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                   Wednesday 9 May 2018
            Minister Oduber receives the first special made

            KLM Aruba Marathon Finisher Shirt

            ORANJESTAD  -  Foundation                                                                                           the  Finish  Celebration  the
            Run  in  the  Sun,  organiz-                                                                                        ticket draw will take place
            ing party of the KLM Aruba                                                                                          and the winner will be an-
            Marathon    taking   place                                                                                          nounced.
            June  3,  is  much  honored
            to give the first KLM Aruba                                                                                         Certified Race
            Marathon  Finisher  Running                                                                                         Mr. Wim Jonkman, AA level
            Shirt, to the Minister of Tour-                                                                                     Measurer from AIMS / IAAF
            ism,  Health  and  Sports,  Mr                                                                                      measured and certified the
            Danguillaume  P.  Oduber.                                                                                           course so that the KLM Aru-
            This  unique  running  shirt,                                                                                       ba  Marathon  is  an  official
            printed  for  the  occasion                                                                                         race.  AIMS  is  the  Associa-
            with  the  Ministers  name,                                                                                         tion  of  International  Mara-
            was  given  by  Mrs.  Nanke                                                                                         thons  and  Distance  with
            van  Weely  of  Foundation                                                                                          International Association of
            Run in the Sun as a token of                                                                                        Athletic Federations (IAAF)
            gratitude for the successful                                                                                        on all matters related to in-
            and  pleasant  cooperation                                                                                          ternational road races.
            with  the  authorities,  spon-
            sors, partners and of course                                                                                        Everybody can register on-
            the  participation  of  so  who  completed  the  nu-      The race is organized on an   •     Each     participant  line via www.klmarubamar-
            many Aruban Runners and  merous marathons in coun-        international  level  (AIMS/  receives  a  personal  (bib) and pay online
            Walkers.                     tries  around  the  World.  IAAF certified). It is their pri-  race  number,  online  time  or at IBISA.
                                         They  will  enjoy  their  “RUN-  mary goal to make the run-  registration,  cotton  event
              “For  the  first  edition,  we  cation”  in  Aruba.  We  are  ning events an unforgetta-  T-shirt, luxury medal, plenty  Partners, sponsors and vol-
            expect  to  welcome  be-     proud  that  from  the  top  5  ble lifetime experience.   of  water  posts  which  in-  unteers
            tween  1,500  and  2,000  runners,  4  runners  will  run  •     Suitable   distance   clude sports drink and fruits   KLM  Aruba  Marathon  is
            participants  of  which  ap-  the first race in Aruba: Nr 1:  for  everyone  with  four  (4)   •   Everyone  who  reg-  made  possible  by  a  large
            proximately  one-third  will  Brent  Weigner  (151  coun-  distances                   isters and pays before May  number  of  partners,  spon-
            come  from  abroad.  1.400  tries),  Nr  2:  John  Wallace  •    The  5K  and  10  K  is   10th  receives  a  race/bib  sors and volunteers. Among
            participants  are  currently  (132 Countries), Nr 4: Peter  for runners and walkers    number with their name on  our  partners  and  sponsors
            registered  online.  Some  Bennett  and  Nguyen  (117  •         Participants   from   it (until the limit of 2.000 par-  are the Aruba Tourism Au-
            of  them  are  famous  world  countries).”                abroad  and  also  our  own   ticipants is reached)       thority  (A.T.A),  KLM,  Cava-
            record  marathon  runners,                                locals                       •      Beautiful    course  lier,  and  Chill  by  Balashi,
                                                                                                   along    the   spectacular  IBISA,  the  Aruba  Athletics
                                                                                                   scenery of Aruba             Federation, Hotel the Mar-
                                                                                                   •      Free App with ‘Live  riott Resort & The Ritz-Carl-
                                                                                                   Track & Trace’. Family and  ton,  Hertz,  Kooyman,  The
                                                                                                   friends  can  follow  each  Red Cross, KPA and all oth-
                                                                                                   participant                  er partners.
                                                                                                   •      Free  certificate  for
                                                                                                   each participant with their  The  organization  wishes
                                                                                                   name and distance            everyone a good prepara-
                                                                                                   •      Finish of all distanc-  tion for their participation in
                                                                                                   es  will  be  on  the  beach  the  1st  edition  of  the  KLM
                                                                                                   in  between  the  Marriott  Aruba  Marathon  and  is
                                                                                                   Resort   and   Ritz-Carlton  looking forward to working
                                                                                                   followed  by  the  Awards  together  with  all  partners
                                                                                                   ceremony  followed  by  an  and volunteers to make it a
                                                                                                   “After party on the Beach”   joint success.q
                                                                                                   •      DRI-Fit Running shirt,
                                                                                                   Singlet,  Pasta  Party,  per-
                                                                                                   sonal  finish  photo  &  video
                                                                                                   by  Marathon
                                                                                                   are optional
                                                                                                   •      In addition to ensur-
                                                                                                   ing  a  festive  and  sportive
                                                                                                   atmosphere,  the  safety  of
                                                                                                   the  participants  and  the
                                                                                                   public  is  of  course  at  the
                                                                                                   highest of our priorities.

                                                                                                   Run and Win
                                                                                                   The  organization  will  be
                                                                                                   Raffling  2  KLM  round-trip
                                                                                                   tickets to Amsterdam. Each
                                                                                                   participant   from   Aruba
                                                                                                   can  win  2  KLM  return  tick-
                                                                                                   ets  to  Amsterdam.  After
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