Page 20 - MIN VOS - MAY 6,2015
P. 20


LOCALWednesday 6 May 2015

Eman Fourth in Points After Palm Beach Nationals

WEST PALM, FL - Fresh off of    Carr’s 6.45. The semi final    father and I have. Not only   my wife Nicole,” continued     race.
their final round appear-       round would be a repeat        do they want to do good       Eman. “She does not get to     “Our thoughts go out to
ance at the Southern Na-        of the Southern Nationals      on the race track, but they   go to all the races now that   Cale Aronson as he recov-
tionals, Team Aruba was         final round, in which Eman     also understand the impor-    we reside back in Aruba        ers from his crash,” Eman
looking strong at the IHRA      had to run competitor and      tance of Team Aruba’s ad-     after finishing college. Not   added. “This accident
Nitro Jam Palm Beach Na-        good friend John Monte-        ditional goals, which is to   only was I happy to have       happened right before I
tionals. Although back-to-      calvo. Unfortunately, the      promote our native island     her at the race track, but     had to make my run, so I
back weekends can be            result would also be the       Aruba as the tourist desti-   all the friends that she has   saw the accident as we
tough for a team whose          same with Montecalvo get-      nation that it is most known  made at the race track         were still sitting in front of
driver resides in another       ting the win and then going    for.                          were also happy to see         the burnout box. I know he
country, it proved to be        on to capture his second       “The past weekend in West     her again. My cousin Nel-      hit the wall pretty hard and
beneficial to Team Aruba.       victory in as many weeks.      Palm Beach was a nice         son was also in West Palm      unfortunately that put him
They carried the momen-         Still, Team Aruba’s showing    weekend for me, especial-     Beach with us. Nelson is a     in the hospital. I know he is
tum from the runner up fin-     at the last two events was     ly, as I had the company of   ‘distant’ crew member of       undergoing procedures to
ish across the state of Flori-  enough to move them to                                       Team Aruba. He used to         correct the fractures he has
da Palm Beach Internation-      fourth in Pro Stock points.                                  always travel with us to the   suffered. I hope he recu-
al Raceway. They qualified      “This is a result of a combi-                                races in the States as an ac-  perates quickly and comes
third with a 6.343 elapsed      nation of a great team, a                                    tive crew member, but due      racing back soon. The
time, setting themselves in     great Jerry Haas built car                                   to work obligations cannot     Mountain Motor Pro Stock
the top half of the field for   and great Jon Kaase pow-                                     make it to all the races as    category is a tight group
eliminations.                   er in our Ford Hemi engine,”                                 before.                        and there are not many of
In round one the Aruba.         told Eman. “My father, Ven                                   This sort of company is nice   these cars in the country.
com Mustang took on JR          and I cannot be more                                         for us, due to the fact that   The class has been recently
Carr. Eman had over five        proud and happier with                                       when we head out to a          building up with new com-
hundredths of an advan-         the team we have. Our                                        race we fly over from Aru-     petitors, I hope this setback
tage on reaction time           guys, John Peterson, Bruce                                   ba and leave our family        does not put Cale on the
alone, but wouldn’t need        Morgan, Shawn Scruggs                                        behind for the duration of     sidelines for too long. We
it as he bested Carr on         and Doug Schriefer, all                                      the race. In this case it was  wish him, his wife Tinzy and
both ends of the track          have the same desire to do                                   three weeks total from the     his father Chuck well and
with a 6.38 elapsed time to     good and win just like my                                    time we left Aruba to the      hope to see him and the
                                                                                             time we returned.”             race car recover soon.”
                                                                                             Although it was a great        Follow Team Aruba on
                                                                                             event for Team Aruba, with     Facebook and Twitter. Find
                                                                                             friends, family and a semi-    race results, team updates,
                                                                                             final finish, an on-track ac-  videos and photos. Also
                                                                                             cident in Pro Stock cast       leave your comments to
                                                                                             a shadow over the entire       cheer on Team Aruba!q
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