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                                                                                                           local Friday 8 december 2023

                                                                      Experience Unrivaled Excitement and

                                                                      Win Big at LIV Casino, Barceló Aruba

                                                                       tential  for  monumental  winnings  that   diverse selection of games caters to all
                                                                       could  change  a  player's  life  in  an  in-  preferences."
                                                                       The gaming action at LIV Casino comes      LIV Casino at Barceló Aruba stands as a
                                                                       alive from 11 AM to 3 AM, ensuring non-    hub of entertainment, where visitors can
                                                                       stop  excitement  throughout  the  day     not only try their luck but also revel in the
                                                                       and into the night. For those looking to   world-class  amenities  and  hospitality
                                                                       experience the thrill of table games, the   that the Barceló brand is renowned for.
                                                                       tables are open from 4:30 PM until clos-
                                                                       ing, inviting players to try their hand at     About LIV Casino, Barceló Aruba:
              Oranjestad – Get ready to indulge in thrilling gaming    a  variety  of  games  while  enjoying  the   LIV Casino, located within the lavish Bar-
              experiences and a chance to strike it rich at LIV Ca-    vibrant casino ambiance.                   celó Aruba resort, offers a premier gam-
              sino, nestled within the luxurious Barceló Aruba resort.                                            ing  experience  on  the  stunning  island
              With a wide array of games and a captivating atmo-       "Try your luck with us at LIV Casino at Bar-  of Aruba. With a wide range of slot ma-
              sphere,  LIV  Casino  promises  an  unforgettable  enter-  celó Aruba," encourages Marc Charley,    chines and table games, as well as the
              tainment  journey  for  visitors  seeking  excitement  and   Casino  General  Manager  of  LIV  Ca-  allure of progressive jackpots, LIV Casino
              good fortune.                                            sino. "We have crafted an environment      provides endless entertainment for both
                                                                       where  guests  can  immerse  themselves    novice  and  seasoned  players.  The  ca-
              LIV  Casino  boasts  an  impressive  selection  of  123  slot   in  the  thrill  of  gaming  and  experience   sino operates from 11 AM to 3 AM, while
              machines,  each  waiting  to  make  someone  a  lucky    the rush of winning big. Whether you're    table games are available from 4:30 PM
              winner. Among these, 114 are Dollar machines and 9       a  seasoned  player  or  a  beginner,  our   till closing.q
              are Florin machines cater to various preferences and
              betting  levels,  offering  a  diverse  gaming  experience
              that suits every player's style.

              The casino is not just about slots – for those who relish
              the thrill of traditional table games, LIV Casino delivers
              on every front. Step up to the challenge at the Black-
              jack  Table,  where  strategy  meets  chance,  or  take  a
              spin at the Roulette Table for an electrifying game of
              luck. Additionally, the Three Card Poker Table offers a
              unique  blend  of  strategy  and  excitement,  adding  a
              new dimension to the gaming floor.

              Adding to the anticipation, every table at LIV Casino
              features its own progressive jackpot, promising the po-

            Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill

                                                                      (Oranjestad)—If  you  are  Located at the center dis-     ment decided to renovate
                                                                      a  regular  hiker,  or  may-  trict  of  the  island,  Santa  these  stairs  in  1991.  This
                                                                      be  want  to  spice  up  your  Cruz,  the  Hooiberg  Hill  is  new  project  delivered  the
                                                                      morning  work  out  session,  the  second  highest  point  newer  staircase  with  only
                                                                      then  you  might  enjoy  one  on the island at 165 meters  587  steps.  However,  don’t
                                                                      of the most popular climb-   above  sea  level  (or  about  be  fooled—it  may  still  be
                                                                      ing sites on the island: The  540  feet  above  sea  level).  a  work  out  to  get  on  top.
                                                                      Hooiberg  Hill.  Accompa-    The  highest  point  is  Ja-  In  addition,  there  is  now  a
                                                                      nied  with  a  600-step  stair-  manota  Hill  at  189  meters  gazebo placed halfway up
                                                                      case,  this  hill  overlooks  a  (620  feet),  located  in  the  the stair for a little rest. The
                                                                      great part of the island, the  Arikok National Park.      view  at  this  resting  stop  is
                                                                      Caribbean sea, and some-     The  staircase  that  run  on  also a sight to see.
                                                                      times even the Santa Anna  the side of the hill was first  The best time to climb the
                                                                      mountain  located  in  the  built in 1951, when Mr. Edu-  hill  would  be  early  in  the
                                                                      coastal  state  of    Falcon  in  ardo Tromp constructed it.  morning  or  right  before
                                                                      Venezuela,  providing  one  At  that  time,  the  staircase  sunset, as it may not be as
                                                                      of  the  best  views  you  can  consisted  of  900  steps.  hot.  However,  the  hill  is  of
                                                                      get on Aruba.                Over  time,  as  the  steps  course open all day, every
                                                                                                   faced erosion, the govern-   day.q
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