Page 19 - ttc aug 26,2015
P. 19
12 AWEMainta Diaranson, 26 Augustus 2015
AUCTION Segun Parlamentario Clarisca Velasquez
ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba E negativismo
ta resalta den
On Thursday September 3, 2015, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the DURANTE reunion publico diamars a trata e fondo
Chamber of Aruba, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:
di turismo TPEF por a constata e negativismo di MEP
1 A commercial building (office) locally known as durante e reunion aki. A critica turismo envez di mira
y elogia e bon cosnan cu e Gobierno aki ta haciendo riba
EMMASTRAAT 16 nos turismo.
Tur hende ta mira y ta experiencia con bon turismo ta
standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 180 m2 in size, locally recorded as First bayendo na Aruba. Cu tin cos cu por mehora esey ta
Division Section F number 606 sigur pero no ta comparti e criticanan y negativismo di
partido MEP riba tereno di turismo.
Starting bid: Afl. 136.000,-- No ta pasobra bo ta den oposicion bo mester ta negativo
y asina destructivo manera MEP ta. Nos mester di
2. A residential house locally known as hendenan positivo y di hendenan cu ta mira e glas mitar
yen envez cu e ta mitar bashi. Nos mester di politiconan
PASTOOR HENDRIKSTRAAT 9 cu ta duna contribucion p’asina nos sigi restructura y
drecha e isla aki. Politiconan negativo y destructivo no
- standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 447 m2 in size, situated at San ta contribui cu nada y pesey Dios spaar nos cu un dia
Nicolas, Aruba, as further described in a measure document dated January 14, e hendenan aki yega na gobernacion pasobra nan lo
1949, number 3032; caba cu e pais aki cu nan mentalidad asina negativismo
y destructivo. E fondo di turismo aki a contribui cu
- a parcel of full ownership land, 43 m2 in size, situated at San Nicolas, Aruba, as diferente projecto cu ta mehora nos calidad di producto
further described in a measure document dated November 8, 1961, number 217; Aruba y pesey a mustra su derecho di existencia.
Pesey no por compronde con por tin hendenan asina
- a parcel of full ownership land, 70 m2 in size, situated at San Nicolas, negativo y destructivo. Nos ta yama hendenan asina
- Aruba, as further described in “Rooibrief” dated January 14, 1949, number 3032. profetanan di desaster. Nan no ta contribui cu nada
positivo pa nos pais.
Starting bid: Afl. 122.000,-- Pero mientras MEP ta sembra odio y negativismo den
nos pueblo nos positivismo ta guia nos Gobernantenan
3. A commercial building with office spaces locally known as pa sigi cu e bon labor cu nan ta haciendo pa nos pais.
standing on:
- a parcel of lease land, 2.060 m2 in size, locally recorded as First Division
Section P number 1951;
- a parcel of lease land, 3.970 m2 in size, locally recorded as First Division
Section P number 3128;
- a parcel of lease land, 204 m2 in size, locally recorded as First Division
Section P number 3127.
Starting bid: to be announced at a later date
Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by decreasing bids (in
Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole
All auction costs are for the account of the buyer, which costs include: transfer tax,
registration fees cadaster, the outstanding long lease fees and property taxes for execution
of the necessary notarial deeds, other auction costs (rent of auction room, bailiff fees,
cancellation of liens and mortgages, advertisements), and the costs to have the property
vacated, if necessary.
The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
special auction conditions which have been determined by acting civil law
notary T.R. Johnson. These auction conditions are available for inspection at
the office of the aforementioned acting civil law notary situated at Italiestraat 50
units 10 & 10-A, Aruba.
For more information please contact:
Mr. Berry Weijers or Ms. Chamila Tromp
Italiestraat 50 - Units 10 & 10-A tel.# 280 9950 – fax # 280 9949
email: -