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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 4 February 2023
            Chinese balloon high over U.S. stirs unease far below

            By  MATTHEW  BROWN  and                                                                                             escape to allow for a more
            AMY BETH HANSON                                                                                                     controlled  descent  (that)
            Associated Press                                                                                                    would  be  nice  ..  but  if  we
            BILLINGS,  Mont.  (AP)  —                                                                                           can’t do that ... blow it up.”
            The  Chinese  balloon  drift-                                                                                       The  National  Weather  Ser-
            ing  high  above  the  U.S.                                                                                         vice in Kansas City, Missouri,
            and  first  revealed  over                                                                                          said it received reports of a
            Montana  has  created  a                                                                                            large balloon in the Kansas
            buzz  down  below  among                                                                                            City  metro  area  and  post-
            residents  who  initially  won-                                                                                     ed  two  images  of  white
            dered  what  it  was  —  and                                                                                        orbs taken from the weath-
            now  wonder  what  its  ar-                                                                                         er station office in Pleasant
            rival means amid a chorus                                                                                           Hill,  Missouri.  The  service
            of  alarm  raised  by  the  re-                                                                                     confirmed it was not a Na-
            gion’s elected officials.                                                                                           tional Weather Service bal-
            The  balloon  roiled  diplo-                                                                                        loon.
            matic  tensions  as  it  con-                                                                                       The  Live  Storm  Chasers
            tinued  to  move  over  the                                                                                         Facebook  page  included
            central  U.S.  on  Friday  at   A high altitude balloon floats over Billings, Mont., on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023.    several  posts  from  people
            60000 feet (18,288 meters).                                                                        Associated Press   who  reported  seeing  a
            Secretary of State Anthony                                                                                          white  orb  that  could  be
            Blinken  abruptly  canceled  sile  silos    people  doubted  is  now  taking  responsibil-  Todd  Hewett  of  Billings  the balloon over Missouri at
            an upcoming trip to China.   Beijing’s claim that it was a  ity,  they  need  to  answer  said  his  10-year-old  son  midday Friday.
            Curiosity  about  the  bob-  weather  balloon  gone  off  for  why  it’s  here  in  our  air-  Matt  saw  the  balloon  and  Montana  Rep.  Ryan  Zinke
            bling  sky  orb  swept  the  in-  course.                 space.”                      thought it was a comet he  put  out  a  poll  to  his  con-
            ternet,  with  search  terms  “I  question  whether  or  not  A  white  balloon  with  what  had been looking for.   stituents  early  Friday  say-
            like  “where  is  the  sky  bal-  we  would  even  found  out  appeared to be a solar ar-  Hewett  got  some  shaky  ing  the  balloon  was  still
            loon  now?”  and  “spy  bal-  about this if people hadn’t  ray hanging beneath it was  footage, using a cellphone  over the state and asking if
            loon  tracker”  surging  on  spotted  it  in  Billings,”  said  seen  over  Billings  Wednes-  to  take  video  through  a  should be shot down. When
            Google.                      Chase  Doak,  a  resident  day afternoon, around the  telescope,       and    came  the Pentagon said the bal-
            On Facebook, wobbly vid-     of  the  southern  Montana  same time the local airport  away skeptical of the Chi-    loon had since drifted over
            eos  of  blue  skies  and  the  city  who  appears  to  have  was temporarily shut down  nese claim that it was a ci-  the  central  U.S.,  Zinke  re-
            white  splotch  filled  specu-  captured  some  of  the  first  and  a  day  before  the  vilian  weather  balloon.  He  mained  unappeased  and
            lative  feeds  as  communi-  known  video  footage  and  Pentagon  revealed  it  was  wanted  the  federal  gov-    raised  the  possibility  that
            ties  tried  to  track  its  path  photographs  of  the  bal-  tracking a Chinese spy bal-  ernment to take action.  China had more than one
            over the U.S.                loon.                        loon over the state.         “Shoot  it  down,”  he  said.  balloon  over  the  U.S.,  dur-
            In  Montana    home  to  “It  needs  to  be  removed  Initial  speculation  over  its  “If  we  could  somehow  ing  an  interview  with  The
            Malmstrom  Air  Force  base  from  the  sky  somehow,”  origins ranged from the for-   pierce  the  bottom  of  it  to  Associated Press. q
            and dozens of nuclear mis-   Doak added. “And if China  eign to the extra-terrestrial.  allow  some  of  the  gas  to

             U.S. reunites nearly 700 kids taken from parents under Trump

             By REBECCA SANTANA          children  were  separated  ment of Health and Human  had  been  separated  from  age  daughter  “still  could
             Associated Press            from their families from 2017  Services.  They  were  then  her  mom  when  she  was  not  understand  how  her
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  to 2021. About 74% of those  typically sent to live with a  13  and  then  reunited  with  mother  would  let  her  be
             Biden  administration  task  have  been  reunited  with  sponsor, often a relative or  her  when  she  was  16.  But  separated.  She  didn’t  un-
             force  designed  to  reunite  their  families:  2,176  before  someone  else  with  a  con-  Mayorkas  said,  the  wom-  derstand the force behind
             children  separated  from  the task force was created  nection to the family.         an  relayed  how  her  teen-  the separation.”q
             their  families  during  Presi-  and 689 afterward.      Hundreds  of  families  have
             dent  Trump’s  presidency  But  that  still  leaves  nearly  sued  the  federal  govern-
             has  reconnected  nearly  1,000  children.  Of  those,  ment.
             700 children with their fami-  148 are in the reunification  Families can register for re-
             lies, officials said Thursday.  process.  The  department  unification services through
             President  Joe  Biden  issued  pledged  to  continue  the  a  website  and  can  get
             an  executive  order  on  his  work  until  all  separated  help with steps such as ap-
             first day in office to reunite  families that can be found  plying for humanitarian pa-
             families  that  were  split  have the opportunity to re-  role that would allow them
             up  under  the  Trump  ad-  unite with their children.   to come to the U.S., as well
             ministration’s  widely  con-  The  Trump  administration  as  for  behavioral  health
             demned  practice  of  forc-  separated  thousands  of  services to help them.
             ibly separating parents and  migrant  parents  from  their  During a meeting Thursday
             children at the U.S.-Mexico  children  as  it  moved  to  with  reporters,  Homeland
             border  to  discourage  ille-  criminally  prosecute  peo-  Security  Secretary  Alejan-
             gal  immigration.  Thursday  ple  for  illegally  crossing  dro  Mayorkas  discussed
             marked  the  two-year  an-  the  southwestern  border.  efforts  to  address  “the    Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas speaks during
             niversary of the task force.  Minors,  who  could  not  be  wounds”  the  separations   a news conference in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023, on
             According  to  figures  re-  held  in  criminal  custody  had caused.                 new border enforcement measures to limit unlawful migration,
             leased by the Department  with  their  parents,  were  He describing meeting the      expand pathways for legal immigration, and increase border
             of Homeland Security, 3,881  transferred  to  the  Depart-  mother of a teenager who                                           Associated Press
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