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                       Monday 10 July 2023
            S.Korean  lawmakers  berate  IAEA  chief  over  Japanese  plans  to

            release wastewater

            By KIM TONG-HYUNG                                                                                           past 14 days to protest the Japa-
            Associated Press                                                                                            nese discharge plans.
            SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)  —  South                                                                        Further  details  from  the  meeting
            Korean    opposition   lawmakers                                                                            weren’t immediately available af-
            sharply  criticized  the  head  of  the                                                                     ter  reporters  were  asked  to  leave
            United  Nations’  nuclear  watch-                                                                           following   opening    statements.
            dog on Sunday for its approval of                                                                           Closely watched by parliamentary
            Japanese plans to release treated                                                                           security  staff,  dozens  of  protesters
            wastewater from the damaged Fu-                                                                             shouted near the lobby of the Na-
            kushima nuclear power plant.                                                                                tional Assembly’s main hall where
            They  met  with  Rafael  Grossi  in  a                                                                      the  meeting  was  taking  place,
            tense  meeting  in  Seoul  that  took                                                                       holding signs denouncing the IAEA
            place  while  protesters  screamed                                                                          and Japan.
            outside the door.                                                                                           Grossi  was  to  fly  to  New  Zealand
            Grossi,  the  International  Atomic                                                                         later  on  Sunday  and  would  then
            Energy Agency’s director general,                                                                           travel  to  the  Cook  Islands  as  he
            arrived  in  South  Korea  over  the   Main opposition Democratic Party lawmaker Woo Won-shik, left, shows a list of   further  tries  to  reassure  countries
            weekend to engage with govern-      proposed disposal methods for the Fukushima contaminated water as his party   in the region about the Japanese
            ment officials and critics and help   lawmaker  Wi  Seong-gon  and  Rafael  Mariano  Grossi,  Director  General  of  the   plans.
            reduce  public  concerns  about     International Atomic Energy Agency, right, look on during a meeting with the   Hundreds  of  demonstrators  had
            food safety.                        party’s lawmakers at the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, July   also  marched  in  downtown  Seoul
            The  IAEA  last  week  approved  the   9, 2023.                                                             on  Saturday  demanding  that  Ja-
            Japanese  discharge  plans,  say-                                                          Associated Press   pan scrap its plans.
            ing  the  process  would  meet  in-  over the next three decades.       wastewater,  including  a  possible  A massive earthquake and tsuna-
            ternational  safety  standards  and  “Our conclusion has been that this  pursuit  of  long-term  storage  on  mi in 2011 destroyed the Fukushima
            pose    negligible   environmental  plan, if it is carried out in the way it  land.                         plant’s  cooling  systems,  causing
            and health impacts. South Korea’s  has  been  presented,  would  be  in  The  party  has  also  criticized  the  three reactors to melt and release
            government has also endorsed the  line,  would  be  in  conformity  with  government of South Korean Presi-  large amounts of radiation.
            safety of the Japanese plans.       the international safety standards,”  dent  Yoon  Suk  Yeol  for  putting  Tokyo  Electric  Power  Company
            In his meeting with members of the  Grossi said.                        people’s health at risk while trying  Holdings,  which  operates  the  fa-
            liberal  Democratic  Party,  which  The  lawmakers  responded  by  to improve relations with Japan.         cility, has been storing the treated
            controls a majority in South Korea’s  harshly  criticizing  IAEA’s  review,  “If you think (the treated wastewa-  water  in  hundreds  of  tanks  that
            parliament,  Grossi  said  the  IAEA’s  which  they  say  neglected  long-  ter) is safe, I wonder whether you  now cover most of the plant and
            review  of  the  Japanese  plans  term  environmental  and  health  would  be  willing  to  suggest  the  are  nearly  full.  Japanese  officials
            was  based  on  “transparent”  and  impacts of the wastewater release  Japanese  government  use  that  say the tanks must be removed to
            “scientific”  research.  He  acknowl-  and threatens to set a bad prec-  water  for  drinking  or  for  industrial  make room to build facilities for the
            edged  concerns  over  how  the  edent  that  may  encourage  other  and  agricultural  purposes,  rather  plant’s  decommissioning  and  to
            Japanese  plans  would  play  out  countries to dispose nuclear waste  than dumping it in the sea,” Woo  minimize the risk of leaks in case of
            in reality and said the IAEA would  into  sea.  They  called  for  Japan  Won-shik, a Democratic Party law-  another  major  disaster.  The  tanks
            establish a permanent office in Fu-  to  scrap  the  discharge  plans  and  maker  who  attended  the  meet-  are  expected  to  reach  their  ca-
            kushima to closely monitor how the  work  with  neighboring  countries  ing, told Grossi. The party said Woo  pacity  of  1.37  million  tons  in  early
            discharge process is implemented  to  find  safer  ways  to  handle  the  has been on a hunger strike for the  2024.q

            The U.N. refuses to retract its condemnation of Israel over the Jenin

            military operation

             By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                     destroyed  the  Jenin  camp’s  nar-  targeting innocent Israeli civilians.”
             Associated Press                                                        row  roads  and  alleyways,  forced  Haq,  the  U.N.  spokesperson,  said
             UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  Israel’s                                      thousands  of  people  to  flee  their  Guterres  “clearly  condemns  all  of
             United Nations ambassador called                                        homes  and  killed  12  Palestinians.  the violence that has been affect-
             on   Secretary-General    Antonio                                       One Israeli soldier also was killed.  ing  the  civilians  in  Israel  and  the
             Guterres to retract his condemna-                                       “I strongly condemn all acts of vio-  occupied Palestinian territories, re-
             tion of the country for its excessive                                   lence  against  civilians,  including  gardless of who is the perpetrator.”
             use of force in its largest military op-                                acts of terror,” Guterres told report-  The U.N. Security Council discussed
             eration in two decades targeting a                                      ers.                                Israel’s  military  operation  in  Jenin
             refugee camp in the West Bank.                                          Asked whether this condemnation  behind closed doors Friday at the
             U.N.  deputy  spokesperson  Farhan   Palestinians walk on a damaged road   applied to Israel, he replied: “It ap-  request  of  the  United  Arab  Emir-
             Haq  said  the  secretary-general   following  two  days  of  Israeli  military   plies to all use of excessive force,  ates and received a briefing from
             conveyed  his  views  on  Thursday   raid  on  the  militant  stronghold  of  the   and obviously in this situation, there  Assistant Secretary-General Khaled
             “and he stands by those views.”     Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank,   was an excessive force used by Is-  Khiari.
             Guterres,  angered  by  the  impact   Wednesday, July 5, 2023.          raeli forces.”                      Erdan sent a letter to the 15 council
             of  the  Israeli  airstrikes  and  attack             Associated Press   Israel’s  U.N.  Ambassador  Gilad  Er-  members and Guterres before the
             on  the  Jenin  refugee  camp,  said   criticized  Israel  for  preventing  the   dan called the U.N. chief’s remarks  council  meeting  saying  that  over
             the  operation  left  over  100  civil-  injured from getting medical care   “shameful,  far-fetched,  and  com-  the past year, 52 Israelis were killed
             ians  injured,  uprooted  thousands   and  humanitarian  workers  from   pletely detached from reality.” He  by Palestinians, and many attacks
             of  residents,  damaged  schools    reaching everyone in need.          said  the  Israeli  military  action  in  were carried out from Jenin or from
             and hospitals, and disrupted water   Israel’s two-day offensive meant to   Jenin “focused solely on combat-  the area.q
             and  electricity  networks.  He  also   crack down on Palestinian militants   ing the murderous Palestinian terror
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