Page 10 - aruba-today-20230828
P. 10

Monday 28 august 2023 locAl

            Episode XLII: The Watapana tree

                                         used by the whites and na-   permit. Twice and in good
                                         tives to call this fascinating   rainy years three times the
                                         tree.  The  name  Guatapa-   tree will bear. The tree was
                                         na (Spanish spelling) is also   cared  for  to  be  free  from
                                         used  in  certain  regions  of   beetles  and  weevils,  for
                                         Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico    these  pests  would  ruin  a
            ORANJESTAD — Nowadays        and Central America.         harvest.  The  gathering  of
            people  erroneously  call    Pods  where  called  Divi    the  pods  was  the  job  for
            this tree Divi Divi.         Divi, under this name it was   women and children.
                                         brought  on  the  market  in
            For  Aruba  Watapana  was    Caracas, to be shipped to    The whole of Aruba awoke
            a means of living providing   Spain. Today the real local   to fresh activity at harvest-
            many  with  seasonal  work.   name  is  being  replaced   time. Women and children
            The plucking of the Watap-   and forgotten.               went  out  with  sticks  and
            ana-pod and the cutting of                                baskets or gabs to beat the
            the wood, it was very suit-  The  Watapana  grows  al-    pods off the trees and gath-
            able for burning charcoal,   most  anywhere  on  the  is-  er them. They were to hand
            were legally protected.      land  and  the  dried  leaves   in  wat  they  had  gathered
            Possibly the Divi Divi is a na-  and  humus  accumulated   to  the  owner  each  day,
            tive  tree,  but  it  may  also   beneath are much sought   who paid them twenty-five
            have  been  imported  and    after for their soil enriching   Dutch cents for every bag
            grown.  At  any  rate  we    qualities.  Not  in  the  least   containing  slightly  over  20
            know  that  the  Spaniards   this action meager the sur-  kilograms. The pods had to
            on  Curacao  tanned  skins   vival chances of the speci-  be examined in order to re-
            with  the  Divi  Divi-pods.   men.                        move  dirt  and  bits  of  stalk
            Pods  contain  tannic  acid                               as well as unripe fruits, after
            and  gallic  acid.  The  high   This  tree  was  so  important   this  they  were  dried  in  the
            tannin  percentage  of  the   in  the  19th  century  and   sun for a few days.
            ripe  pods  was  known  be-  up  to  1920  that  there  was   The   people   sometimes
            fore 1840. Mostly the tree is   a severe penalty for those   plucked unripe pods, such
            recognizable  at  a  consid-  who  cut  a  single  tree.  On   pods  were  put  into  the
            erable distance by its "wind   lease  grounds  it  was  even   ground  where,  after  some
            form". Not a single species   worse. You needed a spe-    days, they assumed a dark
            of tree has a wind-form as   cial permit by the Lt. Gov-  color  and  looked  some-
            typical  as  that  of  the  Divi   ernor  to  cut  one  and  you   thing like ripe ones though
            Divi.                        better  have  a  very  good   they   hardly   contained   rope  Divi  Divi  was  much
            The  Watapana  is  a  name   reason  to  request  such  a   any  tannin.  Half-ripe  pods,   in  demand  and  tannin
                                                                      pounded  fine  and  boiled,   at  some  places  sold  for
                                                                      yielded  a  pap  sometimes   sixty  to  eighty  guilders  a
                                                                      used  as  a  popular  medi-  ton. One of the best years
                                                                      cine to be applied to open   was 1911, when Aruba ex-
                                                                      sores of animals.            ported  303.000  kilos,  Cura-
                                                                      Aruba  produced  a  con-     cao  652.000  and  Bonaire
                                                                      siderable  part  of  the  total   1.102.000 kilos.
                                                                      Watapana-crops. The prin-    The Watapana meanwhile
                                                                      cipal  market  was  Ham-     has  become  the  official
                                                                      burg  in  Germany.  Divi  Divi   tree  of  Aruba  and  was  so
                                                                      was  used  at  the  tanneries   decreed by the Aruba Par-  do  not  care  to  conserve.
                                                                      on  the  Elbe  River  for  the   liament.  However  many  The economy that this tree
                                                                      preparation of leather that   times  the  not  enforced  once  provided  has  fed
                                                                      was  manufactured  into      laws  concerning  protec-    many families. It is no coin-
                                                                      the  greased  leather  boots   tion   and   conservation  cidence that wherever you
                                                                      of   East-European   farm-   of  natural  resources  and  see aloes the Watapana is
                                                                      ers. However, Aruba never    other  heritages,  gives  the  also  seen.  Both  formed  a
                                                                      shipped  direct,  everything   false  impression  that  we  means  of  income  for  the
                                                                      went  via  Curacao.  In  Eu-                              countryside  during  more
                                                                                                                                than a century.
                                                                                                                                To get to know more about
                                                                                                                                Aruba  and  its  origins,  its
                                                                                                                                animals  and  culture,  we
                                                                                                                                highly  recommend  you  to
                                                                                                                                book  your  visit  for  our  re-
                                                                                                                                nowned cultural encounter
                                                                                                                                session has been entertain-
                                                                                                                                ing curious participants for
                                                                                                                                decades.    Mail  us  at  etni-
                                                                                                                                confirm  your  participation.
                                                                                                                                Our  facilities  and  activities
                                                                                                                                take  place  close  to  high
                                                                                                                                rise hotels.q
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