Page 22 - MIN.OTMAR ODUBER MAY 28,2015
P. 22
Thursday 28 May 2015
Karen & Cheryl Enjoy Tango Argentine Grill
Ricky & Lee Ann will be back for PALM BEACH - Two gor- bowled over by your charm hope you will come back
geous, single girls from and friendliness. And that soon. Don’t wait till next
more MooMba Beach’s burgers Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is why they are sending year’s Soul Beach Festival,
wowed the staff of Tango a big hug your way and please!q
PALM BEACH - They need- Argentine Grill at the Ar-
ed a few moments to de- awak Garden last week,
termine what they liked when they came to dinner.
most of the menu card at On the island for the Soul
MooMba Beach, but Ricky Beach Festival, Karen and
and Lee Ann Wright finally Cheryl flew to Aruba in the
both choose the MooM- company of 24 friends, all
ba Burgers. Actually, they of them 50 years old. En-
loved everything, they joying the music, the great
said, but they had to make vibes and the weather, the
a choice. The couple from group had a wonderful
Virginia Beach, USA, has time on the island; Karen
been coming to Aruba on and Cheryl had an even
a yearly base for the past better time, as they found
eleven years and every Tango Restaurant.
single day they come to What did they order, you
MooMba, the place they ask? Well, they started out
found MooMba by sheer with lobster bisque and
luck and have loved the followed it with the grilled
restaurant and bar ever Portobello mushrooms and
since. the calamari.
Ricki and Lee Ann love to Dear Karen and Cheryl,
snorkel, and they would everyone at Tango was
recommend that to ev-
eryone. If you were to
ask them what the world
should know about the
Wrights, without hesitation
they will tell you; “We love
Aruba!” Isn’t that great?q
Thursday 28 May 2015
Karen & Cheryl Enjoy Tango Argentine Grill
Ricky & Lee Ann will be back for PALM BEACH - Two gor- bowled over by your charm hope you will come back
geous, single girls from and friendliness. And that soon. Don’t wait till next
more MooMba Beach’s burgers Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is why they are sending year’s Soul Beach Festival,
wowed the staff of Tango a big hug your way and please!q
PALM BEACH - They need- Argentine Grill at the Ar-
ed a few moments to de- awak Garden last week,
termine what they liked when they came to dinner.
most of the menu card at On the island for the Soul
MooMba Beach, but Ricky Beach Festival, Karen and
and Lee Ann Wright finally Cheryl flew to Aruba in the
both choose the MooM- company of 24 friends, all
ba Burgers. Actually, they of them 50 years old. En-
loved everything, they joying the music, the great
said, but they had to make vibes and the weather, the
a choice. The couple from group had a wonderful
Virginia Beach, USA, has time on the island; Karen
been coming to Aruba on and Cheryl had an even
a yearly base for the past better time, as they found
eleven years and every Tango Restaurant.
single day they come to What did they order, you
MooMba, the place they ask? Well, they started out
found MooMba by sheer with lobster bisque and
luck and have loved the followed it with the grilled
restaurant and bar ever Portobello mushrooms and
since. the calamari.
Ricki and Lee Ann love to Dear Karen and Cheryl,
snorkel, and they would everyone at Tango was
recommend that to ev-
eryone. If you were to
ask them what the world
should know about the
Wrights, without hesitation
they will tell you; “We love
Aruba!” Isn’t that great?q