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                  Thursday 12 March 2020

            WHO declares virus crisis a pandemic

            Continued from Front         Underscoring the mounting  economic shocks from the
                                         challenge: The case count  coronavirus, its latest efforts
            The WHO said Iran and Italy  outside  China  has  multi-  to adjust to the fast-evolv-
            are  the  new  front  lines  of  plied  13-fold  over  the  last  ing  crisis  that  silenced  the
            the battle against the virus  two weeks to over 118,000,  usually bustling heart of the
            that started in China.       with  the  disease  now  re-  Catholic  faith,  St.  Peter's
            "They're suffering but I guar-  sponsible  for  nearly  4,291  Square.
            antee  you  other  countries  deaths, WHO said.           In  Iran,  by  far  the  hardest-
            will  be  in  that  situation  With  officials  saying  that  hit  country  in  the  Middle
            soon,"  said  Dr.  Mike  Ryan,  Europe  has  become  the  East,  the  senior  vice  presi-
            the  WHO's  emergencies  new  epicenter,  Italy's  cas-   dent  and  two  other  Cabi-
            chief.                       es soared again, to 12,462  net ministers were reported
            He  added  that  the  agen-  infections  and  827  deaths  to  have  been  diagnosed
            cy  thought  long  and  hard  — numbers second only to  with  COVID-19,  the  illness   The  cruise  ship  Aidamar  is  docked  at  the  Port  of  Zeebrugge,
            about  labeling  the  crisis  a  China.                   caused  by  the  virus.  Iran   Belgium, Wednesday, March 11, 2020.   Associated Press
            pandemic  —  meaning  a  "If you want to be blunt, Eu-    reported  another  jump  in
            new virus causing sustained  rope is the new China," said  deaths, by 62 to 354 — be-  Tuesday.  Lombardy  wants  come  at  the  expense  of
            outbreaks  in  multiple  re-  Robert  Redfield,  the  head  hind only China and Italy.   to  shut  down  nonessen-  civil  liberties,  suggesting
            gions of the world.          of  the  U.S.  Centers  for  Dis-  In  Italy,  Premier  Giuseppe   tial businesses and reduce  that  that  Italy  is  unlikely
            The  risk  of  employing  the  ease  Control  and  Preven-  Conte said he would con-   public transportation.       to  adopt  the  draconian
            term,  Ryan  said,  is  "if  peo-  tion.                  sider  requests  from  Lom-  These  measures  would  be  quarantine  measures  that
            ple  use  it  as  an  excuse  to  Italy   weighed   imposing  bardy,  Italy's  hardest-hit   on top of travel and social  helped  China  push  down
            give up."                    even  tighter  restrictions  on  region,  to  toughen  the  al-  restrictions  that  imposed  new  infections  from  thou-
            But the benefit is "potential-  daily  life  and  announced  ready  extraordinary  anti-  an eerie hush on cities and  sands  per  day  to  a  trickle
            ly of galvanizing the world  billions  in  financial  relief  virus  lockdown  that  was   towns  across  the  country.  now and allowed its manu-
            to fight."                   Wednesday     to   cushion  extended        nationwide    Police  enforced  rules  that  facturers to restart produc-
                                                                                                   customers  stay  1  meter  (3  tion lines.
                                                                                                   feet)  apart  and  ensured  China's  new  worry  is  that
                                                                                                   that businesses closed by 6  the  coronavirus  could  re-
                                                                                                   p.m.                         enter  from  abroad.  Bei-
                                                                                                   Milan  shopkeeper  Claudia  jing's  city  government  an-
                                                                                                   Sabbatini said she favored  nounced  that  all  overseas
                                                                                                   the stricter measures. Rath-  visitors  will  be  quarantined
                                                                                                   er than risk customers pos-  for  14  days.  Of  24  new
                                                                                                   sibly  infecting  each  other  cases that China reported
                                                                                                   in  her  children's  clothing  Wednesday,  five  arrived
                                                                                                   store, she closed it.        from  Italy  and  one  from
                                                                                                   "I  cannot  have  people  the  United  States.  China
                                                                                                   standing  at  a  distance.  has  had  over  81,000  virus
                                                                                                   Children  must  try  on  the  infections  and  over  3,000
                                                                                                   clothes. We have to know  deaths.
                                                                                                   if they will fit,'' she said.   For  most,  the  coronavirus
                                                                                                   Still,  the  effectiveness  of  causes  only  mild  or  mod-
                                                                                                   such measures as travel re-  erate  symptoms,  such  as
                                                                                                   strictions  and  quarantines  fever and cough. But for a
                                                                                                   will likely drop substantially  few, especially older adults
                                                                                                   and  be  called  into  ques-  and  people  with  existing
                                                                                                   tion  as  COVID-19  spreads  health  problems,  it  can
                                                                                                   globally,  making  it  impos-  cause  more  severe  illness-
                                                                                                   sible  for  countries  to  keep  es,  including  pneumonia.
                                                                                                   the  virus  out.  Health  offi-  More than 121,000 people
                                                                                                   cials  will  also  need  to  be  have been infected world-
                                                                                                   more  flexible  in  their  coor-  wide and over 4,300 have
                                                                                                   dinated  response  efforts,  died.
                                                                                                   as the epicenters are likely  But  most  people  recover.
                                                                                                   to shift quickly and dramat-  People  with  mild  illness  re-
                                                                                                   ically — as the recent erup-  cover in about two weeks,
                                                                                                   tions in Iran and Italy have  while  those  with  more  se-
                                                                                                   demonstrated.                vere illness may take three
                                                                                                   Conte  emphasized  fight-    to six weeks to recover, the
                                                                                                   ing  the  outbreak  must  not  WHO says.q
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