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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 28 august 2023

            At Japanese nuclear plant, controversial treated

            water release just the beginning of decommissioning

            (AP)  —  At  a  small  section  inside  the  reactors  makes
            of  the  Fukushima  Daiichi  planning  and  develop-
            nuclear    plant's   central  ment  of  the  necessary  ro-
            control  room  in  northeast-  botic  technology  and  a
            ern  Japan,  the  treated  facility  for  the  melted  fuel
            water transfer switch is on.  removal extremely difficult.
            A  graph  on  a  computer  "Removal  of  the  melted
            monitor  nearby  shows  a  fuel debris is not like we can
            steady  decrease  of  water  just  take  it  out  and  be  fin-
            levels  as  treated  radioac-  ished," he said. The project-
            tive  wastewater  is  diluted  ed  decades-long  release
            and  released  into  the  Pa-  of treated water has been
            cific Ocean.                 strongly opposed by fishing
            In  the  coastal  area  of  the  groups  and  criticized  by   In this image made from video, South Korean lawmakers from left,
            plant, two seawater pumps  neighboring countries. Chi-    Kang Eun-mi, Woo Wonshik and Yang Jung-suk, hold placards
            are  in  action,  gushing  tor-  na  immediately  banned   which  reads  "Withdraw  the  discharge  of  the  wastewater  from
                                                                      Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean" during a protest
            rents  of  seawater  through  imports of seafood from Ja-  in  Iwaki,  Fukushima  prefecture,  Sunday,  Aug.  27,  2023.  South
            sky blue pipes into the big  pan  in  response.  In  Seoul,   Korean  lawmakers  attended  a  protest  in  Iwaki  in  Fukushima
            header  where  the  treated  thousands of South Koreans   prefecture against the release of treated radioactive wastewater
            water, which comes down  rallied over the weekend to      from the region's crippled nuclear plant into the ocean.
            through  a  much  thinner  condemn  the  release,  de-                                                  (AP Photo)
            black pipe from the hilltop  manding Japan to keep it  and  TEPCO  say  releasing  CO says it plans to release
            tanks, gets diluted by hun-  in tanks.For the wrecked Fu-  the  water  is  an  unavoid-  31,200 tons of treated wa-
            dreds  of  times  before  the  kushima Daiichi, managing  able step in the decommis-   ter  by  the  end  of  March
            release.  The  sound  of  the  the  ever-growing  volume  sioning of the plant.        2024,  which  would  empty
            treated  and  diluted  radio-  of  radioactive  wastewa-  The March 2011 earthquake  only  10  tanks  out  of  1,000
            active  water  flowing  into  ter held in more than 1,000  and tsunami destroyed the  because  of  the  continued
            an  underground  second-     tanks  has  been  a  safety  plant's   cooling   systems,  production of the radioac-
            ary  pool  was  heard  from  risk and a burden since the  causing  three  reactors  to  tive water.
            beneath the ground during  meltdown in March 2011. Its  melt.  Highly  contaminated  The pace will later pick up
            Sunday's  first  plant  tour  for  release  marks  a  milestone  cooling  water  applied  to  and about 1/3 of the tanks
            media, including The Asso-   for the decommissioning of  the    damaged     reactors  will  be  removed  over  the
            ciated Press, since the con-  the plant, which is expect-  has  leaked  continuously  next  10  years,  freeing  up
            troversial release began.    ed to take decades.          to building basements and  space  for  the  plant's  de-
            "The best way to eliminate  They say the water is treat-  mixed  with  groundwater.  commissioning, said TEPCO
            the contaminated water is  ed and diluted to levels that  The water is collected and  executive  Junichi  Matsu-
            to remove the melted fuel  are safer than international  partly  recycled  as  cooling  moto,  who  is  in  charge  of
            debris,"  said  Tokyo  Electric  standards,  and  so  far,  test  water after treatment, with  the  treated  water  release.
            Power    Company      Hold-  results by TEPCO and gov-    the  rest  stored  in  around  He  says  the  water  would
            ings  spokesperson  Kenichi  ernment  agencies  found  1,000  tanks,  which  are  al-  be released gradually over
            Takahara,  who  escorted  radioactivity  in  seawater  ready  filled  to  98%  of  their  the  span  of  30  years.  But
            Sunday's media tour for the  and fish samples taken af-   1.37 million-ton capacity.   as long as the melted fuel
            foreign press.               ter the release were below  The  release,  which  started  stays  in  the  reactors,  it  re-
            But Takahara said the scar-  detectable levels.           at  the  daily  pace  of  460  quires cooling water under
            city  of  information  from  The Japanese government  tons,  is  moving  slowly.  TEP-  the current prospect.q

            Candidate who lost Guatemala’s presidential

            election files complaint alleging voter fraud

            By SONIA PÉREZ D.            came to exemplify the po-    electoral surprise in the first  by  the  people  through
            Associated Press             litical  establishment  in  a  round  of  the  presidential  vote."
            GUATEMALA  CITY  (AP)  —  country  where  many  peo-      contest, finishing second in  He presented no initial evi-
            The  party  of  former  first  ple have grown tired of en-  a  field  of  22  and  advanc-  dence to journalists to back
            lady Sandra Torres, who lost  demic  corruption,  has  re-  ing  to  the  Aug.  20  runoff  up his claims.
            Guatemala's     presidential  mained silent since her loss  with Torres.               In  comments  to  reporters,
            election  this  week,  filed  a  in  Sunday's  runoff  election  Carlos  López,  a  lawyer  for  López  alleged  that  there
            complaint  Friday  alleging  and has refused to accept  Torres'  National  Unity  of  had  been  duplicate  vote
            fraud in the way the votes  Sunday's results.             Hope party, filed the com-   tallies that called into ques-
            were counted.                While the Supreme Elector-   plaint  on  behalf  of  the  tion  the  country's  vote-
            The  complaint  is  the  latest  al Tribunal recognized pro-  party,  citing  irregularities  counting  system.  Though
            attempt to eradicate com-    gressive  Bernardo  Arévalo  in  the  vote  counting.  The  according an official elec-
            petition  to  Guatemala's  of  the  Seed  Movement  complaint, read by The As-         toral  tribunal,  in  the  164
            political elite in one of the  party  as  the  virtual  winner  sociated  Press,  said  they  voting  stations  called  into
            most  tumultuous  elections  with a significant lead over  amounted  to  "electoral  question,  two  vote  tallies
            in  the  Central  American  Torres, final results have yet  fraud  that  changed  the  – one for presidential elec-
            nation's recent history.     to be made official.         true voting results, violating  tions  and  another  for  mu-
            Torres,  a  candidate  who  Arévalo  emerged  as  the  the  popular  will  expressed  nicipal – were expected. q
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