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A28    u.s. news
              Diaranson 16 December 2020

                         Hopeful sign: Midwestern states see drop in new virus cases

            After a punishing fall that                                                                                         than  16  million  confirmed
            left  hospitals  struggling,                                                                                        infections.  On  average,  the
            some  Midwestern  states                                                                                            U.S.  is  seeing  about  2,400
            are seeing a decline in new                                                                                         deaths and over 215,000 new
            coronavirus cases. But the                                                                                          cases  per  day.  An  influential
            signs of improvement are                                                                                            model from the University of
            offset  by  the  infection's                                                                                        Washington says deaths could
            accelerating  spread  on                                                                                            total 502,000 by April 1, even
            both coasts.                                                                                                        with a vaccine.

            States including Iowa, Mich-                                                                                        Lawler  said  more  Nebraska
            igan,  Minnesota  and  Ne-                                                                                          residents appear to be follow-
            braska have seen decreases in                                                                                       ing warnings to limit dining
            the number of people testing                                                                                        out and wear masks in public.
            positive for COVID-19 over                                                                                          It helps that a number of Ne-
            the past couple of weeks. All,                                                                                      braska  cities  recently  passed
            however,  are  still  experienc-                                                                                    mask mandates, he said.
            ing  an  alarming  number  of                                                                                       But he said it's important for
            deaths  and  hospitalizations                                                                                       Nebraskans  to  remain  vigi-
            because of the earlier surge of                                                                                     lant about maintaining social
            cases.                                                                                                              distancing  as  they  wait  for
                                                                                                                                vaccines  to  become  widely
            With  winter  weather  driv-                                                                                        available in the spring.
            ing  people  indoors,  where
            the  virus  spreads  more  eas-                                                                                     In a call with governors this
            ily,  there's  no  guarantee  the  still turn south pretty easily."  now,"  said  Dr.  Stacey  Mar-  ago.           week,  White  House  corona-
            improving  dynamic  can  be                               low,  an  emergency  room                                 virus task force member Dr.
            maintained, doctors and pub-  But he and others are encour-  physician  at  UnityPoint  Al-  The  hope,  of  course,  is  that  Deborah Birx said the prog-
            lic health officials say.    aged by the figures. In Iowa,  len  Hospital  in  Waterloo,  the  drop  in  infections  will  ress  in  Midwestern  states  is
                                         for  example,  the  number  of  Iowa.  The  COVID  patients  translate  into  a  decline  in  being offset by a "deteriorat-
            "We  have  a  vaccine  rolling  new virus cases reported dai-  that I am seeing are very, very  deaths,  but  that  could  take  ing situation" on both coasts.
            out,  but  that  doesn't  change  ly has declined over the past  sick. But there are ... less of  a few weeks. Many of those
            the overall picture," Dr. James  two weeks from nearly 1,800  them."                   now  dying  of  COVID-19  Nationwide,  the  number  of
            Lawler with the University of  to about 1,250. In Nebraska,                            may  have  been  infected  people  in  the  hospital  with
            Nebraska  Medical  Center's  it has gone from about 1,800  Deaths  from  the  virus  in  weeks ago.                 the  virus  has  hit  an  all-time
            Global  Center  for  Health  a day to a little under 1,300.  Iowa  have  continued  to  rise                        high  of  more  than  110,000,
            Security  told  the  Omaha                                sharply,  to  an  average  of  79  Nationwide, the death toll has  according  to  the  COVID
            World-Herald. "Things could  "I  am  fingers  crossed  right  a day, up from 28 two weeks  topped  300,000,  with  more  Tracking Project.

