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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 14 aPRiL 2022

                           Germany irritated by Ukraine’s snub of a presidential visit

            (AP) — German Chancellor Olaf                                                                               A  Ukrainian  presidential  advisor,
            Scholz on Wednesday criticized a                                                                            Oleksiy Arestovych, told Germany’s
            diplomatic  snub  by  Ukraine  for                                                                          ARD television that he didn’t know
            his  country’s  president  and  de-                                                                         the reasons for the decision to reject a
            fended  Berlin’s  record  on  deliv-                                                                        Steinmeier visit but also signaled that
            ering weapons to Kyiv amid ten-                                                                             Kyiv would like to see Scholz so that
            sions that have flared at a delicate                                                                        “practical  decisions”  could  be  made
            moment  in  German  policymak-                                                                              on matters such as weapons.
            ing on the war.
                                                                                                                        A senior lawmaker with one of Ger-
            President  Frank-Walter  Steinmeier,                                                                        many’s three governing parties, Wolf-
            Germany’s largely ceremonial head of                                                                        gang  Kubicki,  said  he  didn’t  think
            state, had hoped to travel to Ukraine                                                                       Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel-
            on  Wednesday  with  his  Polish  and                                                                       enskyy was “well advised” to reject a
            Baltic counterparts. But he said Tues-                                                                      visit by Steinmeier.
            day  that  his  presence  “apparently  ...
            wasn’t wanted in Kyiv.” The German                                                                          Steinmeier, who became president in
            newspaper Bild quoted an unidenti-                                                                          2017, served twice as ex-Chancellor
            fied  Ukrainian  diplomat  as  saying                                                                       Angela Merkel’s foreign minister and
            that Steinmeier was not welcome at                                                                          before that as ex-Chancellor Gerhard
            the moment, pointing to his close re-                                                                       Schroeder’s chief of staff. During that
            lations with Russia in the past.                                                                            time,  Germany  pursued  a  dialogue
                                                                                    sian  offensive  in  the  east.  Germany  with  Putin  and  cultivated  close  en-
            Ukraine’s  ambassador  to  Germany  The  flap  comes  amid  a  discussion  broke  with  tradition  after  Russia’s  ergy ties.
            later  said  the  government  would  be  within  Scholz’s  governing  coalition  invasion  to  supply  arms  to  Ukraine
            glad to welcome Scholz — who, un-   about whether Germany should au-    but has faced criticism from Kyiv for  Last week, Steinmeier admitted mis-
            like Steinmeier, sets government pol-  thorize sending heavy weapons such  perceived hesitancy and slowness in  takes  in  Germany’s  policies  toward
            icy. But the snub to Steinmeier may  as  tanks  to  Ukraine  as  that  nation  providing material.          Russia,  saying  that  “we  failed  on
            make that more difficult.           prepares  to  face  a  stepped-up  Rus-                                 many points.”

