Page 23 - min.vos 13jan,2016
P. 23


LOCALWednesday 13 January 2016

In Relation to the Caribbean Region;

   Experts Emphasize Integration’s Potential as a Driver of Development

-During a seminar at         dressed.                     for growth with equality, as  nations agreed while gath-      the creation of the SICA
ECLAC, the lessons and       ORANJESTAD/SANTIAGO -        well as a necessary instru-   ered at the headquarters        in 1991. With 56 million in-
challenges of the integra-   Integration is a basic com-  ment to promote countries’    of the Economic Commis-         habitants in its eight mem-
tion process carried out in  ponent of productive trans-  development, authorities      sion for Latin America and      ber countries, the SICA has
Central America were ad-     formation and of strategies  and experts from various      the Caribbean (ECLAC) in        become a strategic con-
                                                                                        Santiago, Chile, during a       tact point with other blocs,
                                                                                        high-level seminar recently.    such as the Organization of
                                                                                        At the gathering entitled       American States (OAS) and
                                                                                        “The Potential of the Cen-      the Caribbean Community
                                                                                        tral American Integra-          (CARICOM), among oth-
                                                                                        tion System (SICA) in Latin     ers, he highlighted.
                                                                                        America and the Caribbe-        Alberto Cortés stressed the
                                                                                        an,” participants analyzed      importance of the environ-
                                                                                        the lessons and challenges      mental variable in all Cen-
                                                                                        that the Central American       tral American projects and
                                                                                        integration experience has      enumerated the challeng-
                                                                                        provided to the rest of the     es that must be addressed,
                                                                                        Latin American and Carib-       such as the weakening of
                                                                                        bean region.                    the public sector and of the
                                                                                        The seminar was inaugurat-      State’s regulatory capacity
                                                                                        ed by Hugo Beteta, Direc-       as well as problems related
                                                                                        tor of ECLAC’s Subregional      to transparency, corruption
                                                                                        Headquarters in Mexico,         and safety that recently
                                                                                        who welcomed those in           surfaced and have under-
                                                                                        attendance on behalf of         mined the credibility of in-
                                                                                        the institution’s Executive     stitutions.
                                                                                        Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.      “This is a critical time to re-
                                                                                        Also present at the open-       think what can be done
                                                                                        ing session were Vinicio        with integration so that it
                                                                                        Cerezo, former President of     truly fuels economic growth
                                                                                        Guatemala and President         in the region,” the CABEI
                                                                                        of the Esquipulas Founda-       representative stated.
                                                                                        tion; Víctor Manuel Valle, El   In his speech, former Gua-
                                                                                        Salvador’s Ambassador to        temalan President Vinicio
                                                                                        Chile in its role as holder of  Cerezo explained how the
                                                                                        the SICA pro tempore presi-     Central American peace
                                                                                        dency; and Alberto Cortés,      process allowed for a re-
                                                                                        Director for Costa Rica of      gional political decision—
                                                                                        the Central American Bank       “to put an end to the do-
                                                                                        for Economic Integration        mestic armed conflict”—
                                                                                        (CABEI).                        transformed into a relevant
                                                                                        In his speech, Hugo Beteta      institution for all of Central
                                                                                        presented an overview of        America’s inhabitants: the
                                                                                        the current economic and        SICA. In this sense, the Es-
                                                                                        social situation in Central     quipulas Agreements pro-
                                                                                        America, which is marked        vide important lessons for
                                                                                        by vulnerability to external    the whole region, he said.
                                                                                        shocks. He reminded that        He also underscored the
                                                                                        even though 4% growth           importance of “Latin Amer-
                                                                                        was expected for 2015, the      ica’s Internal Sea,” the Ca-
                                                                                        social challenges continue      ribbean Sea, in the config-
                                                                                        to be imposing, consider-       uration of large trade blocs
                                                                                        ing that one in every two       in the world.
                                                                                        Central Americans is poor       “The story of the end of do-
                                                                                        and one in every four is in-    mestic armed conflicts in
                                                                                        digent.                         Central America is a good
                                                                                        “Integration must have a        example of how integra-
                                                                                        substantial role if we want     tion can work. We have
                                                                                        the region to have its own      legal and representative
                                                                                        voice on the world stage.       institutions, and a develop-
                                                                                        In that sense, the road tra-    ment bank. All of this could
                                                                                        versed by Central America       constitute a new develop-
                                                                                        offers very important les-      ment model for the region
                                                                                        sons,” Beteta said.             (…) The potential that we
                                                                                        Ambassador Valle made           Latin Americans have in
                                                                                        a presentation in which         terms of taking action to-
                                                                                        he reviewed the main            gether is truly impressive,”
                                                                                        milestones of the Central       Cerezo said.
                                                                                        American integration pro-       More information at www.
                                                                                        cess, which culminated in
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