Page 15 - ttc aug 26,2015
P. 15


LOCALTuesday 25 August 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Paradise Beach Village!

EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba      honorary titles are presented in the  ard of Newark, Delaware.            home and the people are like fam-
Tourism Authority had the great       name of the Minister of Tourism as    All of the honorees are loyal mem-  ily to them.
pleasure of honoring a very nice      a token of appreciation to guests     bers of the Paradise Beach Village  The certificates were presented
group of island guests who are        who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and 20-  and they love Aruba very much       by Mr. Ernest Giel and Ms. Nadia
loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba  to-34 consecutive years.              because of the friendly people,     Dabboussi representing the Aruba
at the Paradise Beach Village as      The honorees were Mr. Samuel and      the climate, the beaches, and the   Tourism Authority together with Mr.
Distinguished Visitor and Ambas-      Mrs. Dianne Kelly of Jersey City,     restaurants.                        Reginald Amaya representing the
sadors of Goodwill. The symbolic      New Jersey, and Mrs. Dorothy How-     They say Aruba feels like a second  Paradise Beach Village.q
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