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PeoPle & Arts Saturday 5 auguSt 2017
Ziering: ‘Sharknado’ has ‘secret sauce’ he can’t explain
By BERENICE BAUTISTA ernments around the world
Associated Press to fight the crazy phenom-
MEXICO CITY (AP) — The enon.
memes and mockery Filming took the cast and
abound, but “Sharknado,” crew to Europe, Asia and
which has conquered au- Australia. This year’s cam-
diences, netted dozens of eos include Olivia Newton-
celebrity cameos such as John, Bret Michaels, Clay
George R.R. Martin, Ne-Yo Aiken, Charo and Mexican
and Kelly Osbourne, and weather girl Yanet Garcia.
has turned into an annual “Now that we’ve become
event. The fifth installment a global movie it’s not just
of the TV movie series about people who want to be in
airborne sharks arrives Sun- the movie, there’s coun-
day with new celebrities tries who have solicited,”
and international settings. Ziering said.
“As a viewer I appreciate “I think the craziest place
it because it’s fun, it’s es- that we shot that was,
capism, it’s pure entertain- (where) they were looking
ment. But how do you ex- at us like we were out of our
plain it? I don’t know,” said mind would be Tokyo when
series star Ian Ziering, who we were running in the
along with Tara Reid fights streets at night, like scream-
a tornado of sharks with a ing. They don’t understand
chain saw. “Major motion the language, and they’re
picture studios spend hun- looking at us and this cra-
dreds of millions of dollars zy hair, and he’s got this In this Aug. 3, 2017 file photo, cast members Ian Ziering, left, and Tara Reid participate in the BUILD
trying to capture some of in his hand, People were Speaker Series to discuss “Sharknado 5: Global Swarming” at AOL Studios in New York. The film
premieres Sunday on Syfy.
whatever it is that makes like, ‘What the hell is going Associated Press
our little ‘Sharknado’ movie on?’” Reid said.
globally popular.” “It’s kind The plot has been nonsensi- said the actor, who starred the fans has led to a yearly “But you have to take all
of like the secret sauce: No cal from the beginning and in the popular ‘90s TV series installment since 2013, all of of this really seriously, be-
one really knows for sure. has created many memes “Beverly Hills 90210” and them directed by Anthony cause in the context of this
I wish I knew, I would be on the web. Even Ziering “Melrose Place.” C. Ferrante. movie these are very seri-
making my own movie,” he found it ridiculous at the “I am an actor, but my For Ziering, the biggest ous scenarios.” At this point
said with a laugh. “Shark- beginning. “When I read most important job is pro- challenge has been “keep- the only way he would stop
nado: Global Swarming” the first ‘Sharknado’ movie vider of my family. I didn’t ing it all together.” being part of “Sharknado”
premieres Sunday on Syfy. I thought It was terrible, I have very much confi- “We’re saying things that would be “if Fin Shepard
It finds Ziering’s Fin Shepard told my wife that I couldn’t dence in the movie, but I are so ridiculous that some- ever got eaten and is not
an expert in “sharknados” do this movie, that it would did it anyway to provide times you really want to able to chain saw his way
who is called upon by gov- be the end of my career,” for my family.” The love of laugh really hard,” he said. out of the shark.”q
Cynthia Nixon emerges as Hit song ‘Despacito’ becomes
possible NY gubernatorial most viewed video on YouTube
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Cyn- AP Music Writer
thia Nixon’s name is being NEW YORK (AP) — The mu-
mentioned as a possible sic video for the No. 1 hit
candidate for governor in song “Despacito” has be-
New York. come the most viewed clip
The Wall Street Journal was on YouTube of all-time.
the first to report Friday that YouTube announced Fri-
the “Sex & the City” actress day that Luis Fonsi’s ubiq-
has been approached by uitous song with Daddy
liberal groups encouraging Yankee hit nearly three bil-
her to mount a Democratic lion views — 2,993,786,682
primary challenge against views to be exact — and
Gov. Andrew Cuomo. surpassed previous record
Nixon is active in liberal pol- holder “See You Again,”
itics in the state. She has not In this Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016 file the song by Wiz Khalifa and In this April 27, 2017 file photo, singers Luis Fonsi, left and Daddy
weighed in on her possible photo, Actress Cynthia Nixon Charlie Puth from the “Furi- Yankee perform during the Latin Billboard Awards in Coral
candidacy. A message left poses for the photographers ous 7” soundtrack. Gables, Fla.
with her agent was not im- during a photo call for the film “Despacito” became an Associated Press
‘A Quiet Passion’ at the 2016
mediately returned Friday. Berlinale Film Festival in Berlin, international smash hit this lar remix with Justin Bieber; become the first video to
The director of the Alliance Germany. year, topping the Billboard that version has been reach three billion views on
for Quality Education tells Associated Press Hot 100 chart. viewed more than 464 mil- YouTube. The video is also
the Journal that Nixon has her candidacy would ex- The record-breaking video lion times. the most “liked” video on
progressive credentials and cite voters.q does not include the popu- “Despacito” is on track to YouTube.q