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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 10 July 2023

            Mexican  military  to  take  over  airports  as  president

            takes aim at corruption

            By MARÍA VERZA
            Associated Press
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi-
            co’s armed forces are tak-
            ing control of the capital’s
            main airport, and the gov-
            ernment  plans  to  give  the
            military  control  of  nearly
            a  dozen  more  across  the
            country  as  the  president
            takes  aim  at  corruption
            and mismanagement.
            President  Andrés  Manuel
            López  Obrador  has  been
            setting  the  armed  forces
            to a wide range of nontra-
            ditional tasks since he was
            elected  in  2018,  creating
            concerns  about  the  sepa-
            ration  of  the  military  from
            civilian life.                Mexican Navy officers stand guard next to a security checkpoint at the Benito Juarez International
            A new airport was built by    Airport, in Mexico City, Friday, June 30, 2023.
            the  army  outside  Mexico                                                                        Associated Press
            City  a  year  ago  at  a  cost   tourist trips to a former pe-  own commercial airline.  trial of former Public Secu-
            of  $4.1  billion.  It  is  run  by   nal colony.         The  Mexico  City  takeover  rity Secretary Genaro Luna.
            the  military  but  little  used.   The  airport,  which  is  used  runs contrary to internation-  He  was  convicted  of  drug
            López Obrador says the old   by  some  4  million  travel-  al  aviation  recommenda-  trafficking in February.
            airport,  the  country’s  busi-  ers each month, will be “a  tions that clearly distinguish  Mexico City has the coun-
            est, will be run by the navy.  company  within  a  naval  between  military  and  civil-  try’s most important airport,
            The  navy  took  charge  of   military  entity,”  Rear  Adm.  ian, said Rogelio Rodríguez  and the navy is the branch
            security  at  Mexico  City  In-  Carlos  Velázquez  Tiscare-  Garduño,  an  aviation  law  of  Mexican  security  forces
            ternational Airport, or Beni-  ño, the airport’s 73-year-old  expert at Mexico’s National  in which the U.S. authorities
            to Juárez, more than a year   director, said in a recent in-  Autonomous University. But  have the most confidence,
            ago. It will soon have con-  terview. But, he said, “this is  the legal consequences of  but  the  U.S.  has  not  com-
            trol of everything else, from   not going to look like a mili-  the move remain unclear.  mented  on  the  increasing
            customs  and  immigration    tary department.”            Earlier  this  year,  Mexico’s  power of the Mexican mili-
            to  handling  luggage  and   Unlike  the  capital’s  other  Supreme  Court  ruled  that  tary.
            cleaning  bathrooms,  with   airport,   Felipe   Angeles,  the transfer of the National  “There  are  various  airports
            the  imminent  publication   where    National   Guard  Guard from civilian to mili-   in  the  country  that  have
            of  a  presidential  order  to   troops take passenger tick-  tary  control  was  unconsti-  had big problems for many
            make that official.          ets  at  the  gate,  at  Benito  tutional. López Obrador left  years, and they had to be
            The list of problems at Mex-  Juarez  the  only  uniformed  the  guard  under  a  civilian  fixed,”  said  Velázquez  Tis-
            ico  City  Airport  has  long   military  are  the  1,500  ma-  department but with a mili-  careño,  himself  a  retired
            included  major  drug  ship-  rines  deployed  since  Feb-  tary operational chief.    pilot.
            ments  and  illegal  migra-  ruary 2022 for security. The  While  navy  operational  In the past year, the navy’s
            tion.  Infrastructure  was  in   rest of the airport personnel  control could help some se-  security  oversight  has  shut
            disrepair, and a number of   will  be  civilians  but  “with  curity  issues,  experts  don’t  down some illegal business
            close  calls  were  reported   clearer rules ... that govern  believe it will resolve other  inside the airport, improved
            on  the  runways  in  recent   with more order and disci-  problems.  The  U.S.  Federal  inspections  and  reduced
            years as the airport increas-  pline,” Velázquez Tiscareño  Aviation   Administration  stolen  luggage,  Velázquez
            ingly  had  trouble  handling   said.                     downgraded Mexico’s avi-     Tiscareño  said.  Some  air-
            flights.                     The  navy  will  form  a  com-  ation safety rating in 2021,  port  workers  confirm  that,
            The airport also had a repu-  pany  called  Casiopea  to  preventing Mexican airlines  but  note  too  that  com-
            tation  for  stolen  luggage,   run the airport and six oth-  from  expanding  flights  to  plaints  about  flight  delays
            mismanaged airline sched-    ers that have “deficiencies”  the U.S.                    continue.
            ules,  business  without  con-  and are “in the hands of or-  FAA safety ratings of other  “The  navy  has  put  things
            tracts and corruption.       ganized crime,” Velázquez  countries  are  designed  to  under  greater  control,  but
            Meanwhile,  López  Obra-     Tiscareño   said.   Among  measure  those  countries’  now  we  need  to  see  how
            dor has gone to the armed    them  will  be  Matamoros,  oversight  of  their  airlines  they’re going to work,” said
            forces  for  help  throughout   across the border from Tex-  but  do  not  mean  that  the  José Beltrán, 72, who picks
            his term, giving them some   as, and Playa del Carmen  airlines are unsafe.            up trash at the airport.
            immigration   duties   and   on the Gulf of Mexico.       In  Mexico,  corruption  got  “It’s  more  peaceful,”  said
            control  of  ports  and  cus-  López Obrador has already  to the point years ago that  Luis  Martinez,  who’s  been
            toms. They are also building   said that he plans to have a  coded   messages   were  working at the airport for 25
            major  infrastructure  proj-  dozen airports in the hands  sent  using  airport  internal  years,  helping  passengers
            ects  such  as  a  tourist  train   of the army or navy by the  communications  to  hold  who  need  wheelchairs.
            through  the  Yucatan  Pen-  end of his administration in  up baggage inspections so  But, he said, “people have
            insula and a new airport in   2024. And by the end of this  drug shipments could pass  the same complaints: flight
            the same area. They even     year,  the  military  is  sched-  untouched,  according  to  delays  and  problems  with
            run  plant  nurseries  and   uled to begin operating its  testimony  during  the  U.S.  luggage.”q
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