Page 20 - MIN.OTMAR ODUBER MAY 28,2015
P. 20
Thursday 28 May 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority!

PALM BEACH - Recently daughter Sophie, Mr. Ed-
the Aruba Tourism Author- ward and Mrs. Jane Marie
ity had the great pleasure Lunden, and Mr. Paul and
of honoring several very Mrs. Anne Kipetz.
nice families who are loy- The honorees love Aruba
al and friendly visitors of very much because of
Aruba, at the Renaissance the friendly people, the
Resort, Paradise Beach weather, the beaches
Villas, and La Quinta Re- and the restaurants, and
sort, as Distinguished Visi- because being on Aruba
tors and Ambassadors of is like being in paradise for
Goodwill! The symbolic them!
honorary titles are present- The certificates were pre-
ed in the name of the Min- sented by Ms. Darline S.
ister of Tourism as a token de Cuba representing
of appreciation to guests the Aruba Tourism Author-
who visit Aruba for 10-to- ity together with Mr. Tino
19 and 20-to-34 consecu- Daal representing the Re-
tive years. naissance Resort, and Mrs.
The honorees were Mr. Luc Patricia Gomez, acting Su-
and Mrs. Monique Even, pervisor at Paradise Beach
together with son Pim and Villas.q
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