Page 18 - Ata 5Jan15
P. 18
Monday 5 January 2015

Hundreds Of Revelers Plunge Into 2015 At Moomba Beach!

PALM BEACH - Hundreds last Thursday morning, cel-
of happy people jumped ebrating the beginning
into the ocean at noon of the New Year 2015 at
MooMba Beach. Hun-
dreds of locals and tour-
ists alike ran like the wind
at the signal of DJ Rico Rijk
of radio Fresh FM, the sta-
tion that accompanied
the event with great mu-
sic. Spectators watched
as the red-hatted crowd
took a gleeful dip before

running to the pea soup Dutch, is a tradition that
stand, where countless started in 1965. Now more
cups of Dutch pea soup than 46,000 people take
and Unox sausage were a dip worldwide; 10,000
doled out. Hundreds of red of them in Scheveningen,
Unox hats and several gal- Holland. Water tempera-
lons of pea soup were dis- tures greatly vary per loca-
tributed, according to offi- tion, as you might imagine.
cials from the Aruba Wine In Holland the tempera-
And Dine group. ture was very reasonable 8
The jump into the ocean, degrees – but what a dif-
the Nieuwjaarsduik in ference with Aruba!q
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