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                Saturday 4 February 2023
            Sorry, not sorry: Some 1/6 rioters change tune after apology

            Continued from Front                                                                                                time  in  his  Jan.  6  case,
                                                                                                                                right-wing  activist  Brandon
            The very first Jan. 6 defend-                                                                                       Straka  donned  an  orange
            ant to be sentenced apol-                                                                                           jumpsuit  and  red  MAGA
            ogized  in  court  and  then                                                                                        cap,  sat  in  a  fake  jail  cell
            went on Fox News Channel                                                                                            and  performatively  wept
            shortly after and seemed to                                                                                         for a procession of attend-
            minimize  the  riot.  Another                                                                                       ees at the Conservative Po-
            defendant who called Jan.                                                                                           litical  Action  Conference
            6  “horrifying  and  disgust-                                                                                       in  Dallas  last  August.  Rep.
            ing”  later  donned  an  or-                                                                                        Marjorie  Taylor  Greene,  a
            ange  jumpsuit  to  play  the                                                                                       Georgia  Republican,  en-
            part of a distraught prisoner                                                                                       tered  the  cage  and  em-
            in a bizarre tribute to impris-                                                                                     braced Straka before they
            oned  Capitol  rioters  dur-                                                                                        appeared  to  pray  togeth-
            ing  a  conservative  confer-                                                                                       er.
            ence.                                                                                                               Months  earlier,  with  a  pos-
            Some  defendants  have                                                                                              sible jail term hanging over
            drawn  ire  from  judges  or                                                                                        his  head,  Straka  referred
            the  Justice  Department                                                                                            to Jan. 6 as “nothing more
            for  their  inconsistent  com-                                                                                      than  an  incredibly  shame-
            ments. But there’s not much                                                                                         ful day that had absolutely
            the legal system can do for                                                                                         no positive attributes what-
            an  adjudicated  defend-                                                                                            soever.”
            ant.  And  because  some                                                                                            “I’m sorry that I was present
            conservatives hold up Jan.   In this image provided by the West Virginia Legislative Photography, Derrick Evans is shown during   in any way at an event that
            6  defendants  as  martyrs,   his swearing-in ceremony to the West Virginia House of Delegates on Dec. 1, 2020, in Charleston,   led  people  to  feel  afraid,
            there’s a political and pos-  W.Va.                                                                Associated Press   that  caused  shame  and
            sibly  financial  incentive  for                                                                                    embarrassment     on   our
            them to change their tune.   Shortly  after,  prosecutors  have  taken  responsibility  tenced  her  to  probation.  country,  and  that  served
            It could push judges to im-  wrote  to  the  judge  about  for  their  actions  and  ap-  Shortly  after,  however,  the  absolutely no purpose oth-
            pose  stronger  punishments  several  statements  Evans  pear  genuinely  sorry.  In  Indiana  woman  told  Fox  er than to further tear away
            for rioters who haven’t yet  made on a radio show and  some  Jan.  6  cases,  judges  News host Laura Ingraham  at the already heartbreak-
            made it to the end of their  that were “inconsistent with  have  faulted  defendants  that people were “very po-    ing  divide  in  this  country,”
            criminal  cases.  Even  be-  the  contrition”  he  showed  for not appearing to show  lite” during the riot and that  he wrote in a letter to U.S.
            fore Evans’ sentencing, the  at sentencing. When asked  true  remorse  even  before  she  saw  “relaxed”  police  District Judge Dabney Frie-
            judge  who  heard  his  case  whether  he  regretted  his  their punishment has been  officers  chatting  with  riot-  drich,  who  sentenced  him
            began questioning the sin-   actions,  Evans  said  on  the  handed down.              ers.                         to 36 months of probation.
