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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 16 december 2020

            United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and

            the Caribbean (ECLAC):
            Increased risk of domestic violence against

            children and adolescents amid COVID-19 crisis

            PORT-OF-SPAIN,  TRINIDAD  &  TOBAGO  —  The  while the risk of violence has intensified. On the  To address violence against children and ado-
            document produced jointly by ECLAC, UNICEF  one hand, there is a lower capacity to detect  lescents within the framework of the response
            and  the  Office  of  the  Special  Representative  episodes  of  violence  due  to  physical  isolation  to the COVID-19 crisis, the document proposes
            of  the  Secretary-General  on  Violence  against  and the suspension of in-person activities at ed-  the following recommendations for enhancing
            Children,  recommends  concrete  actions  for  ucational  institutions  and  early  childhood  de-  the policies, programs and actions that existed
            addressing violence against children and ado-   velopment centers; a reduction in States’ social  prior to the crisis:
            lescents within the framework of the response to  coverage; and the economic crisis, which has
            the COVID-19 crisis.                            had a negative impact on household income  1.           Put children at the center of policies and
                                                            levels.                                         plans for the economic recovery of countries in
            In the time of COVID-19, children and adoles-   Compounding  all  this  is  the  fact  that  there  is  order to roll back the increase in poverty and
            cents in Latin America and the Caribbean have  limited internet access and coverage and the  eradicate  historic  inequities  that  perpetuate
            been and continue to be exposed to greater  generational  gap  in  knowledge  of  the  digital  structural challenges, such as gender-based vi-
            risk  of  becoming  victims  of  violence  in  the  environment  limits  adults’  adequate  supervi-  olence and violence against children and ado-
            home,  while  they  also  enjoy  fewer  protection  sion and guidance of children who spend more  lescents, while at the same time rebuilding trust
            factors,  according  to  a  document  published  time online now.                               in democratic institutions.
            by ECLAC, the United Nations Children’s Fund  Furthermore,  the  report  warns  that  there  has
            (UNICEF) and the Office of the Special Repre-   been an exacerbation of the risk factors for chil-  2.   Optimize  resources  through  the  align-
            sentative of the Secretary-General on Violence  dren and adolescents to become victims of vi-   ment of services that, among other things, al-
            against Children.                               olence in the home. These include an increase  lows  for  addressing  cases  of  violence  against
            The document entitled ‘Violence against chil-   in reports of violence against women (which is  women, and against children and adolescents,
            dren and adolescents in the time of COVID-19’  closely tied to the violence perpetrated against  in a coordinated way; that expands the number
            warns that recent estimates point to a preva-   children  and  adolescents);  heightened  stress  of recipients of public assistance services; that
            lence  of  55%  of  physical  aggression  and  48%  and  anxiety;  the  economic  impact  on  child-  provides specific and differentiated treatment
            of  psychological  aggression  in  child-rearing  in  hood and adolescence; and the fact that both  for  populations  that  were  already  vulnerable;
            Latin America and the Caribbean.                children and adolescents, as well as perpetra-  and that promotes the care economy and the
            It  adds  that,  in  the  context  of  containing  the  tors  of  sexual  violence,  are  engaged  in  more  balanced distribution of roles and tasks.
            pandemic,  protection  factors  have  eroded  online activity.                                                             Continued on Page 10
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