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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 12 March 2020

            Congress acts to limit Trump on military action in Iran

            By MATTHEW DALY                                                                                                     Kaine  added.  "If  President
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Trump  is  serious  about  his
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Defy-                                                                                             promise  to  stop  endless
            ing a veto threat, Congress                                                                                         wars, he will sign this resolu-
            has approved a bipartisan                                                                                           tion into law."
            measure  to  limit  President                                                                                       In  a  statement  of  admin-
            Donald Trump's authority to                                                                                         istration  policy,  the  White
            launch  military  operations                                                                                        House  said  the  resolution
            against Iran.                                                                                                       should  be  rejected  "be-
            The  House  gave  final  leg-                                                                                       cause  it  attempts  to  hin-
            islative  approval  to  the                                                                                         der  the  president's  ability
            measure Wednesday, 227-                                                                                             to  protect"  U.S.  diplomats,
            186,  sending  it  to  Trump.                                                                                       forces,  allies  and  partners,
            The  president  has  prom-                                                                                          including  Israel,  from  the
            ised  to  veto  the  war  pow-                                                                                      continued threat posed by
            ers resolution, warning that                                                                                        Iran and its proxies, includ-
            if his "hands were tied, Iran                                                                                       ing  militia  groups  and  for-
            would have a field day."                                                                                            eign fighters in Syria.
            The  resolution,  sponsored                                                                                         "Iran  has  a  long  history  of
            by  Sen.  Tim  Kaine,  D-Va.,                                                                                       attacking  United  States
            declares  that  Trump  must                                                                                         and  coalition  forces  both
            win  approval  from  Con-                                                                                           directly  and  through  its
            gress   before   engaging                                                                                           proxies,"  the  White  House
            in  further  military  action   House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., left, and ranking member Rep.   said,  adding  the  congres-
            against Iran. Kaine and oth-  Michael McCaul, R-Texas, talk during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in Washington,   sional resolution could hin-
                                         Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo testifies.
            er supporters say the mea-                                                                         Associated Press  der  Trump's  ability  to  pro-
            sure  is  not  about  Trump  or                                                                                     tect  U.S.  forces  and  inter-
            even  the  presidency,  but  told  House  members  dur-   tions  on  U.S.  involvement   vent the president from de-  ests in the region.
            instead  is  an  important  re-  ing  floor  debate  Wednes-  with  the  Saudi-led  war  in   fending  the  United  States  "This  joint  resolution  is  un-
            assertion  of  congressional  day. "It's our responsibility to  Yemen last year after U.S.-  against  imminent  attack,''  timely  and  misguided.  Its
            power to declare war.        do something, because we  based       journalist   Jamal   but instead "demands that  adoption     by   Congress
            Six  Republicans  joined  220  know  the  tensions  could  Khashoggi  was  killed  in  a   the decision of whether or  could  undermine  the  abil-
            Democrats  and  indepen-     flare  up  again  at  a  mo-  gruesome murder at Saudi    not we go on offense and  ity  of  the  United  States  to
            dent  Rep.  Justin  Amash  of  ment's notice. Iran has not  Arabia's  consulate  in  Tur-  send our troops into harm's  protect  American  citizens
            Michigan  to  support  the  been  deterred  as  the  ad-  key.                         way should only be made  whom  Iran  continues  to
            measure.  Six  Democrats  ministration promised.''        Trump  promptly  vetoed      after  serious  deliberation  seek  to  harm,''  the  White
            and  180  Republicans  op-   Texas  Rep.  Michael  Mc-    that measure.                and  a  vote  of  Congress,''  House said. q
            posed it. In the Senate last  Caul,  the  top  Republican  The Democratic-controlled
            month,  eight  Republicans  on the Foreign Affairs Com-   House  passed  a  sepa-
            backed the resolution.       mittee, called the war pow-  rate, nonbinding resolution
            The resolution "sends a clear  ers measure "divisive and ir-  on  Iran  in  January,  a  few
            message  that  the  Ameri-   responsible" and based on  weeks  before  the  Senate
            can people don't want war  a false premise.               approved  Kaine's  resolu-
            with Iran and that Congress  "It  orders  the  president  to  tion. Two-thirds votes in the
            has not authorized war with  terminate hostilities against  House  and  the  GOP-run
            Iran,'' said Rep. Eliot Engel,  Iran. The problem is, for the  Senate  would  be  needed
            D-N.Y.,  chairman  of  the  other side, we are not en-    to  override  an  expected
            House Foreign Affairs Com-   gaged in hostilities in Iran,''  Trump veto.
            mittee.                      McCaul said.                 Kaine  hailed  the  House
            While  tensions  with  Iran  If the U.S. military launches  vote.
            have  abated  since  a  U.S.  strikes in Iran, "I believe that  "For  years,  Congress  has
            drone strike that killed Iran's  the  president  would  need  abdicated  its  responsibil-
            top  general  in  early  Janu-  to  come  before  this  body  ity  on  matters  of  war,  but
            ary,  the  resolution  clarify-  to ask for a new authoriza-  now a bipartisan majority in
            ing Congress' power to de-   tion"  for  the  use  of  force,  both the Senate and House
            clare  war  is  still  important,  McCaul  said.  "But  that  is  has  made  clear  that  we
            Engel said.                  not what we are facing.''    shouldn't  be  engaged  in
            "Congress  doesn't  have  The  House  vote  marked  a  hostilities with Iran without a
            to  wait  until  the  president  rare  exertion  of  authority  vote of Congress,'' he said
            alone  decides  to  use  mili-  from  Congress,  which  also  in a statement.
            tary  force  again,''  Engel  moved  to  impose  restric-  The legislation "doesn't pre-
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