Page 18 - KPA
P. 18
Diabierna, 17 November 2017 AWEMainta 13
Awe Corte di Prome Instancia tin e.o. pa trata
Dos caso di violacion y un caso di intento di asesinato
Horario Sospechoso Acto Castigabel
08.15 O.G.G. Uitspraak.
08.30 J.C.B. B. ta wordo acusa di a viola un persona riba 6 di mei 2017.
08.30 N.A.G. Pro forma. G. ta wordo acusa di intento di asesinato riba 31 di augustus 2017, dor di hinca un persona varios biaha
cu un cuchio den su pecho y barica. E ta wordo acusa di a intencionalmente ocasiona e persona aki lesion grave na su
higra riba 31 di augustus 2017 dor di hinke cu e cuchio.
10.30 J.S. S. ta wordo acusa di a viola un persona riba 24 di juli 2017. E violencia ta encera entre otro, cu el a para cu un
machete dilanti e persona y a bise cu e lo mate.
By means of this publication the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix,
would like to invite all engineering consultancy firms / joint ventures who can demonstrate proven ability to provide FIDIC Engineer’s Aruba
Services for the Contract Management and Technical Supervision of large multidisciplinary construction projects to participate in the
PREQUALIFICATION for Engineer’s Services for the enabling works for the Gateway 2030 Expansion Project.
This project entails:
x Carry out the role of the Engineer as required under the FIDIC CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT for CONSTRUCTION - # 1 online
(First Edition 1999) for the following construction works:
o Construction Package 1: Buildings and Utility Systems
The works include the construction of a 1,250 m2 utility building, including installation of new and relocated
equipment and systems; and the construction of a 60 m2 guard house.
o Construction Package 2: Civil Works
The works include earthworks and the construction of, among others, roads, security fences, gates, storm
water drainage system, street lighting, underground ducting and piping
A complete set of Prequalification Documents may be purchased by interested consultants upon payment of a non-refundable fee for the
Prequalification Documents in the amount of three hundred and fifty florins (AWG 350.00) by making a transfer or deposit on Aruba
Bank account no. 0647740490 attention of Aruba Airport Authority N.V. reference Prequalification Enabling Works -
Upon proof of transfer or deposit of the amount of AWG 350.00 Prequalification Documents can be requested to the following direction:
Ms. Eli Vrolijk
Airport Development
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix
Sabana Berde 75
Dutch Caribbean
Closing date to request the Prequalification Documents: 16:00hrs lt on 21 November 2017 e corant di Toko
Deadline for submittal of filled out Prequalification Documents: 10:00hrs lt on 30 November 2017
Note: All Documents must be delivered in two (2) paper copies and one (1) digital copy on CD or USB, in a closed envelop either in Manda bo e-mail
person or via a courier service prior to the deadline as indicated above.
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
November 15, 2017
Tel : 583 -1400
Fax : 583 - 1444