Page 13 - aruba-today-20230828
P. 13
BUSINESS Monday 28 august 2023
Sam Bankman-Fried's lawyers renew claim that the HEALTH
FTX founder can't prepare for trial behind bars DOCTOR ON DUTY
Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Friday. Tel. 527 4000
In Friday's letter, Everdell
and Cohen wrote that the San Nicolas
four million pages of ma- Imsan 24 hours
terials was turned over to Tel.524 8833
the defense by prosecu- Women in Difficulties
tors on Thursday and it was PHARMACY ON DUTY
expected that the govern- Oranjestad:
ment will "produce millions Sta. Cruz: tel. 585 8028
more pages even at this San Lucas : tel. 584 5119
late stage."
They said Bankman-Fried Women in Difficulties
had been working be- OTHER
tween 80 and 100 hours a Dental Clinic 587 9850
Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
week on his defense be- Urgent Care 586 0448
fore he was jailed, even Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
managing to produce a +297 588 0539
spreadsheet with millions of Women in Difficulties
cells of data. EMERGENCY
The lawyers complained Police 100
that an arrangement al- Oranjestad 527 3140
FILE - FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried leaves Manhattan federal court, June 15, 2023, in New lowing Bankman-Fried to Noord 527 3200
York. Lawyers for Bankman-Fried said Friday, Aug. 25, that prosecutors have delivered another be brought to the Manhat- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
four million pages of documents for the FTX founder to examine six weeks before trial, making it tan federal courthouse two San Nicolas 584 5000
impossible for the former cryptocurrency executive to adequately review the evidence for an Police Tipline 11141
October trial from behind bars. days a week for computer Ambulancia 911
(AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews, File) access is inadequate, in Fire Dept. 115
part because the laptop Red Cross 582 2219
By LARRY NEUMEISTER was brought to the United over of millions of pages of he is provided has limited
Associated Press States from the Bahamas in documents has violated battery life and no power TAXI SERVICES
NEW YORK (AP) — Lawyers December. his Sixth Amendment rights, outlet in his cell block to Taxi Tas 587 5900
for Sam Bankman-Fried His lawyers appealed the including the right to know charge it.q Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Taxi D.T.S.
587 2300
said Friday that prosecu- ruling to jail him to the the evidence against him. Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
tors have delivered an- 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of "We do not believe that A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
other four million pages Appeals. And earlier this anything short of tempo- Women in Difficulties
of documents for the FTX week, they complained rary release will properly TRAVEL INFO
founder to examine six at a hearing that he has address these problems
weeks before trial, making had to survive at a Brook- and safeguard Mr. Bank- Aruba Airport 524 2424
it impossible for the former lyn lockup on bread, wa- man-Fried's right to partici- American Airlines 582 2700
cryptocurrency executive ter and peanut butter be- pate in his own defense," Avianca 588 0059
588 2244
Jet Blue
to adequately review the cause they won't provide the lawyers wrote. Surinam 582 7896
evidence for an October him with vegan food. Bankman-Fried has plead- Women in Difficulties
trial from behind bars. They said the jail condi- ed not guilty to charges AID FOUNDATIONS
Bankman-Fried lost the tions, his limited access to including wire fraud and
right to remain free on bail computers and the evi- conspiracy. FAVI- Visually Impaired
when a judge decided two dence against him, and A spokesperson for prose- Tel. 582 5051
weeks ago that the fallen the government's late turn- cutors declined comment Alcoholics Anonymous
cryptocurrency wiz had re- Tel. 736 2952
peatedly tried to influence Narcotics Anonymous
witnesses against him. Pros- Tel. 583 8989
ecutors say he intentionally Fundacion Contra Violencia
Relacional Tel. 583 5400
deceived customers and Centre for Diabetes
investors to enrich himself Tel. 524 8888
and others, while playing a Child Abuse Prevention
central role in the compa- Tel. 582 4433
ny's multibillion-dollar col- Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
lapse after the equivalent Women in Difficulties
of a bank run. General Info
In a letter to U.S. District Phone Directory Tel. 118
Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, at-
torneys Christian Everdell
and Mark Cohen re-
newed their request for the
31-year-old to be freed so
he can adequately pre-
pare for his Oct. 3 trial.
He'd been living with his
parents in Palo Alto, Cali-
fornia, under the terms of
a $250 million bail deal
that was in place since he