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Thursday 7 March 2024 LOCAL

            Aruba to me

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            Episode CVII - 108 - One good day in Curaçao

            It  was  during  the  year  of                                                         of Oran at dusk and board-   reunite  again  with  his  fa-
            1763 that the Fiscal of Noord                                                          ed  a  ship  full  of  people  ther. Anastacio had arrived
            Miguel Alvarez, sailed a lot                                                           ready to be sent to the new  to  La  Guajira  where  the
            between  the  islands  and                                                             continent.  Many  people  priest Francisco bought his
            the  mainland.  During  one                                                            died during the long march  freedom  and  gave  him  a
            of his trips to Curacao, ap-                                                           ”.  Crisostomo  was  shipped  place to live in the monas-
            proaching the slave place,                                                             to  Curacao.  Crisostomo's  tery in Caracas. A year af-
            he saw one man who was                                                                 story   reached   Catholic  ter  Crisostomo  and  his  son
            in  dire  healty  conditions.                                                          priest  Pedro  Ramirez  who  Anastacio  were  living  in
            Alvarez  had  convinced                                                                lived  in  Caracas  and  oc-  Aruba a ship sailing out of
            the slave master to let the                                                            casionally  visited  Aruba.  Maracaibo en route to the
            slave  go  for  a  few  ounces                                                         Since he understood some  Dominican  Republic,  ran
            of gold, since he is not go-  time,  he  learned  some  Many times the sad memo-       French,  he  could  figure  aground in the South West-
            ing to make it in those con-  Spanish  and  was  able  to  ries  made  Crisostomo  cry.  out where or what exactly  ern part of the island. Peo-
            ditions.                     tell something about his life.  Crisostomo   said,   “They  happened to Crisostomo`s  ple  of  Noord  came  over
                                         Crisostomo  was  originally  treated us worse than ani-   son and wife. The following  to give assistance. Among
            The aruban Fiscal took him  from Algeria in North Africa.  mals, women and children  year Father Pedro Ramirez  the passengers was certain
            over to a friend’s house in  His  parents  died  when  he  separated  from  men.  It  wrote  a  letter  to  Crisos-  Mr.  Morales,  a  Colombian
            Willemstad-Curacao.  Here  was  very  young  and  that  could count more than two  tomo,  telling  him  that  in  gentleman,  together  with
            they took care of him for to  they  were  Christians,  re-  hundred people, captives,  Caracas he had found his  his family and two servants.
            be fit to sail over to Aruba.  ceived  a  Catholic  educa-  merchants,  and  hundreds  son Anastacio and that he  They all were taken to the
            Upon arriving in Aruba, Fis-  tion and that he has been  of  camels.  We  arrived  on  would send him by ship to  town of Noord. One of the
            cal  Alvarez,  a  native  Aru-  married to a good woman  the outskirts of the port city  Aruba  so  that  they  could  servants  who  were  travel-
            ban  converted  to  chatoli-  named  Elena  Petronilia                                                              ing  with  the  Mr.  Morales
            sism,  told  his  fellow  men  and together lived happily                                                           and  family  was  Crisosto-
            that  he  had  bought  this  in Algeria for 14 years. They                                                          mo’s wife and Anastacio’s
            mans  freedom  since  he  had  five  children  but  four                                                            mother Helena Petronilia.
            was  impressed  and  over-   of  them  died  when  they
            welmed  with  compasion  were very young and only                                                                   To  get  to  know  more  over
            when  he  say  the  way  this  one  Anastacio  was  alive                                                           Aruba’s  and  its  origins,  its
            man  preformed  the  sign  when  tragedy  struck.  One                                                              animals  and  culture,  we
            of the holy cross, the same  sad day, Arabs slave trad-                                                             highly  recommend  you  to
            way  we  do  it  he  said.  His  ers came to his small town.                                                        book  your  visit  for  our  re-
            name was Crisostomo and  They  broke  into  his  house.                                                             nowned cultural encounter
            he  was  free  again  in  the  They  destroyed  everything                                                          session has been entertain-
            Aruba town of Noord. Over  in it and put them in chains.                                                            ing  curious  participants  for
                                                                                                                                decades.    Mail  us  at  etni-
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                             or
                                                                                                                                WhatsApp 297 592 2702 to
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        confirm  your  participation.
                                                              your Aruban exprerience                                           Our  facilities  and  activities
                                                                                                                                take  place  close  to  high
                                                       Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                            rise hotels.q
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