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U.S. NEWS Thursday 27 OcTOber 2022
Supreme Court justices spar over court legitimacy comments
By JESSICA GRESKO tion he has led for 17 years.
Associated Press “Simply because people
WASHINGTON (AP) — Su- disagree with an opinion
preme Court justices tend is not a basis for question-
to wipe the slate clean at ing the legitimacy of the
the start of a new term, court,” he said.
the bruised feelings oc- But Kagan wasn’t done, re-
casioned by tough cases visiting her legitimacy com-
eased by a summer break. ments in appearances later
But this year, some justices the same month at Temple
are engaging in an extend- Emanu-El in New York and
ed and unusual public dis- at Northwestern University.
agreement over the court’s Then, in remarks at Salve
legitimacy following the Regina University in Rhode
decision to overturn Roe v. Island, she said the court
Wade. should not be “wandering
The latest comments came around just inserting itself
Tuesday night from conser- into every hot button issue
vative Justice Samuel Alito, in America” and it espe-
the author of the June de- cially “shouldn’t be doing
cision that took away wom- that in a way that reflects
en’s constitutional protec- one ideology” or “one set
tions for abortion. But the of political views over an-
dust-up began months ear- other.”
lier with liberal Justice Elena Alito had also weighed
Kagan, who has made a Associate Justice Elena Kagan joins other members of the Supreme Court as they pose for a new in previously on the issue.
series of comments about group portrait, at the Supreme Court building in Washington, Oct. 7, 2022. In comments to The Wall
the court’s legitimacy. On Associated Press Street Journal in late Sep-
Friday, she had she was gitimate.” September found the level not behaving as though tember he said that “saying
hopeful but reserving judg- “I don’t think anybody in a of trust and confidence in we are just people with in- or implying that the court is
ment on whether a court position of authority should the judicial branch was at dividual political or policy becoming an illegitimate
dominated 6-3 by con- make that claim lightly,” he 47%, the lowest since the or social preferences that institution or questioning
servatives can again find said without citing Kagan organization began survey- we’re, you know, making our integrity crosses an im-
“common ground.” by name. ing the public on the topic everybody live with,” Ka- portant line.”
On Tuesday, Alito was an- Alito, who was nominated in the 1970s. It was 67% in gan said. Another explosive matter
swering a question at a by President George W. 2020. She also said she wasn’t that called into question
forum at the conservative Bush, joined the court in “Overall the way the court talking about any particu- how the court functions
Heritage Foundation in 2006. Kagan, picked by retains its legitimacy and lar decision. was the stunning leak of a
Washington when he said President Barack Obama, fosters public confidence Chief Justice John Roberts draft of the court’s opinion
that “someone also crosses joined in 2010. is by acting like a court, is made his own public com- in Dobbs v. Jackson, the
an important line” when Polls show public trust in the by doing the kinds of things ments about the court’s abortion ruling, nearly two
saying “that the court is court is at historic lows. A that do not seem to peo- legitimacy in early Septem- months before it was offi-
acting in a way that is ille- Gallup Poll released in late ple political or partisan, by ber, defending the institu- cially issued. q
U.S. imposes more Iranian sanctions over Mahsa Amini’s death
By FATIMA HUSSEIN of the Guard’s intelligence region. Police detained her ernment has responded Rights groups say that since
Associated Press organization, its deputy over wearing her hijab too with a fierce crackdown, the protests, security forces
WASHINGTON (AP) — The commander, wardens from loosely. Iran requires wom- blaming the protests on for- have killed over 200 peo-
United States on Wednes- a number of prisons and an en to wear the headscarf eign interference. ple, including children.q
day imposed new sanc- Iranian company that con- in a way that completely
tions on members of Iran’s ducts social media filtering. covers their hair when in
intelligence agency, lead- Separate sanctions from public. She collapsed at
ers of Iran’s Revolutionary the State Department were a police station and died
Guard, prison wardens and levied against individuals three days later.
others, acting 40 days since and companies that en- Amini remains a potent
22-year-old Mahsa Amini gage in and train people in symbol in protests that
died while being held by hacking, and others. have posed one of the
the morality police. Secretary of State Antony most serious challenges to
The U.S. government’s Blinken said the U.S. “will the Islamic Republic since
sanctions arm designated continue to impose costs the 2009 Green Movement
10 members of Iran’s lead- on individuals and entities protests drew millions to the
ership with financial blocks in Iran who engage in the streets.
and penalties, continuing brutal repression of the Ira- Her death set off protests in
a string of actions imposed nian people.” dozens of cities across the
against Tehran for its re- Iran’s morality police arrest- country of 80 million peo-
pression of protestors and ed Amini on Sept. 13 in Teh- ple, with young women Demonstrators rally at the National Mall to protest against
the Iranian regime, in Washington, Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022,
disrupting internet access. ran, where she was visiting marching in the streets and following the death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the Islamic
Targeted in the latest sanc- from her hometown in the publicly exposing and cut- republic’s notorious “morality police.”
tions were the commander country’s western Kurdish ting off their hair. The gov- Associated Press