                                       Biden to pick Buttigieg as transportation chief

            President-elect  Joe  Biden  est city, holding the position  The  South  Bend  chapter  of  end up seeing a hell of a lot  of  multilane  thoroughfares
            is  expected  to  pick  for-  from  2012  to  2020.  He  also  Black  Lives  Matter,  how-  more of Pete than you are of  into two-way routes that en-
            mer South Bend, Indiana,  served  a  seven-month  de-     ever,  denounced  Buttigieg's  me."                       hanced South Bend's down-
            mayor  Pete  Buttigieg  to  ployment  as  an  intelligence  impending nomination. The  Biden  has  pledged  to  spend  town.  The  project  received
            head  the  Transportation  officer  in  Afghanistan.  With  group  had  made  their  dis-  billions making major infra-  awards  for  environmental
            Department, according to  his presidential campaign, he  pleasure of Buttigieg known  structure  improvements  and  protection.
            three people familiar with  became  the  first  openly  gay  during  his  presidential  cam-  on retrofitting initiatives that
            the plans.                   man  to  become  —  however  paign,  following  the  2019  can  help  the  U.S.  battle  cli-  Though on a far smaller scale
                                         briefly  —  a  leading  presi-  South  Bend  shooting  of  a  mate  change.  He  also  wants  than the nation's transporta-
            Buttigieg,  one  of  Biden's  dential  candidate.  He  has  Black man by a white police  to   immediately   mandate  tion  systems,  the  project,  as
            rivals  for  the  Democratic  been married to his husband,  officer.                   mask-wearing  on  airplanes  well  as  Buttigieg's  initiative
            presidential nomination, was  Chasten, since 2018.                                     and  public  transportation  to convert the city's sewers to
            a breakout star of the prima-                             "We saw Black communities  systems to slow the spread of  a smart-flow system, demon-
            ries,  sharing  victory  in  the  LGBTQ  rights  groups  im-  have their houses torn down  the coronavirus.         strate what supporters praised
            nation's first caucus with Ver-  mediately spoke out in praise  by his administration," BLM's                       as Buttigieg's next-generation
            mont  Sen.  Bernie  Sanders.  of  Biden's  selection  of  But-  South  Bend  leader  Jorden  Infrastructure  spending  can  infrastructure vision.
            He  suspended  his  campaign  tigieg.                     Giger said in a statement, re-  be  a  bipartisan  issue,  and
            before  Super  Tuesday  and                               ferring to Buttigieg's effort to  President  Donald  Trump  The  once  most  frequent-
            endorsed Biden.              "Pete's  nomination  is  a  new  tear down substandard hous-  spent  years  promising  to  ly  mentioned  early  pick  to
                                         milestone  in  a  decades-   ing.  "We  saw  the  machinery  push  a  major  bill  through  head the Transportation De-
            The three people confirmed  long  effort  to  ensure  LG-  of  his  police  turned  against  Congress  that  never  materi-  partment,  President  Barack
            the  news  to  The  Associated  BTQ people are represented  Black people."             alized.  Instead  his  adminis-  Obama's former chief of staff
            Press  on  condition  of  ano-  throughout  our  government                            tration moved to soften car-  and ex-Chicago Mayor Rahm
            nymity  because  they  didn't  –  and  its  impact  will  rever-  Biden  has  compared  the  bon emissions standards that  Emanuel,  sparked  strong
            want to publicly preempt the  berate  well-beyond  the  de-  38-year-old  Buttigieg  to  his  Biden's team will likely work  pushback  from  top  progres-
            president-elect's  announce-  partment  he  will  lead,"  said  late son, Beau.        to undo as part of the broad-  sive activists. Emanuel, also a
            ment.  The  Transportation  Annise Parker, president and                               er  commitment  to  slowing  former congressman, helped
            Department  helps  oversee  CEO of the LGBTQ Victory  "To me, it's the highest com-    global warming.              oversee the Obama adminis-
            the nation's highway system,  Institute. "It distances our na-  pliment  I  can  give  any  man                     tration's  distribution  of  tens
            planes, trains and mass tran-  tion from a troubled legacy of  or  woman.  And,  like  Beau,  Despite  having  governed  a  of billions of dollars in trans-
            sit and is poised to play a key  barring  out  LGBTQ  people  he has a backbone like a ram-  city  of  barely  100,000,  But-  portation spending as part of
            role early in the incoming ad-  from  government  positions  rod,"  Biden  said  during  the  tigieg  was  credited  with  a  massive  stimulus  bill  ap-
            ministration.                and  moves  us  closer  to  the  March  event,  as  Buttigieg  transforming  traffic  with  proved  following  the  finan-
                                         President-elect's  vision  of  stood  behind  him,  bowing  his  Smart  Streets  initiative,  cial crisis — but now seems
            Buttigieg is the former may-  a  government  that  reflects  his head. "I promise you, over  a  three-year  project  to  con-  unlikely to take any position
            or  of  Indiana's  fourth  larg-  America."               your lifetime, you're going to  vert 8 miles (12.9 kilometers)  in Biden's administration.
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