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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 17 december 2019
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             ‘Obamacare’ tax repeal added to $1.4T wrap-up spending bill

            By ANDREW TAYLOR             Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,  D-  For  business,  there’s  a
            Associated Press             Calif.,  Treasury  Secretary   seven-year  extension  of
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-     Steven Mnuchin, and other    the  charter  of  the  Export-
            tired  coal  miners  and     top leaders on Capitol Hill.   Import  Bank,  which  helps
            longtime  opponents  of      The  package  is  expected   finance  transactions  ben-
            Obama-era taxes on high-     to  be  unveiled  at  midday   efiting  U.S.  exporters,  as
            cost health plans are eye-   Monday  for  a  House  vote   well  as  a  renewal  of  the
            ing  big  wins  as  top  con-  on  Tuesday  and  the  Sen-  government’s  terrorism  risk
            gressional leaders and the   ate  is  expected  to  vote   insurance  program.  The  fi-
            Trump  White  House  close   by  Thursday  or  Friday.  The   nancially-troubled  govern-
            in on a deal on a govern-    developments  were  de-      ment  flood  insurance  pro-
            ment-wide  spending  bill    scribed  by  Democratic      gram  would  be  extended
            that’s  also  carrying  lots  of   and GOP aides who asked   through September.
            overdue  Washington  busi-   for anonymity because the    Labor  won  repeal  of  the
            ness.                        measure was not yet pub-     so-called  Cadillac  tax,  a
            The bill would also increase   lic.                       40%  tax  on  high-cost  em-
            the  age  nationwide  for    The legislation is laced with   ployer health plans, which
            purchasing tobacco prod-     provisions  reflecting  divid-  was  originally  intended   The U.S. Capitol in Washington is shrouded in mist, Friday night,
            ucts from 18 to 21.          ed power in Washington.      to  curb  rapidly  growing   Dec. 13, 2019.
            The  legislation  would  fore-  The  sweeping  legislation,   health  care  spending.  But                                      Associated Press
            stall  a  government  shut-  likely to be broken up into   it disproportionately affect-  Democrats  controlling  the   icaid funding for the cash-
            down  this  weekend  and     two packages for political   ed high-end plans won un-    House would win increased    poor  government  of  Puer-
            give   President   Donald    purposes,  is  part  of  a  ma-  der  union  contracts,  and   funding for early childhood   to Rico, which is struggling
            Trump    steady    funding   jor  final  burst  of  legislation   Democratic  labor  allies   education and a variety of   to  recover  the  hurricane
            for  his  U.S.-Mexico  bor-  that’s  passing  Congress    had previously succeeded     other  domestic  programs.   devastation  and  a  result-
            der  fence.  The  year-end   this week despite bitter di-  in temporary repeals.       They also won higher Med-    ing economic downturn.q
            package is anchored by a     visions  and  Wednesday’s
            $1.4  trillion  spending  mea-  likely   impeachment   of
            sure  that  caps  a  difficult,   Trump.  Thursday  promises
            months-long  battle  over    a  vote  on  a  major  rewrite
            spending priorities.         of the North American Free
            The roster of add-ons grew   Trade Agreement.
            over  the  weekend  to  in-  The core of the bill is formed
            clude permanent repeal of    by  the  12  annual  agency
            a  tax  on  high-cost  “Cadil-  appropriations bills passed
            lac” health insurance ben-   by  Congress  each  year.  It
            efits  and  finance  health   fills in the details of a bipar-
            care and pension benefits    tisan  framework  from  July
            for  92,000  retired  union   that  delivered  about  $100
            coal miners threatened by    billion in agency spending
            the insolvency of their pen-  increases  over  the  com-
            sion fund. A tax on medical   ing  two  years  instead  of
            devices  and  health  insur-  automatic  spending  cuts
            ance plans would also be     that  would  have  sharply
            repealed permanently.        slashed both the Pentagon
            The deficit tab for the pack-  and domestic agencies.
            age grew as well — almost    The  increase  in  the  to-
            $400  billion  alone  over  10   bacco  purchasing  age
            years  to  repeal  the  three   to  21  does  not  appear  to
            so-called   “Obamacare”      address  broader  issues  of
            taxes alone — with a com-    regulating  so-called  vap-
            panion package to extend     ing products, but details of
            several business-friendly tax   the  measure  are  likely  to
            breaks  still  under  negotia-  be released early Monday
            tion. The Obama-era taxes    afternoon, aides said.
            have  previously  been  sus-  Other  add-ons  include  a
            pended  on  a  piecemeal     variety of provisions sought
            basis.                       by business and labor inter-
            The    late-stage    nego-   ests  and  their  lobbyists  in
            tiations  involved  House    Washington.
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