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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 14 aPRiL 2022

                        Kershaw pulled after 7 with perfect game; Dodgers top Twins

            (AP) — Clayton Kershaw  in 21 batters during a 7-0 vic-
            was in prime form — call  tory on Wednesday.              So  on  a  the  gray,  windy,
            it perfect — in his season                                38-degree afternoon at Target
            debut for the Los Angeles  “Those  are  selfish  goals.  Field, Alex Vesia entered for
            Dodgers,  leaving  no  con-  We’re  trying  to  win.  That’s  the eighth to boos from the
            cern about his health after  really all we’re here for,” Ker-  blue-clad Dodgers fans in the
            facing no resistance from  shaw said.                     crowd  of  17,101.  Vesia  gave
            the Minnesota Twins.                                      up Minnesota’s first and only
                                         Roberts consulted with Ker-  hit, a one-out single by Gary
            When  the  time  came  for  shaw after the sixth, and the  Sánchez.
            manager Dave Roberts to re-  three-time  NL  Cy  Young
            lieve him, Kershaw didn’t put  Award  winner  told  him  his  Cody  Bellinger,  Gavin  Lux
            up a fight, either.          preference: one more inning  and  Austin  Barnes  hit  back-
                                         with an 85-pitch limit.      to-back-to-back  home  runs
            Kershaw took a perfect game                               in  the  eighth  against  reliev-
            through seven innings for the  “I would have loved to have  er  Dereck  Rodriguez,  who
            Dodgers until he was pulled  stayed,  but  bigger  things,  made his Twins debut.                                   said  Kershaw,  who  threw  a
            after  80  pitches,  dominating  man, bigger things,” Kershaw                          Kershaw  was  plenty  re-    no-hitter  against  Colorado
            the Twins with 13 strikeouts  said.                       Chris  Paddack  had  a  rough  freshed.                   on June 18, 2014. “My slider
                                                                      first start with the Twins, too,                          was horrible the last two in-
                                                                      less than a week after he was  Re-signed  with  the  Dodg-  nings. It didn’t have the bite.
                                                                      acquired  in  a  trade  with  the  ers for $17 million this year  It was time.”
                                                                      Padres.  He  lasted  four  in-  after missing more than two
                                                                      nings, with six hits and three  months in 2021 with inflam-  The breaking ball was awful-
                                                                      runs allowed.                mation  in  his  left  forearm,  ly good before that, though.
                                                                                                   Kershaw  was  slotted  fifth  in  Kershaw  threw  41  sliders,
                                                                      Justin  Turner  hit  a  two-  the  rotation  out  of  the  gate.  with  17  swinging  strikes,
                                                                      run  single  in  the  first,  Trea  That unusual assignment was  with  a  fastball  that  never
                                                                      Turner  had  a  sacrifice  fly  in  to give his arm more time to  topped  91  mph.  He  struck
                                                                      the second and Max Muncy  build up strength in light of  out the side in the sixth and
                                                                      went  deep  in  the  ninth  for  the  limited  spring  training  fanned  every  Twins  batter
                                                                      the Dodgers, who won a 7-2  schedule.                     at least once except Gio Ur-
                                                                      game  the  night  before  that                            shela,  who  grounded  out  to
                                                                      was  paused  for  1  1/2  hours  “Blame  it  on  the  lockout.  third and flied out to right in
                                                                      due  to  rain  and  ended  after  Blame  it  on  me  not  picking  his first two at-bats.
                                                                      midnight.                    up  a  baseball  until  January,”
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