                       Chemical weapons use from Syrian war stokes Ukraine’s fears

            (AP)  —  The  chilling  nian officials say it could have  cess.  Assad,  with  Russia’s  ons of mass destruction.   the town of Khan Sheikhoun
            scenes  from  Syria  of  vic-  been  phosphorus  munitions  backing,  consistently  cast  a                         in  rebel-held  Idlib  province
            tims  twitching  and  gasp-  -  which  cause  horrendous  cloud of confusion, accusing  Red lines                   that killed about 100 people.
            ing  for  air  after  chlorine  burns  but  are  not  classed  as  the opposition of fabricating  The  assault  early  on  the  Experts  from  the  U.N.  and
            cylinders  were  dropped  chemical weapons.               evidence or deploying poison  morning  of  Aug.  21,  2013,  the chemical weapons watch-
            from helicopters in towns  Putin  has  threatened  to  gas themselves to try to frame  on the rebel-held suburbs of  dog  blamed  the  Syrian  gov-
            and  villages  were  broad-  broaden  the  Ukraine  war  him.                          Damascus known as Ghouta  ernment for the attack.
            cast  over  and  over  in  the  into a nuclear conflict, but it  An  investigative  mechanism  shocked  a  world  that  had
            course  of  country’s  civil  is unclear if chemical agents  set  up  by  the  Organization  grown  largely  numb  to  the  As  Moscow  pushes  its  of-
            war.                         will  be  used  to  support  his  for the Prohibition of Chem-  carnage of Syria’s civil war.  fensive  in  Ukraine,  world
                                         military  operations.  Analysts  ical  Weapons  blamed  Syrian  Fueling  the  international  leaders and policymakers are
            Legal and moral taboos were  say the Syria war set a horrific  government forces for multi-  outrage  were  dozens  of  on-  grappling with how the West
            shattered.  Hundreds  were  precedent in terms of deploy-  ple chemical attacks in Syria,  line  videos  showing  victims  should respond to a Russian
            killed,  including  many  chil-  ing  chlorine,  sulfur  and  the  including the use of chlorine  in spasms, gasping for breath  battlefield use of chemical or
            dren,  in  dozens  of  poison  nerve agent sarin, completely  and sarin in an attack on the  and  foaming  at  the  mouth.  biological  weapons.  Mem-
            gas  attacks  widely  blamed  disregarding   international  town of Khan Sheikhoun in  The  attack  crossed  what  bers  of  Congress  said  the
            on  President  Bashar  Assad’s  norms and with no account-  April  2017  that  killed  about  then-U.S.  President  Barack  Biden administration and its
            forces  under  the  protection  ability.                  100 people. At least one mus-  Obama had called a “red line”  allies will not stand by if that
            of his chief ally, Russian Pres-                          tard  gas  attack  was  blamed  for  possible  military  inter-  happens.
            ident Vladimir Putin.        She  has  joined  with  other  on  the  Islamic  State  group,  vention in the Arab country.  Unlike Syria, however, Rus-
                                         nongovernmental  organiza-   which held territory in Syria                             sia  is  a  nuclear  power.  Any
            Several  years  later,  concerns  tions to file a criminal com-  and  Iraq  for  several  years  Obama came close to order-  reaction  risks  triggering  a
            are growing that such weap-  plaint  on  behalf  of  a  group  during the war that killed half  ing  U.S.-led  military  strikes  nuclear confrontation, which
            ons could be used in Ukraine,  of  Syrians  living  in  Sweden  a million people.      but abruptly backed down af-  Putin has already alluded to.
            where  Russian  forces  have  against  the  Syrian  govern-                            ter failing to secure the nec-
            been  waging  a  devastating  ment  for  war  crimes  and  In  comments  reminiscent  essary support from the U.S.  Achieving justice
            war for weeks.               crimes  against  humanity  re-  of  Syria,  Russia  accused  Congress  and  instead  struck  Samani, of Civil Rights De-
                                         lated  to  its  use  of  chemical  Ukraine of running chemical  a deal with Moscow to elimi-  fenders,  faults  the  interna-
            As  the  conflict  drags  on,  weapons.                   and biological labs with U.S.  nate Syria’s chemical arsenal.  tional  community  for  not
            Western  officials  and  Ukrai-                           support,  leading  to  accusa-                            making  a  real  effort  to  seek
            nian  President  Volodymyr  Western  officials  say  Rus-  tions  Moscow  was  seeking  By August 2014, Assad’s gov-  accountability for the chemi-
            Zelenskyy  have  warned  that  sia  may  be  looking  to  bor-  to stage a false-flag incident.  ernment  declared  that  the  cal weapons attacks in Syria.
            Putin could deploy chemical  row from the Syria playbook,  Ukraine does have a network  destruction  of  its  chemical
            agents.                      where  Assad’s  forces  tested  of  biological  labs  that  have  weapons was completed. But  Last week, she and a group of
                                         the  international  commu-   gotten  funding  and  research  Syria’s  initial  declaration  to  NGOs presented new infor-
            Officials say they are investi-  nity’s  resolve  by  gradually  support from the U.S. — but  the OPCW has remained in  mation  relevant  to  the  sarin
            gating an unconfirmed claim  ramping  up  the  brutality  of  they  are  part  of  a  program  dispute, and the attacks con-  gas  attacks  on  Khan  Sheik-
            by a far-right Ukrainian regi-  attacks and methods.      seeking  to  reduce  the  likeli-  tinued.                hun  in  2017  and  Ghouta  in
            ment  that  a  poisonous  sub-                            hood of deadly outbreaks by                               2013 to investigative authori-
            stance  was  dropped  in  the  Part of the equation in Syria  pathogens,  whether  natural  In 2017, U.S. President Don-  ties in Germany, France and
            besieged  city  of  Mariupol  was the difficulty of proving  or  manmade.  The  U.S.  ef-  ald  Trump  launched  several  Sweden.
            this  week.  The  claim  could  anything  in  the  aftermath  forts  date  to  the  1990s  to  dozen cruise missiles at a Syr-
            not  be  confirmed  by  inde-  of  such  attacks,  largely  due  dismantle  the  former  Soviet  ian air base in retaliation for a  But  justice  appears  to  be  a
            pendent sources, and Ukrai-  to the lack of immediate ac-  Union’s  program  for  weap-  suspected nerve gas attack on  long way off.
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