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P. 12

                    Monday 28 august 2023

                                                                      Broadband subsidy program that

                                                                      millions use will expire next year if

                                                                      Congress doesn't act

                                                                      By KAVISH HARJAI
                                                                      Associated Press
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  One
                                                                      of  the  features  that  Presi-
                                                                      dent Joe Biden cited in his
                                                                      plan to bring internet to ev-
                                                                      ery  home  and  business  in
                                                                      the  United  States  by  2030
                                                                      was  affordability.  But  an
                                                                      important federal program
                                                                      established to keep broad-
                                                                      band  costs  down  for  low-
                                                                      income households is set to
                                                                      expire next year.
                                                                      The  Affordable  Connec-     Kimberlyn Barton-Reyes, who is paraplegic and visually impaired,
                                                                      tivity  Program  has  not    poses for a photo at a rehabilitation center, Wednesday, Aug.
                                                                      reached  everyone  who  is   23,  2023,  in  Austin,  Texas.  For  Barton-Reyes,  the  Affordable
                                                                                                   Connectivity Program is a lifeline and its one-time allocation of
                                                                      eligible.  According  to  an   $14.2 billion is projected to run out by the middle of 2024. That
                                                                      Associated  Press  analysis   could end access to affordable broadband for her and more
                                                                      of  enrollment  and  census   than 20 million households.
                                                                      data, less than than 40% of                                        (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
                                                                      eligible  households  have
                                                                      utilized the program, which  from  the  Affordable  Con-  Secretary Tom Vilsack said
                                                                      provides  monthly  subsidies  nectivity  Program.  Barton-  the  program  has  already
                                                                      of $30, and in some cases,  Reyes, who said an autoim-    proved itself.
                                                                      up  to  $75,  to  help  pay  for  mune  issue  damaged  her   "The  Affordable  Connec-
                                                                      internet connections.        vision, is working to get oth-  tivity  Program,  the  popu-
                                                                      Still, the program has been  er  eligible  Austin  residents   larity of it, I think, is the kind
                                                                      a lifeline for Kimberlyn Bar-  signed up, too.            of  thing  that  will  create
                                                                      ton-Reyes, who is paraple-   But  the  program's  future   the  political-level  support
                                                                      gic  and  visually  impaired.  is  uncertain.  Its  primary   necessary  for  Congress  to
                                                                      Barton-Reyes did not have  source  of  funding,  a  $14.2   see that this is, at the end
                                                                      to wait for an in-person ap-  billion allocation, is project-  of  the  day,  an  appropri-
                                                                      pointment when a seizure-    ed to run out by the middle   ate utilization of resources,"
                                                                      alert  system  disconnected  of 2024. That could end ac-  Vilsack  said  on  a  recent
                                                                      from  her  electric  wheel-  cess  to  affordable  broad-  media  call  announcing
                                                                      chair in November.           band for millions of people   new grants to bolster rural
                                                                      The  company  that  servic-  and  hinder  the  Biden  ad-  broadband.
                                                                      es  her  chair  assessed  the  ministration's  push  to  bring   Advocates  say  letting  the
                                                                      problem remotely, ordered  connectivity to the people     program     expire   could
                                                                      the parts she needed and  who need it most.               damage the already tenu-
                                                                      got the chair fixed quickly.  "ACP is the best tool we've   ous  relationship  between
                                                                      "Most people are like 'Inter-  ever had to help people af-  consumers  and  internet
                                                                      net  is  not  a  basic  need,'"  ford broadband," said Drew   service providers just as the
                                                                      said  Barton-Reyes,  who  Garner,  broadband  policy      nation embarks on an am-
                                                                      lives in Austin, Texas. "It ab-  advisor for Common Sense   bitious plan to expand ac-
                                                                      solutely is for me."         Media.  Advocacy  groups     cess nationally.
                                                                      Barton-Reyes  relies  on  So-  are  pushing  Congress  to   Biden announced plans in
                                                                      cial Security disability insur-  extend the program. Enroll-  June to distribute $42.5 bil-
                                                                      ance for her income while  ment  in  approximately  30    lion  to  ensure  broadband
                                                                      she  takes  part  in  a  voca-  states  lags  behind  the  na-  access for every U.S. home
                                                                      tional  program  for  adults  tional  average.  Louisiana   and  business.  But  inter-
                                                                      who are newly blind. She is  and  Ohio  have  enrolled    net  service  providers  that
                                                                      able to pay for her internet  more  than  half  of  all  eligi-  bid  on  state  contracts  will
                                                                      connection  with  an  assist  ble households. Agriculture   want to be sure they have
                                                                                                                                Lawmakers from both par-
                                                                                                                                ties,  as  well  as  the  White
                                                                                                                                House,  support  the  pro-
                                                                                                                                gram.  Affordable  internet
                                                                                                                                was listed as a priority in an
                                                                                                                                Aug. 10 letter from Biden's
                                                                                                                                budget director, Shalanda
                                                                                                                                Young,  to  House  Speaker
                                                                                                                                Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
                                                                                                                                Participation also straddles
                                                                                                                                the political divide.q
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