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Diahuebs 11 di Juni 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
Misterioso • Frontera ta bay
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maneho Pagina 3
di cifra di • Dominicano na
Aruba ta pidi
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den IPKO • Hunta di
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pago testnan
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June 11, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Europe reopens borders amid worst global recession in memory
By A. CHARLTON, C. BARRY tine upon arrival. Greece,
and P. GORONDI another European holiday
PARIS (AP) — The world hot spot, will allow tourists
faces the worst global re- to fly to Athens or the main
cession in nearly a centu- northern city of Thessaloniki
ry, a key economic body beginning on June 15.
warned Wednesday, while But that’s hoping people
in Europe, restrictions to have money to spend.
fight the spread of corona- The Organization for Eco-
virus portend a bleak sum- nomic Cooperation and
mer tourism season even as Development said Wed-
more nations announced nesday that global econo-
plans to welcome visitors mic output could fall by as
again.Beginning June 16, much as 7.6% this year if a
Austria will open up to all second wave of infections
European neighbors with emerges, with the pande-
the exception of Spain, mic’s economic impact
Portugal, Sweden and Bri- expected to be even hars-
tain, meaning that visitors her in Europe because of
from 31 countries will no the continent’s strict and Nurses belonging to NurSind union hold up signs with writing reading in Italian “We honor our fallen
longer be required to un- relatively lengthy coronavi- in the fight against COVID-19” as they stage a protest in front of the Pirelli skyscraper hosting the
dergo a two-week quaran- rus lockdowns. Lombardy Region headquarters, in Milan, Italy, Wednesday, June 10, 2020.
Continued on Page 27 Associated Press