            cerity  of  rioters’  apologies  show that he regretted the  A  lawyer  for  Trennis  Evans  Lamberth   apparently  An email seeking comment
            after he felt duped by an-   “situation”  he  was  in.  But  III, who took a swig of whis-  hasn’t  forgotten  about  it.  was sent to Straka, from Ne-
            other defendant, saying he  he said he was “never go-     key in a congressional con-  The  judge  wrote  in  court  braska. He has said that the
            was  “all  too  familiar  with  ing to have regrets when it  ference  room  during  the  papers  that  he  hoped  CPAC  performance  was
            crocodile tears.”            comes to standing up and  riot, told the judge in court  another        defendant’s  meant  “to  provoke  a  re-
            In some cases, judges have  doing what’s right.”          papers that Evans was “sin-  “change  of  heart”  was  action  about  political  divi-
            questioned  whether  they  Evans  said  in  an  emailed  cerely remorseful, and duly  sincere because his hopes  sion, human rights abuses &
            should  undo  defendants’  statement to The Associat-     contrite.”  But  after  Evans  were “dashed” in her case.  more” and accused critics
            convictions  or  plea  deals  ed Press that he still stands  suggested at his November  In  another  case,  he  wrote  of trying to “criminalize art.”
            after they made statements  behind  what  he  said  in  sentencing that Jan. 6 de-     that he “often finds  it diffi-  Since  his  sentencing,  the
            in public that appeared to  court.                        fendants were being treat-   cult to ascertain the sincer-  judge  questioned  whether
            go  against  what  they  said  “That  was  my  message  to  ed unfairly — even though  ity”  of  Jan.  6  defendants’  he  wanted  to  withdraw
            in court. On Friday, U.S. Dis-  the  judge.  This  is  my  mes-  he  said  he  condemned  remorse.                  his guilty plea and said he
            trict Judge Amit Mehta or-   sage to the media. It’s time  what  happened  that  day  “Many     defendants    ap-   could  be  opening  himself
            dered  an  Illinois  man  con-  to tell the real story of what  — the judge said she didn’t  pear sincere at sentencing,  up to prosecution for mak-
            victed this week to explain  happened  personally  to  believe  he  showed  “full  boasting  of  their  purport-    ing  false  statements  be-
            why  the  judge  shouldn’t  me that day,” he said.        and genuine remorse.”        edly  deep  shame,  regret,  cause of public comments
            vacate  his  conviction  af-  Evans  said  he  lost  “almost  Months  after  he  was  or-  and desire to change and  she said seemed to contra-
            ter he agreed in court that  everything”  —  including  dered  to  serve  20  days  in  be  law-abiding  citizens,”  dict things he said in court.
            he  participated  in  the  riot  his job as a state delegate  jail, the Texas man traveled  Lamberth  wrote.  “But  this  A  written  statement  of  of-
            and then told a newspaper  and time with his kids — be-   to  South  Dakota  to  urge  Court is all too familiar with  fense  that  Straka  agreed
            he didn’t actually think he  cause  of  his  decision  on  state lawmakers to support  crocodile tears.”            was correct under his plea
            committed the crimes with  Jan.  6.  “How  could  I  not  a  resolution  encouraging  Morgan-Lloyd’s     attorney  deal  says  that  he  yelled
            which he was charged.        regret  that?”  he  asked.  “the humane and fair treat-   has  said  that  she  believes  “Take it! Take it!” while film-
            Before  being  sentenced  But he said he is “done be-     ment”  of  Jan.  6  defend-  her  client  was  genuinely  ing  others  trying  to  take  a
            last  June  to  three  months  ing  portrayed  as  a  villain”  ants.  The  resolution  failed  remorseful,  was  “played”  police officer’s shield. Stra-
            behind  bars  for  a  civil  dis-  when he is not, noting that  by unanimous vote.     by  Ingraham  and  sent  the  ka later told Fox News host
            order  charge,  Evans  said  he  didn’t  overrun  any  of-  The  first  Jan.  6  defendant  judge  a  letter  after  her  TV  Tucker Carlson that he told
            he regrets his actions every  ficers  and  was  inside  the  to  get  her  punishment,  interview. When contacted  his  lawyer  that  he  never
            day and told Senior Judge  Capitol for only 10 minutes.   Anna  Morgan-Lloyd,  told  by  The  Associated  Press,  made  that  comment.  He
            Royce  Lamberth  he  is  a  When  determining  an  ap-    Lamberth  that  she  was  Morgan-Lloyd’s       attorney  suggested  he  admitted
            “good person who unfortu-    propriate sentence, judges  ashamed  of  the  “savage  said the woman would not  doing  so  because  he  was
            nately was caught up in a  generally  take  into  ac-     display of violence” at the  comment.                     under  pressure  to  take  a
            moment.”                     count whether defendants  Capitol  before  he  sen-       After  he  dodged  prison  deal.q
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