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Friday 22 april 2022 locAl

                                                            Global announcement of start of annual

                                                            campaign for sustainable development

                                                            “EIGHT TO EIGHT, Because Our Planet Can’t Wait”

             Our Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants, hu-  are vital to global food security and health.   International and United Nations decades
             man, animal, vegetable and micro organism        Unfortunately our planet can’t wait, because    It will address the following:
             species are under extreme pressure, facing       If we humans fall behind on meeting urgent      1.  International  Decade  of  Indigenous  Lan-
             multiple threats.                                deadlines, it will be too late for all of Planet   guages (2022-2032)
                                                              Earth.                                          2. UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030)
             From climate change, sea level rise, desertifi-                                                  3.  UN  Decade  on  Ecosystem  Restoration
             cation and scarcity of freshwater, loss of agri-  The United Nations and Earth Day Network for   (2021-2030)
             cultural land, ocean pollution, to the increase   2022 have picked as a theme “Invest in Our     4. UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustain-
             of diseases resistant to antibiotics, the grow-  Planet”  for  Mother  Earth  Day,  aka  as  Earth   able Development (2021-2030)
             ing  surge  of  diseases  jumping  from  animals   Day to emphasize the need to get everyone,    5. UN Decade of Family Farming (Smallhold-
             and  insects  to  humans,  because  of  habitat   and the corporate sector and governments       er, Small Scale Farming, 2019-2028)
             loss, ecosystem degradation, and an alarm-       in  particular  to  start  investing  time,  money   6. International Decade for Action “Water for
             ing rate of vital ecosystems loss and species    and joint efforts to save the planet. Earth Day   Sustainable Development” (2018-2028)
             extinction due to human activity.                isn’t enough and that is why Rainbow War-       7.  UN  Decade  of  Action  on  Nutrition  (2016-
                                                              riors Core Foundation has created a new an-     2025)
             The  global  and  national  economies  have      nual campaign which runs from April 8 all the   8.  UN  Decade  of  Sustainable  Energy  for  All
             barely begun to recover from the devastat-       way  through  June  8,  called  “Eight  to  Eight,   (2014-2024)
             ing impacts from the global COVID-19 pan-        Because Our Planet Can’t Wait”
             demic, which has drastically reduced the ca-                                                     International years
             pacity of many nations to reboot and grow        Focus and showcase for small island devel-      This will cover:
             their economies to create new jobs, provide      oping states                                    1. International Year of Basic Sciences for Sus-
             basic  services  to  their  citizens,  reduce  pov-  Aruba  is  home  to  the  University  of  Aruba,   tainable Development (2022)
             erty, improve national health infrastructures,   which has a unique SISSTEM faculty, that fo-    2. International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and
             and  create  conditions  through  education,     cuses  on  Small  Island  Solutions  through  Sci-  Aquaculture (2022)
             innovation,  science  and  technology  for  di-  ence,  Technology,  Engineering  and  Math-     International days
             versified  economies,  with  built-in  resilience,   ematics, and is based on a European Union   1. International Day of Human Space Flight,
             and  the  capacity  to  meet  the  Sustainable   funded  collaboration  with  the  University  of   April 12
             Development Goals and set goals for reduc-       Leuven  (Louvain)  in  Belgium.  Aruba  is  also   2. World Creativity and Innovation Day, April
             ing greenhouse gas emissions.                    home to a unique blend of fundamental and       21
                                                              applied  research  foundations,  and  a  grow-  3. Mother Earth Day/ Earth Day, April 22
             The conflict in Ukraine has created new prob-    ing  number  of  initiatives  in  citizens’  science   4. World Book and Copyright Day, April 23
             lems from acute shortages of fossil fuel ener-   and  innovation,  new  agricultural  technolo-  5. World Day for Safety and Health at Work,
             gy resources, to a massive surge in refugees,    gies and a sizable investment in wind and so-   April 28
             and a growing food shortage and rapid in-        lar energy projects.                            6. World Press Freedom Day, May 3
             crease in agricultural commodities prices, re-                                                   7. World Migratory Bird Day, May 14
             sulting from the loss of fertilizer (component)   This  in  combination  with  our  ties  to  the  Eu-  8.  World  Telecommunications  and  Informa-
             exports  and  staple  food  products,  such  as   ropean  Union  through  the  Kingdom  of  The   tion Society Day. May 17
             wheat and cereals and edible oils, of which      Netherlands  makes  Aruba  uniquely  quali-     9. World Bee Day, May 20
             both Ukraine and Russia are major exporters.     fied to showcase efforts and technologies to    10. International Day for Biological Diversity,
             Even all of the industries that incorporate mi-  solve problems that Small Island Developing     May 22
             crochips  in  their  products  are  impacted  by   States  face,  but  also  to  translate  these  into   11. World Bicycle Day, June 3
             the war in Ukraine.                              solutions for global use.                       12. World Environment Day, and International
                                                                                                              Day for the Fight Against Illegal, Unreported
             All of this is causing serious setbacks in meet-  Eight To Eight, Because Our Planet Can’t Wait  and
             ing climate goals, the Sustainable Develop-      The  campaign  runs  annually  from  April  8,   Unregulated Fishing, June 5
             ment  Goals  and  protection  of  biodiversity   through June 8. It has a threefold focus.       13.  World  Food  Safety  (and  Food  Security)
             and  ecosystems  worldwide,  some  of  which                                                     Day, June 7
                                                                                                              14. World Oceans Day, June 8

                                                                                                              Format of campaign
                                                                                                              This  campaign  will  fully  harness  all  the  new
                                                                                                              media  technologies  and  uses  storytelling,
                                                                                                              press releases, fact sheets, interactive media,
                                                                                                              Facebook,  blogs,  websites,  live  streaming
                                                                                                              and video web sites. To focus on how things
                                                                                                              are done and get done IN Aruba, we will pro-
                                                                                                              vide short videos on Facebook and YouTube.
                                                                                                              Fact sheets, tool kits and informational mate-
                                                                                                              rials  will  be  made  available  online,  and  we
                                                                                                              will also strive to get printed media coverage
                                                                                                              through in-depth articles and interviews.

                                                                                                              Press and general inquiries
                                                                                                              For more information, or how to sponsor our
                                                                                                              activities,  or  to  participate  and  collaborate
                                                                                                              with us, please contact us by phone/What-
                                                                                                              sapp  at  +297  7478280,  or  email  address
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