  summons  “I  have  a  camera  at  the  once  again.  “I  encour-     violations. The mayor, who
              to  fight  his  own  City  Hall   for rats at his property dis-  house, and I looked back  age  any  New  Yorker:  You  had  made  rat  eradica-
              again    after  he  was  tick-  missed.                  on that date,” he said. “My  get a summons, you feel it  tion  a  key  policy  goal  for
              eted for rats at his Brooklyn  “A  rat  burrow  was  ob-  yard is clean. My garbage  was done unjustly, go and  the city, said he is equally
              townhouse.                  served  along  the  ledge  is in containers. I go there,  fight it,” Adams said. “And  committed  to  ridding  his
              A  city  health  depart-    of  the  fenceline  at  front  I  sweep  up.  My  place  is  that’s  what  I’m  going  to  own house of the pests.
              ment inspector had issued  right,” the inspector wrote.  clean.”                     do. I’m going to follow the  “I  spent  $7,000  to  do  rat
              two  new  summonses  last  “Fresh  rat  droppings  were  An  administrative  hear-   process.”                   mitigation,”  he  said.  “You
              month,  just  one  day  after  observed  in  front  of  the  ing  on  the  new  sum-  Adams  was  asked  about  have to be really scared of
              the Democratic mayor ap-    garbage  bins  in  the  yard  monses  is  scheduled  for  rats at an unrelated news  rats to spend $7,000.”q
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