Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
a8 local
Saturday 1 July 2023
Watch out for Blue Crab Migration near Savaneta
(Oranjestad)—The depart-
ment of nature & environ- They added a new bright
ment in Aruba are urg- yellow road sign with “Land
ing motorists to watch out Crab Crossing” to remind
for blue crabs crossing people to be cautious
the road in Pos Chiquito while driving on the high-
to make their way to the way on Pos Chiquito with
ocean. blue crabs.
Why protect blue crabs?
Because they are of high
value for the ecology of
Blue crabs in Aruba are The diet of blue crabs con- the mangroves. Conserv-
found plenty near the sists of decomposed trees, ing the blue crabs is cru-
beach areas, especially in insects, scorpions and rest cial for the preservation of
Pos Chiquito, because of of dead animals. mangroves.
the amount of mangroves. Nesting season for blue Watch out for crossing blue
They are known to dig holes crabs is between June & crabs on the highway near
deep in the beach sand in July. Pos Chiquito & Santo Lar-
seek of humidity. goq
Prohibited by law: leaving the island with seashells, white sand or corals
(Oranjestad)—Often times, pay before leaving. This is
the customs department at surely not a pleasant experi-
the airport intercepts many ence for the tourist. This also
tourists leaving the island leads to a negative reaction
with seashells, white sand which can put our tourism in
and/or corals as souvenirs. a negative light.
Conforming to the interna- Though we love to accom-
tional treaty of CITES and our modate our visitors, let’s all
local law which protects our give nature the respect it
Flora & Fauna, it is absolutely deserves by protecting our
prohibited to take any sea- environment. Stop collect-
shell, sand and coral outside ing seashells, white sand
of Aruba. This is to protect and corals from our shores
our environment. The high and stop buying or accept-
number of seashells, coral ing these from local sellers or
and amount of sand con- companies.
fiscated is very strange and We want our future genera-
it is suspected that our own tions and visitors to enjoy
locals are the ones selling the beauty of our beaches,
these to the tourists, which is shells and corals in a sustain-
unacceptable. able way, without destroy-
Upon confiscation at the ing or disrupting the Aruban
airport, you can also face ecosystem. Help us protect
a fine that they have to what is ours!q