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                    Thursday 7 March 2024
             New attacks by IS-linked group in Mozambique leave over 70

             children missing

            By  TOM  GOULD  and  GER-                                                                                           said  Albertina  Ussene,  the
            ALD IMRAY                                                                                                           Nampula  provincial  gov-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ernment’s  director  of  gen-
            CAPE  TOWN,  South  Africa                                                                                          der,  children  and  social
            (AP) — A surge of new at-                                                                                           action,  who  was  quoted
            tacks  by  an  Islamic  State-                                                                                      by the Lusa news agency.
            affiliated  group  in  Mozam-                                                                                       Ussene  told  a  meeting  of
            bique’s  Cabo  Delgado                                                                                              provincial officials this week
            province  has  left  more                                                                                           that  another  29  children
            than  70  children  missing,                                                                                        had  been  reunited  with
            with  fears  they  may  have                                                                                        their families.
            drowned in a river or been                                                                                          The  report  by  the  Protec-
            kidnapped  by  militants  as                                                                                        tion  Working  Group  said
            thousands  of  families  fled,                                                                                      around 27 villages in south-
            local  authorities  and  a                                                                                          ern  Cabo  Delgado  were
            group of aid agencies said.                                                                                         attacked  late  last  month.
            Around  30  families  now                                                                                           It  said  children  and  older
            seeking shelter in Nampula                                                                                          people  were  reported  to
            province to the south have                                                                                          have drowned while trying
            asked police to help locate                                                                                         to escape, and some men
            their children, according to   In this image made from video, a Mozambican soldier rides on an armored vehicle at the airport   were  believed  to  have
            a report released Wednes-    in Mocimboa da Praia, Cabo Delgado province, Mozambique, Aug. 9, 2021.  Associated Press  been kidnapped.
            day  by  the  Protection                                                                                            The  report  said  an  uncon-
            Working  Group,  a  network  years  of  violence.  Thou-  tween  early  February  and  “There  are  repeated  re-   firmed  number  of  people
            of  non-governmental  or-    sands were killed.           early  March  after  Islamic  ports  of  beheadings  and  were  killed  and  500  build-
            ganizations and United Na-   Cabo  Delgado,  Mozam-       State  Mozambique  fight-    abductions,  including  mul-  ings,   including   houses,
            tions agencies.              bique’s northernmost prov-   ers launched a new offen-    tiple  child  victims,”  Save  churches   and   markets,
            The attacks have hit areas  ince that borders Tanzania,  sive  from  their  heartland  the Children said.           were destroyed.
            that  had  been  relatively  was thrust into the interna-  in  coastal  central  Cabo  The U.N. high commissioner  The U.N. children’s agency
            untouched  since  the  start  tional spotlight in 2020 and  Delgado  into  the  south.  for  refugees,  Filippo  Gran-  said  the  displacement  of
            of  the  jihadist  insurgency  2021 when insurgents were  More  than  61,000  of  those  di, is in Cabo Delgado and  tens  of  thousands  more
            in  Cabo  Delgado  in  2017.  accused  of  carrying  out  displaced were children, it  was due to update on the  people  risks  exacerbating
            They may mark a new stage  mass  beheadings,  includ-     said.                        situation and humanitarian  cholera  outbreaks  due  to
            in a crisis that aid agencies  ing of children.           Save the Children called it  response on Thursday.        overcrowding and the lack
            say  forced  more  than  a  The  U.N.’s  migration  agen-  the largest displacement of  A total of 72 children have  of clean water and sanitary
            million  people  to  flee  their  cy  said  nearly  100,000  children  in  Cabo  Delgado  now been reported missing  facilities  in  displacement
            homes during nearly seven  people were displaced be-      in 18 months.                after  the  recent  attacks,  sites.q

            Over 8,500 migrants died worldwide last year, a record since the

            UN started counting in 2014

                                                                      The  International  Organi-  even  if  their  bodies  were  like  neighboring  Iran  and
                                                                      zation  for  Migration  said  not found.                 among Rohingya refugees
                                                                      the  biggest  increase  in  The  Geneva-based  migra-    on  maritime  routes,  IOM
                                                                      deaths  last  year  was  on  tion  agency  cautioned  spokesperson  Jorge  Galin-
                                                                      the treacherous Mediterra-   that the figures likely under-  do said in an email.
                                                                      nean Sea crossing, to 3,129  estimate  the  real  toll,  and  IOM said a record number
                                                                      from 2,411 in 2022.          factors  such  as  improved  of deaths also occurred in
                                                                      However,  that  was  well  data  collection  methods  Africa last year  1,866 most-
                                                                      below  the  record  5,136  play  a  part  in  its  calcula-  ly in the Sahara Desert and
                                                                      deaths  recorded  on  the  tions.                        along the sea route to the
                                                                      Mediterranean  in  2016  as  “Every  single  one  of  them  Canary Islands.
                                                                      huge  numbers  of  Syrians,  is a terrible human tragedy  The  agency  cited  difficul-
                                                                      Afghans  and  others  fled  that  reverberates  through  ties  in  data  collection  in
                                                                      conflicts toward Europe.     families  and  communities  remote  areas,  such  as  in
                                                                      IOM said the total number  for  years  to  come,”  IOM  the dangerous Darien Gap
                                                                      of deaths among migrants  Deputy  Director  General  in  Panama,  where  many
            A  dinghy  lies  on  the  shore  after  a  shipwreck  where  two   in  2023  was  nearly  20%  Ugochi  Daniels  said  in  a  migrants  pass  from  South
            migrants  were  killed  and  eight  were  rescued,  in  Thermi,  on   more  than  the  previous  statement.        America on their way north.
            the  northeastern  Aegean  Sea  island  of  Lesbos,  Greece,  on   year.               Overall,  the  biggest  jump  IOM’s   Missing   Migrants
            Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2023.                                 It  said  most  of  the  deaths  in  deaths  in  recent  years  project,  which  tallies  the
                                                    Associated Press
                                                                      last  year,  about  3,700,  was  in  Asia,  where  2,138  figures,  was  set  up  in  2014
            By JAMEY KEATEN              last  year,  the  U.N.  migra-  came from drowning.       migrants  died  last  year,  after  a  surge  in  deaths  in
            Associated Press             tion  agency  said  Wednes-  The count also includes mi-  68 more than in 2022. That  the  Mediterranean  and
            GENEVA  (AP)  — A total of  day, a record high since it  grants who vanished  often  was  primarily  because  of  an influx of migrants on the

            8,565 migrants died on land  began  counting  deaths  a  while trying to cross by sea  increased  deaths  among  Italian island of Lampedusa
            and  sea  routes  worldwide  decade ago.                  and  are  presumed  dead  Afghans  fleeing  to  places  off Tunisia.q
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