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                           905,060    5,764    910,824    5,184    (1,231)   914,777    1,596,919    2,418,217    182,052    61,769    4,258,957    11,727    (110,304)   4,160,380    2,565,819    2,867,865    1,311,575    6,745,259    6,182    6,751,441

                           762,807    6,494    769,301    4,229    (1,160)   772,370    1,605,815    2,505,801    162,713    44,317    4,318,646    11,207    (111,240)   4,218,613    2,561,911    2,754,514    1,281,829    6,598,254    5,685    6,603,939
                       2019                                Independent auditor’s report on the audit of the consolidated financial highlights The accompanying consolidated financial highlights, which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as at 31  December 2019 and consolidated income statement for the year then ended and related notes, are derived  from the audited consolidated financial statements of Maduro & Cur

                     B.  SPECIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS (All amounts are expressed in thousands of Antillean Guilders)  Debt securities at amortized cost Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Total investment securities Accrued interest receivables on debt securities  Less: Loss allowance for expected credit losses  Loans and advances to customers  Total loans and advances to customers Accrued interest rec

    ADVERTENTIE         I  ASSETS  Investment securities  NET INVESTMENTS  Retail customers  Corporate customers  Public sector  Other  II  LIABILITIES  Customers' deposits  Retail customers  Corporate customers  Other  Opinion  ended 31 December 2019.   Other information  Auditor’s responsibilities  Curaçao, 29 April 2020  for Ernst & Young Accountants  drs. R.J.W. van Nimwegen RA

    Donderdag 30 april 2020  Explanatory notes to the Consolidated Financial Highlights as at December 31, 2019  That is, whether the Group’s objective is solely to  collect the contractual cash flows from the assets.  If this condition is not applicable (unlisted equity  securities), then the financial assets are classified  as part of ‘other’ business model and measured at   FVTPL.   SPPI Where the business model i

    Antilliaans Dagblad  A.  ACCOUNTING POLICIES  1. GENERAL The principal accounting policies adopted in the  preparation of the Consolidated Financial Highlights  of Maduro & Curiel’s Bank N.V. and its subsidiaries  (the ‘Group’) are set out below. These explanatory  notes are an extract of the detailed notes included  in the consolidated financial statements and are  consistent in all material respects with those

    Donderdag 30 april 2020  2018  2019   313,956   317,180    16,157    15,374    297,799    301,806    229,866    242,917    90,436    99,312    139,430   143,605    53,357   52,512    -        974    490,586    498,897    197,829   207,693    23,977   27,673   (6,673)   7,376    81,442    83,120    296,575   325,862    194,011   173,035    32,512   25,524    161,499   147,511   Leningen Ondanks de uitdagende lokal

    Antilliaans Dagblad  Consolidated income statement of Maduro & Curiel’s Bank N.V.   and its subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 2019  (All amounts are expressed in thousands of Antillean Guilders)  Fee and commission expenses  Net fee and commission income  Income from foreign exchange transactions  Salaries and other employee expenses Credit loss expenses/(income) on financial assets    NET RESULT AFTER

                              Fee and commission income
                                                 Net result before profit tax
                                             Other operating expenses
                                            and contingent liabilities
                                               Operating expenses
                                          Occupancy expenses
                            Net interest income
                                       Operating income
             Consolidated Financial Highlights
                          Interest expense
                         Interest income
                                     Other revenues
                                                  Profit tax
                                                                      •  miljoen (2%).  •   •   NAF 4 miljoen ofwel 3%.  •
    ADVERTENTIE        2018   2,608,413    914,777   772,370    4,160,380   4,218,613    189,586    198,462    1,490    1,487    6,675    6,883    40,638    39,009      7,921,959    6,751,441    21,717    28,306    1,490    1,487    6,910   (3,150)   20,899   21,679    124,270   149,943    104,418   154,939    7,031,145    51,000    51,000    12,500   12,500    191,470   192,844    618,365   649,327    873,335    905
                   Consolidated balance sheet of Maduro & Curiel’s Bank N.V.   and its subsidiaries as at December 31, 2019  (All amounts are expressed in thousands of Antillean Guilders) 2019   2,625,990   Loans and advances to customers Bank premises and equipment Customers' liability under acceptances   7,862,814    6,603,939    6,957,143    7,862,814  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY  Onze jaarrekening en overige inf

    14                  ASSETS Cash and due from banks  Investment securities  Deferred tax assets  Other assets  TOTAL ASSETS  LIABILITIES AND EQUITY  Liabilities    Customers' deposits  Due to banks Acceptances outstanding  Profit tax liabilities  Deferred tax liability  Provisions  Other liabilities  Equity  Share capital  General reserve  Other reserves  Retained earnings  Minority interest  •   drijven tezamen.
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