Page 25 - AHATA
P. 25
Thursday 9 March 2017
Irregularities Cited Within the Board of Caribbean Palm Village
NOORD - There are a lot of Overseer of Operations was counts, and cannot be pervision, the board has Audits have not been per-
irregularities under investi- terminated in December of found in the accounting re- decided to suspend your formed in the last 5 years till
gation at Caribbean Palm 2015 and his compensa- cords. Did it just disappear? membership pending in- today.
Village. The person they are tion was revoked also by With regard to Mr. Maloof’s vestigation.” Before this incident with
focusing on now, Mr. Dan- the remaining Board Mem- actions, the Board goes on The Articles of Association Mr. Maloof, the incumbent
iel Louis Maloof, also known bers. Notwithstanding this to say, “Due to the afore- also mandates that an an- Board, which at the time
as Dan Maloof, was until specific order, Mr. Maloof mentioned and the fact nual audit be performed, included Mr. Maloof, also
recently the Vice President subsequently paid himself that the Board has decid- however these might have terminated another mem-
of the Board of Caribbean in excess of US$ 35,000 dur- ed to initiate a full scale been purposely withheld ber of the board, Mr. Ran-
Palm Village. He was given ing 2016. investigation on several (fi- because of all of the irregu- dolph de Cuba, because
the task of Overseer of Op- He was able to make these nancial) irregularities that larities occurring within the alleged defalcations, of
erations and the financial payments to himself since took place under your su- Board. which Mr. Maloof is also be-
matters of the Association. he had complete authority ing accused of. However
For this position he was of all of the bank accounts. the incumbent board nev-
paid US$ 5,000 per month, However, there must have er divulged the information
which is against the Articles been cooperation from a about his dismissal.
of Association, because specific or specific Board The Articles of Association
compensation to any Members for approval of delineates specific rules
board members must be these payments. and regulations how to
approved by the Member- He was not only removed deal in these above situa-
ship and not determined from his position for this rea- tions, however these were
by the Board of Directors. son, but also for charges of apparently disregarded in
In addition, he was also Customs Fraud for evasion both cases.
paid a per diem, as were of import duties. We will continue to keep
other Board Members, in you abreast of any new
the amount of US$200 per This matter was settled developments coming our
day, for a maximum of US$ short of criminal charges, way.
6,000 per month, which is in which a fine was paid If you have any comments
also against the Articles of but the amount paid with or reactions to this article,
Association and its bylaws. a cashed Cooperative As- please email us at noticia@
Mr. Maloof’s position as sociation check never ap-
pears in the books of ac-