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A28    u.s. news
                     Diasabra 17 aPriL 2021

                         California woman says she drowned children to protect them

                                                                                    her  waist.  There  was  a  cast  or  ban-  holic who may have sexually abused
                                                                                    dage on her left arm. She cried several  their eldest child.
                                                                                    times during the nearly half-hour in-  Denton’s court filings tell of Carril-
                                                                                    terview in which she said she did not  lo’s  post-partum  depression  follow-
                                                                                    have an attorney.                   ing  the  birth  of  their  middle  child.
                                                                                                                        She  began  therapy  but  quit.  She
                                                                                    “I know that I’m going to be in jail for  self-medicated  with  marijuana,  he
                                                                                    the rest of my life. It’s something I’ve  claimed.
                                                                                    come to terms with,” she said.
                                                                                                                        In  texts  and  social  media  posts,  she
                                                                                    Carrillo’s children — 3-year-old Jo-  said  things  like  “I  wish  I  never  had
                                                                                    anna Denton Carrillo, her 2-year-old  kids” and threatened to kill herself.
                                                                                    brother, Terry, and 6-month-old sis-
                                                                                    ter, Sierra — were found dead Satur-  Carrillo also believed she was “sole-
                                                                                    day by their maternal grandmother in  ly  responsible”  for  the  coronavirus
                                                                                    her  apartment  in  the  Reseda  neigh-  pandemic,  Denton  wrote,  and  she
                                                                                    borhood of Los Angeles. She was ar-  thought that the small California city
                                                                                    rested later that day in Tulare County,  of Porterville — where the family had
                                                                                    nearly  200  miles  (322  kilometers)  lived until the end of February — was
                                                                                    north of the scene.                 home to a “giant sex trafficking ring.”

            (AP) — A California woman sus-      and landed on her groin area and later  In the interview, Carrillo said she had  In her interview, Carrillo said she had
            pected  of  killing  her  three  chil-  said it hurt, according to court docu-  driven north intending to drive off a  dealt  with  depression,  anxiety  and
            dren in the midst of a bitter cus-  ments filed in the custody case. Car-  cliff  and  kill  herself  but  the  car  be-  post  traumatic  stress  syndrome  her
            tody battle said Thursday that she  rillo believed the pain was from Den-  came stuck in a ditch and she instead  entire life and had sought out a thera-
            drowned them to keep them away  ton molesting her, a claim he denied,  took the vehicle of some people who  pist  for  post-partum  depression  but
            from their father, a television sta-  the documents said.               had stopped to help her.            contended  that  it  was  Denton  who
            tion reported.                                                                                              posed a threat to the children.
                                                He said she was checked by a doctor  However, she pleaded not guilty on
            In a jailhouse interview, Liliana Car-  who found no evidence of abuse, but  Wednesday in a Kern County court-  Carrillo alleged that her daughter and
            rillo,  30,  told  KGET-TV  that  she  Carrillo  contended  that  the  exami-  room  to  four  felony  counts  of  car-  a son had shown signs of abuse and
            wanted to “protect” them from abuse,  nation wasn’t thorough enough, the  jacking,  attempted  carjacking  and  that she had tried but failed to obtain
            the station reported.               court documents said.               auto theft.                         help through social workers and law
            “I drowned them,” she said in the in-  Carrillo told the TV station that she'd  Carrillo hasn’t been charged with the
            terview at the Lerdo Pre-Trial Facility  promised  her  children  when  they  deaths of her children in Los Angeles  “They were just going to hand them
            in Kern County.                     were  born  that  she  would  protect  County  pending  further  investiga-  off to the dad,” she said.
                                                them  and  did  not  want  them  to  be  tion.
            “I did it as softly, I don’t know how  further abused.                                                      Carrillo sought a temporary restrain-
            to explain it, but I hugged them and  “I wish my kids were alive, yes,” she  Police haven’t disclosed a motive for  ing  order  in  Los  Angeles  County.
            I kissed them and I was apologizing  said. “Do I wish that I didn’t have to  the killings. But court filings showed  Through the courts, Denton and Car-
            the whole time,” she said. “I loved my  do  that?  Yes.  But  I  prefer  them  not  there was a bitter custody dispute be-  rillo agreed to swap Denton’s days to
            kids.”                              being tortured and abused on a regu-  tween Carrillo and the children’s fa-  see the children — a few hours every
                                                lar basis for for the rest of their lives.”  ther.                      other Sunday.
            The  children's  father,  Erik  Denton,
            contended in court papers filed earli-  She  described  herself  as  a  “social  The children had been staying with  Last Sunday was supposed to be just
            er this year that Carrillo was increas-  justice  warrior”  who  used  to  travel  Carrillo.                his second visit with the kids under
            ingly delusional and that the children  California advocating against human                                 the new schedule.
            weren't safe with her. Denton did not  trafficking. She said she met the chil-  Fearful for their safety, Denton peti-
            immediately  respond  to  a  Facebook  dren's father when she was his Uber  tioned a court for custody March 1,  Carrillo said she expects to spend the
            message seeking comment on Friday  driver and they began talking during  alleging that Carrillo was delusional  rest of her life in prison.
            morning on the abuse claims.        a long drive.                       and had taken the kids and refused to
                                                                                    tell him where they were. Carrillo, in  Asked what her final message to her
            During  an  outing  last  February  at  a  Carrillo,  who  wore  a  brown  jail  turn, filed a restraining order against  children, she replied: “I love you, and
            park, the couple's oldest daughter fell  jumpsuit,  had  her  arms  shackled  to  him and claimed Denton was an alco-  I’m sorry.”

                        Heavy, wet snow shows another side of spring in New England

             (AP) — New Englanders  ern  New  York  and  eastward  Rowe each got about 6 inches  But late-season snowfall isn't  times sees snowfall in May.
            who had enjoyed an early  through New England.            (15  centimeters).  Stafford,  unusual.  The  region  some-
            spring were brought back                                  Connecticut, got a little over
            to  a  cold,  blustery  reality  The  wind  and  heavy  snow  3 inches (8 centimeters).
            Friday with a storm pack-    caused sporadic power outag-
            ing  powerful  wind  gusts,  es and created slippery condi-  Winter  weather  warnings  or
            lashing  rain  and  heavy,  tions.  In  Maine,  three  vehi-  advisories  were  posted  for
            wet snow.                    cles hydroplaned and crashed  large  swaths  of  Vermont,
                                         in a period of an hour on the  New Hampshire, Maine and
            A  foot  of  snow  had  fallen  Maine  Turnpike  before  the  Massachusetts.  The  storm
            in  the  town  in  Spofford  in  rain turned to snow. One of  could  linger  in  some  areas
            western New Hampshire by  them  burst  into  flames;  the  into Saturday.
            midday, and the wind gusted  driver  escaped  without  in-
            to 40 mph on the coast, said  jury.                       Blooming flowers that quick-
            National  Weather  Service                                ly  became  covered  in  snow
            meteorologist Andy Pohl.     Elsewhere, the town of Haw-  demonstrated  how  quickly
                                         ley,  Massachusetts,  recorded  the  weather  can  change  in
            Snow  fell  from  New  York’s  7  inches  (18  centimeters)  New England.
            Hudson  Valley  to  north-   of  snow,  and  Plainfield  and
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