Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210417
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world news Diasabra 17 aPriL 2021
Israel says it will 'definitely' stop Iran from getting bomb
(AP) — Israel’s foreign ar weapon,” Israeli Foreign and Greece, Nikos Christo-
minister said Friday that Minister Gabi Ashkenazi told doulides and Nikos Dendias,
his country was deter- reporters on a visit to Cyprus. as well as Anwar Gargash, a
mined to stop Iran from top presidential aide in the
building a nuclear weap- Iranian officials say the United Arab Emirates.
on, after Tehran promised country will begin enrich-
to step up its uranium en- ing uranium up to 60% pu- Israel and the UAE normal-
richment process. rity following an attack on its ized relations in a landmark
nuclear facility at Natanz, in deal last year, and the four
“We will do whatever it takes central Iran, on Sunday, that countries represented at the
to prevent the extremists (in it blamed on Israel. meeting Friday promised to
Iran) from succeeding, and boost cooperation in defense,
definitely will prevent this Askenazi met with the for- energy, tourism, and other
regime from having a nucle- eign ministers of Cyprus sectors.
3 resign from Auschwitz council after politician appointed
council with a major politician of the “The fear is that this would be an-
ruling party today.” other move in the direction of mak-
ing also the Auschwitz-Birkenau mu-
The culture minister's statement said seum part of their historical policy,"
it is “not true that there have never Krajewski said.
been any politically involved people”
on the council. Szydlo is now is a member of the Eu-
ropean Parliament for the Law and
Krajewski is a co-creator of a post- Justice party. She has studied eth-
World War II history section at the nography and history, and is from the
POLIN Museum of the History area of Oswiecim, the Polish town
of Polish Jews in Warsaw and a co- where the site of the former Aus-
founder of the Polish Council of chwitz death camp is located.
Christians and Jews. He is also a
leading member of Warsaw's Jewish In his statement, Culture Minis-
community who since the 1970s has ter Glinski said he believed Szydlo's
worked to revive Jewish life in Poland membership on the council is an
that was nearly wiped out by the Ho- honor due to the “high social trust”
locaust. she enjoys, referring to her winning
a seat in the European Parliament
After Law and Justice took power in in 2019 with over 525,000 votes —
2015, its leaders launched what they more than any other Polish candidate
(AP) — Three members of an ad- Tuesday to protest what he called the described as a “historical policy of- received.
visory council for the Auschwitz- “politicization” of the group of Polish fensive” aimed at building pride in
Birkenau museum in Poland have experts who to advise the museum’s the nation's past. The party has used Glinski also noted that her “family
resigned after the government director. museums, state media and other tools has been living in the immediate vi-
appointed a former prime minis- to promote a patriotic view of history. cinity of the former camp for many
ter and top member of the coun- He was followed by historians Marek years" and would therefore be "a valu-
try's right-wing ruling party to Lasota, who also belongs to the rul- Poles are proud of the nation's role able ally in efforts to implement the
serve on the council. ing party, and Krystyna Oleksy, a for- in resisting the German occupation museum’s program and support its
mer deputy director of the Auschwitz during nearly six years of World War activities."
Culture Minister Piotr Glinski, Museum. II. The government has sought to fo-
who appointed Beata Szydlo to the Krajewski, who was about to begin cus on that aspect of Polish behavior Early on, the Nazis operated Aus-
Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum his third four-year term, told The during the war, including the thou- chwitz as a camp for Polish prisoners.
Council, said he was astounded by Associated Press that he does not sands of Poles who saved Jews, while Later, nearby Birkenau was created
the resignations. remember a politician ever being seeking to discourage examinations for the mass killing of Jews and oth-
He described them Friday as unjus- named to the council and did not feel of the role some Poles had in help- ers transported from across Europe.
tified moves that threaten to “politi- comfortable with the step, particu- ing occupying German forces in their
cize the discussion around the most larly given the policies of the populist mass killing of Jews. By the time Soviet forces liberated
important museum of martyrdom in and nationalist Law and Justice Party. Auschwitz, more than 1.1 million
Poland, a place of world heritage.” The strategy has led to accusations of people had been murdered there.
“It’s hard to say what would happen, historical whitewashing and created Most were Jews, but the victims in-
The first advisory council member but it would change the nature of the international controversies in recent cluded tens of thousands of Poles, as
to resign was philosopher Stanislaw body very considerably,” Krajewski years. well as Roma, Soviet prisoners of war,
Krajewski, who said he took the step said. “I don’t want to be on the same and others.
German's IDT to make 10M AstraZeneca vaccine doses in 2021
(AP) — German vaccine-mak- at a plant in the German town of eral pharmaceutical companies. In ropean Union.
er IDT Biologika said Friday it Dessau by the end of 2022. March, the company announced
plans to bottle this year some 10 that for three months it would make The AstraZeneca vaccine is restrict-
million doses of the coronavirus The new agreement was made pos- the single-dose COVID-19 shot de- ed to people over 60 in Germany
shot developed by AstraZeneca. sible because a third manufacturer, veloped by Johnson & Johnson. due to concerns over rare blood
Merz Pharma, relinquished the Chief Executive Officer Juergen clots in some recipients. Among
IDT Biologika and AstraZeneca production capacity it had reserved Betzing said Friday that IDT was those who received it recently are
previously announced they would with IDT for the second quarter. also in talks with the developers of German Chancellor Angela Merkel
expand production capacity for the Russia's Sputnik V shot, which has and President Frank-Walter Stein-
British-Swedish company's vaccine IDT produces vaccines for sev- yet to be approved for use in the Eu- meier.