Page 19 - Ata 5Jan15
P. 19

LOCALMonday 5 January 2015
McLaughlin Family Honored for Loyalty to Aruba!

PALM BEACH - Recently, lin were honored as Am- returning to Aruba for more representing Aruba Tour- be the “Happy Island”, the
Jim and Noreen McLaugh- bassadors of Goodwill after than 21 years consecutive ism Authority conducted great weather and friend-
years. the ceremony at the Playa ly Aruban hospitality, the
The symbolic honorary title Linda Resort. white sand beaches and
is presented in the name of Noreen commented that the local food.
the Minister of Tourism as a she will never change her On the pictures Mr. Croes
token of appreciation to vacation island for any from ATA is seen together
guests who visit Aruba for other island, saying their with Jim and Noreen, as
20-or-more years consec- top reasons for returning well as Yvette from the Pla-
utive. Mr. Ricardo Croes are they consider Aruba to ya Linda Resort.q
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