Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
LOCAL Friday 8 december 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort!
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had
the great pleasure of recognizing Distin-
guished Visitors of Aruba. These Distin-
guished Visitors were respectively hon-
ored with certificates acknowledging their
years of visits, loyalty, and love for the is-
land of Aruba.
The honor certification is presented on be-
half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of
appreciation and to say “Masha Danki” to
guests who have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35
years or more consecutively.
The three honoring levels are as follows:
Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecu-
tively visiting Aruba)
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecu-
tively visiting Aruba)
Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecu-
tively visiting Aruba)
The honorees were:
Distinguished Visitors
Mr. J.D. & Mrs. Mindy Reid from Georgia,
United States.
Distinguished Visitors • Aruba’s great weather. • Aruba’s friendly people.
Mr. Bryan & Mrs. Stacy Bucchi from New • Aruba’s friendly people. • “Aruba’s airport is easy.”
Jersey, United States. • Aruba’s beautiful sunsets.
• “Things to do!” Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provided by Mr. Nich-
Distinguished Visitors • “Our honeymoon celebration.” olson & Mrs. Cobban were:
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Stacey Simmons from • “The Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort.”
Virginia, United States.
Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provid- • Aruba’s friendly people.
ed by Mr. & Mrs. Bucchi were: • Aruba’s beaches.
Distinguished Visitors • Aruba’s great weather. • Aruba’s great weather.
Mr. Steve & Mrs. Judy Burr from Massachu- • Aruba’s friendly people. • Aruba’s safety.
setts, United States. • Aruba’s beaches.
• Aruba’s downtown. On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Authority, we would like
Distinguished Visitors • Aruba’s safety and food. to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the
Mr. Ross Nicholson & Mrs. Nancy Cobban honorees for their continued visits to the “One Happy Is-
from Ontario, Canada.
Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provid- land”. q
ed by Mr. & Mrs. Simmons were:
Ms. Kimberley Richardson representing the • Aruba’s beaches.
Aruba Tourism Authority, and staff mem- • Aruba’s friendly people.
bers of the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort be- • Aruba’s great weather.
stowed the Distinguished Visitor certificates • Aruba’s sea turtles and donkeys.
to the honorees, presented them with gifts, • “Things to do!”
and also thanked them for choosing Aru-
ba as their favorite vacation destination, Top reasons for returning to Aruba, pro-
as their home away from home. vided by Mr. & Mrs. Burr were:
• Aruba’s great weather.
Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provid- • Aruba’s beaches.
ed by Mr. & Mrs. Reid were: • Aruba’s restaurants.