Page 28 - MIN SOC dec 29,2015
P. 28


LOCALTuesday 29 December 2015

‘Best of the Year’ Honored:

      Playa Linda Celebrates Year-End with ‘Twist of Royal Blue’

ORANJESTAD – Playa Linda       and the resort bestowing its  ee of the Year and Yvette      After a year in which the
Beach Resort employees         ‘Best of the Year’ honors.    Tromp, from Members Re-        resort underwent a major
celebrated a blue Christ-      General Manager Peter         lations, as Manager of the     renovation to its public ar-
mas in a royal way during      van Grinsven, together with   Year. Accolades also went      eas, including its main pool
their recent year-end cel-     Human Resources’ Milda        to Nidia Boekhoudt, from       -- all the while maintaining
ebration, held at the Hilton.  Ras, brought the event to     Accounting, as the resort’s    consistently high ratings --
A year of accomplishments      its highpoint in announc-     Star Award winner.             every single department
was celebrated among           ing Jarion Croes, from Front  The annual year-end cele-      received recognition this
all of the employees, with     Office, as the Rookie of the  bration was complete with      year as Department of the
special recognition going      Year, Alda Orman, from        dinner and dancing as well     Year. For the high level of
to outstanding associates,     Housekeeping, as Employ-      as particularly high spirits.  teamwork and unwavering
                                                                                            hospitality offered guests,
                                                                                            even under challenging
                                                                                            conditions, each depart-

                                                                                            ment will receive a special    ceptional vacation experi-
                                                                                            gift by the time the resort    ence with true Aruban hos-
                                                                                            lights its pagara to wel-      pitality. The year-end party
                                                                                            come in 2016.                  is just one of the ways in
                                                                                            As one of the island’s first,  which the resort thanks its
                                                                                            and still leading, time-       employees for their invalu-
                                                                                            shares, Playa Linda prides     able contributions to this
                                                                                            itself on providing an ex-     goal.q
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